Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1485950-MUST-READ-THIRD--Half-a-Nice-Life
by Birdie
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #1485950
Just four more sections even, please review. Thanks
Okay, now since you have read the other parts, I got so many good ideas, I just had to write the ending beofre the middle. So these next four paragraphs are from the very end. Enjoy! (And remember to make sure and have read the others before this or it wont make sense)

PART ONE: The feelings inside of me right now are unexplainable. Everything else is completely blocked out of my mind except for two things. Paul and Megan. Jackson just stares out of the window bored, I am anything but that!
         Finally (the dad) pulls up in front of the huge building that I know so well as my home. Just as the cars pulls to a stop, I fling open my door and jump down onto the gravel. Now the feelings inside of me are getting stronger. I try to tell myself just a few more minutes. . .but nothing calms.
         “Thanks,” I mutter and Jackson and I walk inside.
         Nothing has changed. As we enter the lobby, the chairs off to the left and the crappy tables that barely stand are still there. The front desk is at the very back of the room, but with a new girl. This makes me sort of sad, Chelst and I had gotten to know each other pretty good. But nothing can dampen my mood. Not even if a tornado came, a hurricane. I am invincible.
         “Chase,” Jackson jogs up to my side and tries to keep going my pace. “We will stay in the same room right?”
         “Of course, Jack. Don’t worry,” I glance down at him with trustful eyes. “I can’t leave you anymore. Think of this as a vacation. Nothing can go wrong.”
         He nods, but doesn’t smile. Something is bothering him. For some reason I don’t ask, maybe because I don’t want anything to put a hold up on my great mood.
         The new receptionist asks for our names and calls Madame Lesler down to come greet us. The one person I don’t want to see. The one woman who has made my life so much more horrible. The one woman who made me cry myself to sleep, made me regretful. And now, here I am about to face her all over again.
         Jackson and I wait nervously in the uncomfortable chairs for her to come and get us. We hear quite footsteps echo down the hall. At the same exact time, Jack and I both turn our heads to see. There she is. Same looking as ever.
         Madame Lesler hustles over to us and gives quick hugs. I try to hold my breathe so I don’t have to breathe in her smoke. Yuck!
         “Well haven’t you boys grown up so much! Chase, you are looking better. But it is great to have you both back here.”
         My eyes don’t come in contact with hers. How can they? I can barely even stand being around her, plus her cheery mood doesn’t help.
         “It’s great to be back,” Jackson mutters, feeling much the same as I do.
         “Of course.” She tightens her lips together and nods. “So, shall I show you gentlemen your rooms now? No need to feel uncomfortable. Follow me, please.”
         Nothing else is said now. We walk past the halls that I played in for all my life. So many memories flood my mind, it makes me sick. In a good way. These memories are good along with the bad and sad ones. Playing football, and sliding rug. A tiny smile creeps up onto my lips. Jackson looks up at me confused at my silent joke.
         After climbing several flights of stairs, going through many hallways, finally Madame Lesler leads me and Jack to a part that I have never been too. A sign hangs above the door reading: guests only. That would explain why I have never seen it.
         But as we walk through the silent halls, something seems different. Now I think about what I just said in my mind. Silent. Why is everything so quiet? Never once in my entire life living here has it ever been silent. Maybe quite. . .
         Reading my mind obviously, Madame Lesler opens a door with a key and smiles. “You wont have to worry about noisy kids in this part of the building. It is all sound proof. Everybody is in classes anyways.”
         “Oh,” I say. Of course. They don’t have Christmas Break here. “What time do classes get done?”
         “In an hour.”
         Then she turns and heads down the long hall by herself. I quickly close the door, and turn to face the room. Along each wall are two long beds with a blue comforter. A window is on the wall in between the beds, along with two night stands beside each of them too. At the foot of each bed are two desks with nothing on them.
         I let out a sigh and throw my bag onto the bed. These aren’t near as hard as my others have been, but also not near as comfortable as      Aunt’s.
         Jackson and I don’t speak much while we both unpack. We tell each other who will be the first people we are going to see, and that we probably wont see each other very much during the day.
         After I am unpacked, I go to the bathroom that is inside of our suite and spike the front part of my hair up and smooth the back down. Then I brush my teeth and put on some cologne. The butterflies are coming back.
         “Bye, Jack. I’m going. Paul and Megan should both be getting out of history right now.”
         “Yea, I am going to meet up with Peter. See you around.”
         It is weird how I remember my way around, the schedules too. Everything about this place is still fresh in my mind. Like I had never left.
         As anxious as I am, I get there a little early. So I stand outside of the door against the hall, waiting for her to shoot out. What will I say? Do I hug or kiss her? Or not any of that? Before I can make up my mind, the door opens and out spills everybody.
         She defiantly stands out from everybody. Oh my, has she gotten prettier? As she turns towards the hall where I’m standing, I catch a glimpse of her face. It isn’t the happy cheerful Megan anymore. Big bags lay under each eye and her lips aren’t smiling.
         I don’t think I have ever felt any worse then I do right now. Not after seeing her sad face, knowing what I have done. She doesn’t see me right away, but as she walks by, I tug on her shirt and pull her against the wall. I turn her around so her back is against the wall and I’m leaning against her. My arms securely around her waist.
         For the first half second, her face is filled with horror. But once she realizes who I am, tears are already coming. No words come out, but she digs her face into my chest and wraps her arms around my neck. Then she sobs. I don’t know why, but I only stand there. Holding her in my arms. Finally.
         “You’re here,” she mumbles, her words smothered together from her face being in my shirt.
         “With you,” I whisper back. She looks up at me with the prettiest eyes I will ever see. No other girl can compete with her ever. At least in my book. MY dad was right, once I fall in love, no other girls can ever match up. I am most defantly in love.
         She leans her head on my chest and tries to slow her breathing. I kiss her head, then I hold her face in my hands and kiss her softly.
         “Megan, I have missed you unbelievably bad.”
         She stares at me, now the tears are coming back. “Oh Chase, I haven’t. . .been the same. Not without you. W-when you left, I was so dumbstruck that you were actually gone. I never got to say that. . .well. I never got to say that I loved you too.”
         My heart does back flips. No, it does ten back flips. “You didn’t need to Megan. I knew exactly how you felt. That is why I didn’t let you have the chance to tell me. Hearing you say those words would have hurt me too bad to leave you. Even though I didn’t have a choice.”
         Enough talking for us. Megan leans against me, face in my chest, and we stand there rocking back and forth hugging. Kids pass by asking, who’s the new guy. Of course nobody recognizes me, I look completely  different.
         I take Megan outside, my arm around her waist so tightly that I hope I’m not choking her. She doesn’t seem to mind. Actually, she is just as clingy to me.
         We sit down in our grass. The place my dreams have been taking me for months. Just as we sit down, much to my surprise, Megan forces her lips aggressively at mine. I don’t pull back, so we kiss each other like it is the end of the world.
         “I bet you want to see every one else, huh?” her voice interrupts.
         “Megan,” I growl playfully. “Seeing everyone else isn’t a priority right now. I am with the one I wanted to see the most.”
         Then her giggle fills my ears, a beautiful noise; it is what I have been waiting to hear every since I have left. We lay beside each other, our fingers intertwined. Then I roll over and stroke her cheeks softly.
         “I missed you,” I whisper.
         Her cheeks turn pink, but not from embarrassment. “Chase?”
         “What is it?” I sit up, suddenly alert.
         “Please don’t leave  me again.”
         “You know I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to, honey. I would never say goodbye if I had a choice.” As I soothe her, I try to push the constant nudge that reminds me: I do have a choice. It is my decision.
         Her bottom lip trembles. I touch it softly, and then kiss it. She leans into me. The memory of me in the attic, realizing how I had to lose something either way. I remember how confused I was, and how painful it was to decide. Now I am just wondering if I chose the right choice?

PART TWO: All of our stomachs hurt, and I miss Megan. Seeing her and spending time with her again, makes it harder to stay away. She is an addiction.  Paul and Shack go to lunch, but I head back to my room to see if Jackson is there.
         As I open the door, a good smell fills my nose, which only makes my stomach growl at me more. Jackson is laid out on his bed with food all around him.
         “Hey Chase, they deliver. Cool huh?” His high voice sounds weird to my ears, since all my friends have such low ones.
         “Yeah, it’s awesome!”
         I join him on the bed and open a bag of chips. While crunching on them noisily, my eyes scan over the rest of the food. Hamburgers, two hotdogs, a bag of cookies, a fruit basket, and some juice boxes.
         “Well gee, did you order it all?” I smile at him and reach for the hot dog.
         “I thought we could save some for later, my friends might like some real food.” He laughs and crams his mouth full. I notice a change in him, a much brighter look to his eyes.
         Once I eat two apples, a full juice box, a hamburger, and a hot dog, my stomach is so full I can barely even stand. Jackson feels the same way.
         “How was it? Seeing everybody again?” I ask, laying back on the bed.
         “Unbelievable. It is so much different here.” His voice trails off deep in thought. But to me it sounds a lot like he misses it.
         As evening comes around, I help put away our supper in some bags a maid dropped by. Then I take a quick shower.
         “What are you getting so ready for?” Jackson asks me as I pull on some khaki slacks and a black button up shirt.
         I run my fingers through my wet hair and open the door. “I’m going to see Megan for awhile. Don’t wait up for me or anything tonight.”
         Everybody is settling down now. As I enter the teenage girls’ halls, only a few race in their room with towels wrapped around their wet hair. My friends are probably looking for me; I haven’t shown up anywhere for at least two hours.
         Standing in front of Megan’s door brings back so many old memories. My hand shakily taps on the door. Why am I so nervous? Maybe for the fact that Megan and I will actually get to talk for the first time? A real conversation.
         Nobody comes at the first two knocks. I tap on it once more, and just as my hand is lowering, the door opens, revealing Megan. Her dark hair is wavy falling around her shoulders. She is wearing some makeup around her eyes and some shiny lip stick.
         Our eyes lock, but neither of us say anything. All though she is fighting it, I can see a smile creeping on her lips. So of course, one appears on mine too.
         I hold open my arms and she falls into them.
         “I don’t want to talk here,” I whisper in her ear while we are still hugging.
         “Lead the way.”
         All though it is about eight, kids are still scattered casually around. Mostly teens though. They watch us as we walk past them. So many whispers. I just ignore them and walk out the front doors to outside. I go around to the soccer field, but past there to the garden.
         Megan keeps looking at me. When I stop, she sighs and lets go of my hand. I watch her carefully.
         “What’s wrong Megan?” The question is stupid, no doubt. But we have to start somewhere.
         When she turns to me, her face shadowed from the night time. But I can see the sad in her eyes. It isn’t hard to miss.
         “Why did you bring me here?”
         Now I sigh and slowly walk over to her. “Because, you and me have to do something about all of this. I can not stand watching you mope around by yourself. I wont have you being sad all the time.” My finger traces the outside of her lips.
         Megan turns her face away from mine and stares up at the sky. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
         “We need to talk about this.”
         Using my hands, I pull her face so it faces mine. I inch closer and drop my hands to wrap around hers; our fingers intertwine with each other.
         “Its hard being around you, knowing that you are going to be gone so soon. But I hate not being with you. I can’t help but be sad, with or without you.”
         I groan. Those words are only to true.
         I look up down at her. The look on her soft face frightens me. It is all twisted, like she is in pain; tears are spilling out.
         “We”- suddenly she takes in a deep choppy breathe, lets go of my hands and looks away. “I don’t love you.”
         “What?” I ask incredulously.
         She cries so hard that her body shakes. I try to comfort her, but she pulls away. “I don’t love you, and you don’t love me. So we kiss a few times and start to hang out. That doesn’t mean anything.” Megan wipes away her tears with the backside of her hand. “We can’t see each other now, maybe not ever again after this week.”
         “You think just because I kiss you and hug you, is the reason why I tell you I love you?” I ask hatefully, not trying to be angry at her. “That’s not it at all. I love you because you make me so incredibly happy. I think about you before I fall asleep and right when I wake up. We have fun together all the time.” What is she trying to say anyways?
         “So!” she blurts out, almost in hysterics. “We did that before we even started dating, just not any of he physical stuff.” Wrapping her arms around herself, she finally looks at me with the saddest look I will ever see on somebody. “You are leaving me Chase. If you”- but she stops suddenly, obviously changing her mind. Too late, I know exactly what words were about to come out.
         “What is it Megan? You think that if I really loved you, I would stay? Is that it?!” My voice rises and I am glad we are by ourselves. “Well what about the love for my little brother, Megan? I can’t leave him, not all on his own. That has nothing to do with it, and I thought you of all people would understand!”
         Our eyes stay on each other, neither of us speaking. “I’m sorry,” she finally says.
         “Nothing you say will ever make me love you less,” I whisper softly, fighting by the tears hat want to fall. I press my lips against her forehead and hold them there, Megan lets me and closes her eyes. When they open, tears are still in them, but she takes my hand and drops it at my side, and turns and walks away.
         I speechlessly stare after her. Then I begin walking back myself. It seems so much longer. The trees don’t sway, the stars don’t shine as bright, and every step the grass underneath me seems to sting through my shoes. I’m trying to fight back the tears, but it is very hard because Megan and I are done; I truly did love her.
         The words are true what she said, I keep telling myself. I am leaving her, but I want to stay so bad.
         Nobody is inside the halls anymore. It is pure quiet. As I walk by the girls hallway, one tear does fall. Because of all the memories I have ever had, the best ones are the ones I had with Megan. All the piggy back rides I have given her racing up and down the hall. How many times we have hugged and kissed outside her door.
         But all of it has got to be put behind me some how. I can’t think about her for the rest of my life. She’s just a girl. All though I tell myself this the entire way to my room, as I close the door behind me, I know I’m lying to myself. Not just a girl, she was my girl. My one and only.
         Jackson is asleep. Looking down at him, I take his covers that are at the bottom of the bed and cover him up. How much I envy him, all peaceful. All of a sudden, I am glad he isn’t staying here anymore. He will never go through anything I am.
         After I brush my teeth and change into some sweats and no shirt, I lower my body into the hard little bed. It is going to be so hard to sleep.
         With only five minutes that have passed, there is a faint knocking on my door. I roll over and try to ignore it. But the knocking persist. Just to make it stop, I stomp over to the door and throw it open.
         But then, everything changes. Megan is in my arms, her hair in my face. My heart thuds a million times faster then it should. Then she looks up at me with her wonderful tear stained, brown eyes.
         I stroke her cheeks slowly and then cup her perfect face in both of my hands. I lean closer and inhale her breathe. How on earth can I ever leave this wonderful face ever again. Why would I?
         Just gazing into her eyes makes me forget about everything wrong, and all on her. I forget why I am going to leave in a week. Why shouldn’t I just stay? Maybe I will. . .but then a small voice reminds me.
         “Chase? Is that you?”
         Of course. My little brother. Jackson.

PART THREE: Why is there light filling my eyelids? Is the dream over? Groggily my heavy eyelids open to a bright room and a white ceiling.
         Bacon, eggs, sausage, juice, and rolls fill my nose. The smell is so delicious, I instantly sit up and follow it.
         “Finally you’re awake. I thought I was going to have to eat all this food by myself.” Jackson says. He is carefully cutting up some eggs and hands me a plate.
         I sit on the edge of his bed and grab the plate from him. My mind thinks back to my dream. What a good dream it was!
         “I really like this whole room service thing. We get treated like royalty! Man, only three days left. The time is flying.” Jackson raves on and on. I try to drown him out by stuffing my face with the good food.
         Our room is so cold, I have chills running up and down my bare stomach. Cold air pushes itself out of the huge vent right below me. I reach out and thump my hand against it aggressively, hoping for it to break or something.
         “Are you okay, Chase?”
         Now my eyes are wandering around out of the window. How can I be okay after last night?
         Once Jackson had woken up, Megan and I left again. We went back to her room, ignoring Susy sleeping, and we snuggled on her bed. Then I had told her all about my new home. Some of the stuff made her smile. I love seeing her smile.
         Then as I was getting up to leave, she walked me back to my room. Once we had gotten to my doorway, we stood there hugging for a while. And then I promised to come get her after her classes today.
         But what is sticking in my mind, is her face. The scared look behind her pretty, usually cheerful eyes. And when she told me how scared she was about losing me.
         “I’m fine. Sorry, Jack.” Now I am here. A new day, and I am not going to waste it.
         Jackson seems to believe me with just that, and doesn’t say anything else about it. He looks up at me, his cheeks reminding me much like a chipmunk when their cheeks are filled with nuts.
         “Want some chocolate cake?”
         I laugh and shake my head. “Nah, not really hungry this morning.”
         He shrugs and puts a bite in his mouth. Slowly, all the food disappears off of the bed, and Jackson lays back satisfied. He kicks up his feet and looks at me.
         “What are you going to do today?”
         “Oh,” I lay back too and stare up at the ceiling. The cold air still pushing against my bare chest.  “Probably play some football, hang around. I want to spend some time with Paul. Just so, you know, when I leave I wont regret not spending time with him.”
         “Three days,” Jackson reminds me again. His voice sounding weaker every time. I suddenly realize that Jack might be missing it just as much as me.
         Well finally we both get up and take turns in the bathroom. A quick shower makes me feel more cheerful. Excited or something.
         I poke my head out of the doorway and see Jackson flipping through a magazine on the end of the bed. With a sudden jolt of energy, I throw him on his back and pin him down. I grip both of his small skinny wrists in one hand, and with the other hand I hold his head down.
         His laughter makes my day. One thing I wont ever have to leave anymore. Ugh, so many mixed feelings. It is either misses out on Megan’s smiles, or Jackson’s laughs.
         “Got you,” I brag and change my position on him. He squirms and tries to get free.
         “Let me go! What did I do?!”
         “Nothing.” I laugh and loosen up a little so he can struggle. “Nothing at all actually. I’m just feeling mean.”
         I say this sarcastically, so yet another cheery laugh fills the room. A knock on our door gives him the break he needs, and distracted, I let go. We race to the door. I win.
         “Lets go, it’s break. We are missing out on some football, man,” Paul says. He is dressed in the Tuesday uniform. I stare him down and try to hide the amusement in my eyes.
         Tall white socks, which he pushed down. A green jacket and a blue collar shirt, which he flipped up the collar and has taken off the jacket. He has a neat little tie on, which of course isn’t tied right, and some black shoes.
         “Not a word,” he threatens. I laugh and close the door behind me with a little wave goodbye to Jackson. I can’t tell if he is relieved that I’m not pinning him anymore, or disappointed that I left. Honestly, I never act like that anymore much.
         The outside morning air is wonderful. It is still a little foggy, and the grass is still wet with dew. Kids from all ages chase each other and laugh. Excited for the first break. I hear laughing and crying, shouting and singing. My eyes aren’t fast enough to take everything in. The high up-beat mood everybody is in makes me want to tackle somebody again.
         The minute Paul throws the football for a long pass to me, I race my fastest, beating everybody to the spot. The ball, right on target, thumps exactly into my open hands and I run. I run and run, all the way to score a touchdown; untouched.
         My team cheers for me. Some kids watching in the crowd yell that they are glad I am back. There compliments only make my mood better.
         After we play for awhile, Paul and I decide to stop and go find our girls. Perspiration drips down the side of my head, and I’m breathing hard. My muscles are already getting sore from throwing myself at the other kids. It feels awesome to be back, this is the only way I can put it.          
         We find the girls talking by the door. I run behind Megan and lift her up. She screams from being surprised. I let her down and grin a silly, lopsided smile.
         “Hey baby.”
         “You’re in a good mood today,” she comments. I laugh and hug her very tightly.
         “No, Megan,” I lean my mouth close to her ear and whisper, “I am just happy.”
         These words bring a smile to her face. A huge smile. A happy smile. My mood gets everybody into a good mood this morning, and we all start joking and laughing around with each other.
         “Okay, okay. So Chase, finish telling me about your math teacher!” Paul turns to me. We are all stretched out in the grass by the football field, watching some younger kids play. His arm is around Susy’s waist.
         “Right,” another grin from me. I hope I don’t run out! “Okay, so she has this eye. Us kids call it her lazy eye. It flops all over the room and you never know if she is looking at you while she is talking to somebody else.”
         This makes everybody laugh. I try to imitate her and how she walks like an old lady. Shack laughs the loudest. His cackly laugh fires us all up.
         I look beside me to Megan. She is laughing so hard, tears are coming out of her eyes.
         “I’m sorry Megz, didn’t mean to make you cry.”
         She giggles and crawls closer to me. I wipe the falling tears and smile too.
         “Then stop making me laugh so dang hard!”
         I pat for her to sit on my lap. She does and I wrap my arms around her waist. Then, once she can’t get away, I tickle her ribs and knees. Oh man! Her legs flap and almost knock Paul out. And she laughs so hard, kids from the crowd look at us.
         “Stop making me laugh!” She half shouts- half laughs at me, tears just making her face look completely wet. I shake my head.
         “I wont ever do that. I like seeing you happy.”
         “You like seeing me wet too?” she asks. But I know she is only kidding.
         “Sure.” I kiss her cheek. My lips are salty from her tears. “You are pretty cute when you’re all wet and stuff.”
         Then, she stops laughing. Slowly, we are facing each other. I tough my nose with hers.
         “We laughed until we cried. Together.” Megan whispers. I make a permanent memory of this right away. Laugh until we cried.
         Eventually, we get up and start wrestling a little bit. The good moods still among all of us.  But the bell rings, ending all of our happiness.
         “Come get me,” I say to Paul. “For the next break. This day is fun.”
         Paul nods and starts walking off. But then he turns back and stares at me. I give him a what-up look. He shakes his head and trots off.
         It is sad watching all of us laugh together, just knowing that it will all be over for me soon. In one week, and then my Aunt Vana said she will never let me come back. If only Jackson wanted to stay as much as I did. . .
         And then it hits me! If I can only convince Jack to want to come back, well I don’t know how we will rearrange it all with court, but somehow. And then I could be with Megan, with Paul, and even Jackson. Forever.
         Just the thought gets me all riled up. I know that I only have to mention to Aunt Vana that I want to leave. She would go to court telling about something I’ve done bad, and I would come back. Jackson’s parents will be harder though.
         After I come back out of my thought, I realize that I am the only one standing outside. The entire yard is empty. The swing chains rattling together from the breeze.
         The doors shut, and make a loud enough noise to catch my attention. I turn my head to see who is coming out. Wouldn’t you know, Jackson.
         “Hey Chase,” he casually greets me. “What are you doing sitting out here all by yourself?”
         “Nothing really. Everybody has already left you know, so I was just about to go inside.”
         He nods thoughtfully. But I lose his attention, as he stares off into space.
         “Something wrong?” With my right hand, I squeeze his shoulder and we start walking.
         “No.” Jackson doesn’t meet my eyes. “Maybe?”
         I laugh, “You don’t seem so certain there Jack. What’s up?”
         A small breeze picks up and blows my strands of hair all around. Somewhere off, a train honks and a bird chirps. How can everything be so simple outside of my life?
         “Okay, well. All my friends and me have had so much fun this past week. More fun then ever. Or, I mean, it seems like that because I don’t ever have this much fun! I love having this much fun.”
         Rather then to me, it seems Jackson is talking out loud to himself. Speaking his thoughts.
         “That’s good, Jack. You need some fun every now and then.”
         “I know,” he quickly says. “And then, there is you. You never are like you use to be. Tackling me, laughing, joking. Until you came here this week, and like nothing has happened, you are back.” he pauses and thinks, almost like he is struggling for the right words to say. “And boy do I love that!”
         My grip on his shoulder tightens. “About that,” I begin.
         But he raises one of his small hands. His long sleeve black shirt falls over his fingers. Jackson looks like a little punk today.
         His hair, which of course is now black, has been spiked with gel. And he wearing dark navy blue baggy pants, along with a black, rocker long sleeve shirt. For only eight years old, well, what a little punk.
         “I messed your life up so bad,” he mumbles.
         “Jackson! Come on now, you got to know that, that isn’t true. You know me better then that. If anything, you have kept me going.”
         What is he getting at anyways?
         “If it wasn’t for me getting adopted out, we’d still be here and you’d be the same brother as ever. For all we all know, you and Megan might even be married.”
         The thought brings a joking smile to my lips. “Okay, lets not go overboard. Look Jack.” I stop walking and take my hand off his shoulder. “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know how to be all playful. Heck, it aint your fault you got adopted out.”
         Jackson sighs, his little body slumps down. He kicks his black tennis shoe in the ground. “Yea but. . .you are so happy here.”
         “Not as happy as I am with Aunt Vana and you.”
         Now his eyes are searching for mine, to see if I am lying. I try to make them look soft, so he can’t see the truth to his own words. It doesn’t work. I can tell because he moans and covers his face with his hands.
         “Either way I screw everything up.”
         “That isn’t true.”
         “Name one thing that I haven’t!”
         “Easy,” I stare at him directly. But the pain in his eyes make me look away. How long has he been thinking all this? “You had me come back here for the very last night. You made me realize how much I loved my little bro, by being away for so long. C’ mon Jack, don’t make me do this.”
         Jackson shrugs. “Fine.” And he turns and goes inside.
         Rolling my eyes, I trot lazily after him. In my head, I am thinking that this is not a very big deal compared to a lot of things right now.
         As I mosey inside, I be sure to take everything in around me. I wont have very much of these casual walks left. Three days after this.
         For the rest of the afternoon, until classes are out, I lay around. There is a horrible awkward tension between me and Jackson. I can’t understand why though? Have I said something wrong to make him upset? No, he was just upset from his own thoughts.
         After another hour passes by, slower then any of the others, I put the magazine I am reading beside me and sit up.
         “What?” His words come out sharp, and cut through me. What is his problem anyways!
         “H-have you uh,” I start to say but stop hesitantly, his sharp, mean words still ringing in my ears. “Never mind. Dude, take a nap or something. You are awfully moody for being eight.”
         Not wanting to stay around much longer, I leave, slamming the door behind me. Suggesting my new idea to him right now might not be such a good idea.
         But I put Jackson behind me and start for Megan’s class. It has been all morning, surly they are almost out. I was right. Not but two minutes after I wait outside the door, the bell rings and a herd of kids shoot out.
         Standing on my tiptoes, I look for Megan. She sees me right off, and is all ready skipping over to me.
         “Hey baby,” I say teasingly and pull her in for a hug.
         “Back-atcha, sweety pie!” She giggles, obviously still in a very good mood, and crawls on my back. I smile, already put in a better mood, and hold onto her legs that are wrapped around my stomach securely.
         She leans her face close to mine and kisses me on the cheek. “How was your day without me?”
         “Awful,” I moan and begin to walk down the hall for Paul’s class. “But it is so much better now. Your classes done for the day?”
         “For the entire week!” She cheers and tightens her hold around my neck. My heart skips a beat. For two reasons: 1-no more classes gave me all day with her. 2- This only means my day to leaving is getting closer and closer.
         With Megan still on my back, we swerve through everybody. Sometimes I will act like I am about to run into somebody, and then twirl around and make her dizzy. Her sweet laugh fills the halls, and as people stare, I only like her even more.
         When we get to Paul’s hallway, him and Susy are goofing off too. Susy see’s Megan and squirms away from Paul’s cradle. He sets her down and walks closely behind her, with his hand right on her lower back.
         Megan hops down and runs to stand by Susy. I can see her cheeks are bright pink from laughing so hard. I bet mine are too.
         “Hey, Paul. How was class?”
         He glares at me and shakes his head. “You are so lucky to get out of here man. I can’t stand those messy little classrooms.”
         “Watch what you wish for. . .” I warn. “You only think I’m lucky, but nothing is like this place.  You know how it goes, never know how much you like something, until its all gone.”
         “Right,” he says doubtfully. “Anyways, I know all the guys are hungry. Lets get a bite to eat and then go play some football!”
         “Yea,” I nod my head and look at Megan. “Stop by my room when you’re ready.”
         Paul, Susy, and Megan start to walk towards the kitchen, but I grab Megan’s shirt and tug her behind.
         “Want to eat in my room with me?”
         “I don’t know, Chase. I would hate to miss out on all the great food they are serving,” Megan says sarcastically, a smile dancing on her lips. I take her hand, and we go to my room with our hands swinging in between us.
         When we get in my room, Jackson isn’t there. I am glad. Our little argument has made me not in a very willing mood to see, or talk to him.
         Megan takes a seat on my bed, and I gently tackle her. Making our bodies in a position where she is laying flat on her back, and I am towering over her. She slides her arms around my neck and pulls her body up for a kiss.
         Considering our kisses are numbered from now on, I kiss her back as affectingly I can. It grows intense though, our lips pressing harder and harder against each other. I can tell she is only thinking about right now, not nothing else. I can feel it.
         While still kissing her, I lower myself so my chest is touching hers and break our kiss. Our eyes come in contact for a few seconds, tears forming in Megan’s. I flip her over, so now she is laying on top of me. Now we are kissing again, just as forceful as before.
         Without even thinking, I move my hands slowly down her back, feeling along her spine, and all the way down to the bottom of her shirt. The laces on the bottoms itch my fingers. Then, very calmly, I start rubbing her back and make my ways up her shirt. But I stop at mid back. From there, I scratch her back. She use to love that.
         Megan doesn’t do anything, but she stops kissing, and looks at me very carefully. The tears are building up in her eyelids, any time now they will start to fall.
         My hands that were on her mid back, I now remove them and take her hands. Then she lays her head on my chest and just starts crying. I rub her palm, and give her a very tight hug.
         “I love you Megz,” I whisper, my lips in her hair. “I love you so much. Please remember that, no matter how long it is until we see each other again. But someday. . .somehow. . .I am going to come back for you. Just to see how you are, if you’re with another guy, I wont care Megan. I maybe can’t be in your life, Megan, but I really want to stay in it. Even if that means only being friends. I just want you to be happy, if I can come back just to see you smiling and happy, that is all I will need.”
         Her tears are starting to soak through my t-shirt. I feel so horrible, why did I even bring her up here? I had to have known this was going to happen.
         “Tell me, Megan. Are you upset because. . .  because. . .I don’t know. Please tell me.”
         Then she looks up at me, her dark brown eyes taking full affect on me. I am trapped inside them, all hers. I will do what ever she wants.
         “I am crying because, I love you too. Isn’t that crazy? Things would be so much easier if I just liked you.” Her breaths are choppy and it takes a second for her to catch her breathe. “If I only liked you, we would be able to say goodbye one time, maybe only with a few tears.
         “But here we are, me laying on you, and you wrapping your arms around me. I’m not ever going to be able to forget how I feel when I am around you. If I can’t forget it, I wont be able to get over it.”
         Chills race up and down my spine. “I don’t want you to be unhappy for the rest of your life without me.”
         “I maybe will be happy, but not ever like I was this morning. Not until I am back in your arms again. Not until I can hear you speak and feel you lips against mine.”
         I groan and close my eyes. She leans her face against my chest again ,and folds her arms underneath my stomach.
         “What can I do then, Megan?” I ask helplessly.
         Without looking at me, she whispers so quietly I can almost not make out the words correctly.
         “Don’t leave.”

PART FOUR: The tears come out of her so fast I can’t even get a word in. She goes a bit crazy, crying and clinging to my shirt. I can only comfort her, but say nothing.
         “You know, Megz,” I finally say. She has been quiet for a few minutes. “I have been thinking a lot about the whole, not leaving, thing. Okay, so tell me. Why am I choosing to leave instead of stay here?”
         She is quiet from her thoughts. “Jackson?”
         “Yea. Okay, so if I Jackson wants to stay. . . well then, every body wins!” I say, my voice cracks.
         “So, we get Jackson to want to stay here?” Megan asks skeptically. “I’ll try anything.”
         I sit up and bring her with me. Glancing at her, she has big red puffs around her eyes. I smile and kiss her cheek. “Me too, Megan. Now I brought you up here to eat, aren’t you hungry?”
         “Not really,” she says.
         I dial room service anyways, not really believing her. “The food is great,” I add. “We can get as much as we want, and pretty much any kind. Any suggestions?”
         “I’m not very hungry,” she whispers and lays back down on the bed. Then, her body curls up into a small ball and nothing else is said out of her.
         Becoming worried, I order the daily special, lasagna and pizza soup, and go back to sit by her. I cautiously place my hand on her back.
         “We still have three days, Megz. Can’t we make them the best?”
         “Three days and then what? You and me end forever, right? “
         I fidget uncomfortably. “I guess, not really. Not forever. Just until we are older.”
         Megan turns her head so her hair falls all around her face. Her tongue wets her lips and she looks through her long eyelashes at me.
         “You are so pretty,” I say out loud. Her cheeks flush pink. I laugh and touch them with the side of my finger. It is times like these that I will always remember.  There is a soft knock at my door. I kiss Megan softly, and then roll off my bed to answer the door.
         “Hey kid, you order this stuff?” A tall boy, with brown hair and freckles asks.
         “Yea thanks,” I say and take the boxes. The boy turns, and I shut the door.
         The food smells great. I did have my doubts about how pizza and lasagna soup would taste, and when I see it, my doubts only grow stronger.
         Instead of actual creamy soup, there is lumps of lasagna and pizza floating around. They literally meant it when they said, lasagna and pizza soup. What the actual soup is, I don’t know, but it looks about just as good. 
         “You sure you don’t want any, Megz? It looks so, uh, good.” I spoon some out into a bowl and place it in her hands. “Really, you should eat mine too.”
         With only one look at the food, she laughs and pushes it away. “Now I am really not hungry.” Pushing the bowl away, she too stands up and grabs my hand. “We’ve been up here long enough  though, right? I can eat with you tonight.”
         “And the next night. . .”
         “Of course,” she giggles and moves her face closer to mine.
         “And the next night,” I say again. But a lump forms in my throat, because I can’t say, and the next night, anymore because there wont be a next night.
         “I promise.” She stands on her tippy toes and kisses me. I wrap my arms around her waist to pull her in for a tight hug.
         The door slams open and Jackson stomps in. He takes one look at us, and scowls. “What are you doing in here?” he hatefully glares at Megan.
         “Jackson!” I sack him in the shoulder.
         Megan laughs and smiles. “Don’t worry, Jack. He’s all yours. Im leaving now. Miss seeing you around kid.” She brushes the top of his head teasingly and walks out. I stare longingly after her, debating on whether or not to join her.
         Jackson stops to the bathroom and the slams the door. That’s all I need to go join Megan. I jog out the door and pinch her waist softly. She jumps and turns around, right into my arms.
         “What are you doing out here? Don’t you need to go talk to Jackson?” She asks, her voice filled with concern.
         “C’ mon Megz, I get to spend the rest of my life with Jackson, but only a few more days with you and my friends.”
         “Maybe,” Megan corrects me with a smile. She turns out of my arms and continues to walk down the hallway.
         “Oh yea,” I smile too, remembering our plan. “It could work. Ill talk to him about it tonight, ok?”
         I can hear her murmur something under her breathe, a playful smile still dancing on her lips. Her back is turned from me and she is ahead of me. I walk close behind her, wrap my arms around her waist, and lean my face down by her cheek.
         “Lets go somewhere tonight,” I sooth convincingly. I move down and kiss her jaw. “I’ll come pick you up after everybody has gone to sleep.”
         “What are we going to do?” Although she didn’t say it, I can already tell I have her convinced.
         I shrug my shoulders and turn her around so that I can kiss her. She slides her hands around my neck and I place on of mine on her cheek. Slowly, I back her up to a wall and we kiss even more.
         “I’ll come tonight,” Megan whispers, out of breathe. Her cheeks are all pink, and her eyes glimmering. “But, what if we get caught?”
         “Ha!” I take her hand and we begin walking down the hall. “Me, get caught? How funny you are. It’ll be alright, I-” my teeth come down over my lip, should I say another promise?-“I’ll. . .be there.”
         “Can I never catch you two alone? Gee, I’m sorry for interrupting again but, Chase, we really need you for the annual, Capture the Flag,” Paul whines as he very slowly creeps up on us.
         I grin a wild grin, not believing I am so lucky that I made it back in time. “Sure, sure. Just meet outside in the garden when your ready.” I tell him, my blood already warming up. “See you out there,” I tell Megan and sprint up to my room.
All copyrights belong to me and only me.

Well, once again, just further along in the story. I still have so, so, SO much work to do, but I hope you will keep in mind that these ar mainly for teenagers. thanks and God Bless!
© Copyright 2008 Birdie (birdie_3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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