Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1485946-MUST-READ-SECOND--Half-a-Nice-Life
by Birdie
Rated: 13+ · Sample · Romance/Love · #1485946
This is four more sections i would like to have reviewed. Thanks.
PART ONE: Three knocks is all it takes to get Megan out of her room. She smiles her biggest smile and flies into my arms. I wrap them around her.
         “Good morning,” I chuckle.
         She looks up at me and giggles. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” Her eyes sparkle a deep brown. I have never seen her so happy.
         “I went to sleep with you on my mind, so yes, I slept excellent.”
         We lock hands and begin walking down the hall to the kitchen. Megan is so chattery for the early morning. I listen though, and laugh along.
         After getting our food, I lead Megan over to our table with everybody. Right when we sit down, everything is back to normal. No questions, nobody staring. And thankfully no awkward silences.
          “Monday today,” Bryan says. Everyone groans. “Now that the dance is through with, its is back to the same schedule.”
         Just as the word dance is brought up, the girls start to giggle and gossip about their night. Megan doesn’t though, she stays right at my side hugging my arm.
         “Okay, now I know something has to be going on between you two.” Paul looks directly at me and Megan. The other guys do the same.
         “How can you be so sure?” I tease with a silly smile.
         Paul doesn’t take it so lightly. “Because you two weren’t even speaking for weeks, now you guys are glued together.”
         Megan scoots closer to me and squeezes her grip on my arm. Then she tilts her face up to mine with a questioning expression.
         “Okay, yea. Megan is my girlfriend.”
         Hoots and bangs on the table echo through the cafeteria. The custodian has to come and tell us to settle down.
         I laugh at all the excitement, and so does Megan. She is beaming. I am just glad everybody takes it so well.
         After breakfast we have an hour and a half before our first class, so us guys go and get a football game going. Susy and Megan watch me and Paul from the sideline.
         The outside air is so fresh. Birds sing and fly above the power lines. Little kids runs wild playing tag and catching butterflies. Everybody is just so happy; I’m glad I can be too for once. 
          The grass is still slippery from the early morning dew. As I hike my arm back for a deep throw, I can’t help but smile. Everything is going great. Then I hear a hyper cheer, somebody calling my name.
         “Throw it! Nice pass, here we go. Start running. They need you. Don’t miss your chance.”
         The voice is so familiar, yet I don’t turn my head to see who it is.  Instead I listen, and start running. I quickly pass everybody and open my arms for the catch into the touch down line. But just as the ball is soaring down to me, perfect pass, I realize it is Jackson’s voice hollering at me.
          My breathes grow choppy and the entire field spins. I lose all my focus on the ball and strain to see my little brother. I can’t see him, all though I know I heard his voice. I begin to run towards the sound. But it has stopped. No brother. No voice. And now my teammates are all watching me, angry that I didn’t score.
         I keep scanning the crowd. But soon my vision is blurry from the tears forming. They fall fast. Now the field is really spinning! I walk with shaky legs right into Megan.
         “Chase?” her voice is trembling as well. She wraps her arms around me and guides me over to a spot in the field. “What happened? Are you hurt?” her voice is frantic, trying to find answers.
         I begin to sob uncontrollably. I am so embarrassed, so I turn my head. “Was Jackson here?” It doesn’t matter how ridiculous I sound. “Was he watching me play?”
         Megan picks up my hand and rubs it softly. “No,” she whispers. “Chase, Jackson isn’t here. I’m so sorry.”
         I only cry harder. My entire body shakes. What is wrong with me? Of course Jackson isn’t here. He is somewhere else.
         “Please, Megan. Please can I just have my little brother back. I miss him so much. I- I try to hide it, but I can’t anymore.” My crying doesn’t soften, but Megan is holding my hand and rubbing my arm.
         She sighs and slips herself underneath my arms. Then she moves her face close to mine and wipes the falling tears.
         “Chase, you know I would bring him back if I could. I would do anything for you, but I can’t. Neither can you, so don’t worry. Four more years until you can move out of here.”
         I lean forward so our foreheads are touching. My eyes are closed and all I can feel are Megan’s soft fingers running up and down my arms. Her warm breath pushes against my lips.
         “But why is it so hard for me to move on. I shouldn’t be hearing his voice. What’s wrong with me?”
         Her lips make a tiny smile. She lifts up my hands. “Nothing is wrong with your hands.” Next she lifts up my arms. “Everything is fine with you arms.” And finally she presses her lips against mine very softly. Megan pulls away and whispers, “and your lips are doing great.”
         “Megan. . .” but I can’t help but sigh for the last one. It does make me feel better.
         “It will take some time Chase. You lost somebody important, only time can heal that.”
         I slowly nod and search for her lips again. Anything to get my mind off what just happened would be good. I find them and we both go crazy. At first it is gentle, but then we both get more and more excited.
         “Megan,” I pull away breathlessly. “We have to get back. Paul will be wondering.” She nods and I help her up. Then, hand in hand, we start walking back to the front.
         On our way past the tool shed, I recognize Paul leaning against it.
         “Is that Paul?” Megan wonders out loud. I nod and jog over to him. My mistake.
         Not knowing his surroundings, Paul and Susy are passionately kissing. Susy is pressed against the shed with one of her legs wound around Paul ankle, and her arm pressing against the back of his neck.
         Megan blushes, and so do I for some reason. But as soon as Paul looks up his face is the reddest.
         “Er. . .” I stutter. “Uh, see you at class?”
         He shakes his head and looks at Susy. “We’re done right?”
         She nods too, smiling. Her and Paul grip hands and join Megan and me for our way back.
         Susy is a small, tan girl. Very cute figure, with long dark hair and dark eyes to match. She usually pulls it up in a half pony tail though, while her bangs hang loosely around her face.          
         Megan keeps glancing up at me to make sure I’m all right. I wink at her a few times and she breaks down into a fit of giggles.
         “I’ll see you in first hour,” I tell her while we stand inches apart. She tilts her face upwards at me and frowns.
         “I’ll see you then too, I guess.” There is so much disappointment in her voice I almost feel bad.
         But I chuckle and kiss her forehead. “What do you expect me to do, follow you around every second of the day?”
         She shrugs and smiles again. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to force you.”
         “You don’t have to, baby, I would anyways. Except, I really need to talk to Paul, I can finish stalking you later.”
         She nods and her bangs fall in her face. I push them to the side and bend to give her a quick kiss. But Megan, of course, makes it longer than just a quick kiss. I have to pull away though, but wink just to let her know I enjoyed it.
         “See you at first hour.”
         “Ok,” she says more confidently. I turn away from her pretty face and quickly walk away. Paul smirks and jabs me in the side.
         We walk past some girls playing jump rope and into the side doors that lead to a long hallway.
         “So, how was your kiss?” I finally say, not being able to stand the suspense much longer.
         “Better then anything I have ever felt. It happened so, romantically too. Everything went my way so I looked like I knew what I was doing.
         “As soon as we got outside, she caught up with me and was hugging on my arm and blinking with her long eyelashes for me to go kill a spider by the shed. I didn’t hesitate.
         “But when I got there, there wasn’t a spider. She just smiled her flirty smile and shrugged. It is really hard for me not to just grab her and squeeze her when ever I look into her eyes. So instead, I backed her up into the shed.
         “She asked me what I was doing, and I just told her that I wanted to make sure she was safe from all spiders. And from there, I bent down and we started kissing like crazy. Her leg went over my ankle and her hand squeezing my neck.” Paul takes a deep breath and grins. “It was amazing.”
         I laugh at his dazed expression. “This is great isn’t it? Both of us falling for two roommates that are friends. I say we take them on a date in our rooms with a movie on Friday night. I have no roommate so the other bed is free.”
         Paul’s eyes grow big. “Great, I can talk to one of the teachers about borrowing the t.v.”
         And from there we plan how great the night is going to go, what movie, what time. It sounds so great but then we realize, it’s only Monday.

PART TWO: The week drags by the slowest it has ever. Paul and I put on our “good boy” faces and help as much as we can, so when the time comes for the t.v, we will not be rejected.
         On Tuesday, instead of our free time outside, we help with dishes, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms. Wednesday rolls around and we help clean out the principals office, clean all the windows, and help serve food. By Thursday, I was seriously beginning to think if this date was worth it or not. Of course though, it is. So right after classes we help in the toddler room. Finally, Friday is here!
         After all our classes, Paul and me head straight to the office to speak to the principal, Mr. Tarn.
         “Hello boys. What is it you two are wanting to help with today?” He asks cheerfully. Our helpfulness lately has given him a new look about us.
         “Actually sir,” I stare at the ground. Then I look up and meet his eyes confidently. “We were wondering if you could do something for us.”
         “As an exchange for our good behavior all week,” Paul comments. 
         “That’s right. A reward.” I can’t help but smile nervously as Mr. Tarn’s eyebrows raise suspiciously.
         The small office becomes quite hot. My heart drops. After all the hard work, he is going to say no. Reject us.
         “Please tell me what it is that I can do to help you.”
         “Er,” now I am really nervous. “Could we borrow the t.v for the day? Just until maybe nine?”
         “Please,” Paul begs.
         Mr. Tarn lets out a deep breathe. He sighs and rubs his hands together. Then he opens his front drawer, and rummages through for awhile. Paul and I wait as patient as we can. Finally he drops a pair of keys into my hand.
         “Bring those back at nine o clock sharp. And don’t spread this around boys.”
         We agree anxiously and hurry out of the small office. While Paul goes and gets the t.v, I go find the girls, who know nothing about tonight.
         As usual, I find them in the girls dorm huddling around a puppy puzzle. I sneak in and lightly pinch Megan’s waist. She yelps and turns around right into my arms.
         I laugh and kiss her softly. “I need to tell you something.” Her face grows hard with concern and her forehead wrinkles up. I rub at them softly. “Nothing bad,” I whisper and drag her over to a corner.
         She hugs my me tightly, throwing herself against my chest. I hug her back.
         “Megan, this isn’t bad.”
         Her eyes dance with excitement as she looks up at me, still tightly drawn to my chest. “Then tell me this good news.”
         When Megan smiles, I can only help but smile too. It is contagious.
         “Paul and I have a surprise for you,” I poke her nose, “and Susy. Meet in my room at seven. Promise?”
         “Ok,” she lets out another contagious smile. I start to escape her tight hug. “Don’t leave.”
         I push away successfully. “I’ll see you at seven.”
         As much as I hate to leave her warm arms, I walk back to my room anyways. Paul is waiting there setting the t.v up. As I brush by him, I glance at the movie laying on the desk. Vampire.
         I throw my body onto my hard little bed and lay on my back. So far, nothing is going wrong with tonight.
         “What is the movie about?” I ask.
         “It is pretty self-explanatory.”
         I grin and try to stay calm. Thirty more minutes. Paul finally sits down beside me with the remote.
         “You might want this tonight. I am going to be to busy to keep track of it,” he teases and lays it on the desk. “So you talked to the girls?”
         “Yea, yea. That stuff is all done.” I say dreamily, staring up at the wall.
         “You seem relaxed.” Paul states.
         “Not so much as for tonight. But think, in two weeks we have our last inspection day for three whole months! No worrying about losing anybody for three whole months!”
         Paul sighs deeply. “Good. I’m beginning to really like Susy.”
         I don’t even try to explain to him about how much I like Megan. It can’t be explained in words.
         For the next half hour, Paul and I make pretend how the night is going to be. We fantasize about how scared they will be, and how many times we will kiss them.
         Kissing for the first few days with Megan was all we really did. But now it is like we can look at each other and see something nobody else can. Feel something that was never there before. It isn’t all about kissing, it is all about being with each other.
         At exactly seven o clock, we jump at the sound of soft knocks on our door. I beat Paul there to open the door. Megan greets me with a nervous grin.
         “Hey sweety,” I pull her in by her hands.
         Paul takes Susy’s hand and we sit the girls on each bed. Paul starts the movie and goes to snuggle with Susy. Megan and me sit up, her legs crossed, and I’m playing with her fingers.
         “How did you manage this?”
         I shrug my shoulders and pull her close to me. With my back against the wall, Megan lays down backwards, with her back on my stomach. I wrap my arms around her stomach. She sighs, contented.
         I don’t pay any attention to the movie. Instead, I play with her hair. Wrapping it through my fingers and letting it fall back down. She keeps getting sidetracked because of me, and soon she is beside me with my arm around her waist.
         “I’m trying to watch the movie,” she whines with a smile in her voice.
         “I keep getting sidetracked,” I tell her.
         “So do I. Somebody is playing with my hair.”
         “Well somebody is to pretty to keep my eyes off of.” I kiss her lips softly, she responds with pink cheeks. “And that is hardly fair.”
         Megan cuddles up against my chest and we finally watch the movie. Even I think towards the end it is scary. Megan fearfully hides her face into my arms. I stroke her hair. She then looks up at me.
         “Every scary movie has a hero in it, right?”
         “Usually.” I stroke her cheek with my finger.
         Her face brightens up just as I touch her. A question almost comes out of her lips, but she swallows it. I give her a questioning glance. We don’t like keeping secrets from each other. Now her cheeks get pink from blushing.
         “I was just going to ask you how it felt to be a hero?”
         “Am I going to be saving you?” My lips at her forehead. She giggles and nods. “Then being a hero is the best that has ever happened to me. But what I am I being so superior for?”
         Her eyes dance around my face, her lips smiling. So cute and happy.
         “All these years that I’ve known you, I have liked you. Honestly. But, of course I knew we were only best friends. But I was going to wait for you to realize we needed to be together. I’ve turned so many boys down, just for you. And finally, you did realize it. You saved me from having to wait any longer.”
         “I am a super hero huh?” With a grin, I finally start to kiss her intently. We kiss for the rest of the movie.
         But we are interrupted by a blaring t.v screen. Obviously Paul was too busy as well to see that the movie has ended.
         I scoop Megan up into my strong arms and walk to the doorway. “Do you feel safe?”
         “Yes.” She smiles at me. Her eyes and my eyes lock for the longest time. During this time, I feel like a whole new connection has been set, we are even closer then before. It’s really hard to explain, but it’s there. Finally we are joined by Paul. His hair is ruffled.
         I set down Megan and everybody says their goodbyes. As soon as they are out of sight, Paul raves to me about his wonderful night as we push the big t.v back to Mr. Tarn’s office.
         “And how was yours? You don’t seem so happy.”
         Happy is hardly the word. “It was wonderful. Did you know I am a hero now?”
         “I knew you were crazy,” he laughs and jabs me in the side.
         I sigh and stop at my room. “I am a crazy super hero who is in love with a perfect girl.” With one hand on the door keeping it open, I close my eyes. “Night Paul.”
              (Diff. part but short enough to ask if its too cheesy)
For the next few months, Megan and I are glued together. A relationship that hasn’t been very long, seems like a few years for us. We are closer then any other couple in the building. Maybe it is because we practically have been together 24/7, or we just have always been so close since the day I moved here. I pick her up for breakfast, walk her to all classes, and she cheers for me while I play football. Every night I walk her to her room and we play a quick game. First I start saying something like, “You are the teddy to my,” and then she will finish by saying, “bear.” It is our favorite game. Sometimes I take her for picnics out in the empty soccer field.
         At first I think I am spending too much time with her, but Paul says he understands because him and Susy do the same. Girls have entered our lives and we both understand how different things are going to be.

PART THREE: On Tuesday morning, as I flip open my covers and balance myself to sit up, all I can hear is heavy rain and clashes of thunder. Clumsily, I fumble over to my window and peer out.
         Rain slashes violently, wanting into my dry room. Raindrops race down the glass. A huge bolt of lightening lights up outside, making a couple visible walking up the sidewalk to the main doors. This reminds me, the last Inspection Day for two whole months. All though it is good news, my heart lurches and I quickly get dressed so I can get to Megan.
         But one step into the halls, kids are screaming and running madly all over. Toddlers cry and throw fits while others just peek outside their doors. I quickly grab a very dim flashlight from my table drawer and set out into the chaos.
         The lights flicker on and off all the way to Paul’s room. It makes my head very dizzy.
         “What’s going on?” Paul opens his door, eyes half open. I laugh at his hair and morning confusion.
         “Get dressed.” My laugh stops. “We need to get to the girls. There is a horrible storm, and everybody is going crazy!”
         “Ok, ok.” He opens his door wider for me to come in and hurry and pulls on some sweat pants with a tattered t-shirt. “Do I not even get to brush my teeth?”
         I shake my head and already start down the hall for the girls. Paul catches my pace easily. “It’s inspection day too,” I mumble. Just saying the words make my breath become uneven. Paul nods and seems to quicken his pace as well. 
         We don’t even need to knock today, Megan is in my arms just as soon as I am in front of her door. She buries her head into my chest.
         I kiss the top of her head and mumble, “it is just a storm. I promise. It will pass.” But she shakes, so I hold her tighter.
         Now the lights are completely off. Megan yelps and digs her nails into my arm. Paul and Susy scoot closer to me and we guide ourselves down the hall with my dim flashlight, having to dodge kids that are popping out from every where.
         My arm is securely around Megan’s waist, dragging her along as she rest her head on my shoulder.
         Finally we make it back to my room. I close the door quietly and join Megan on my bed.
         “This is a mess,” Paul mutters. I can hear him trying to calm down Susy.
         Megan sits down on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. Then she leans up to my ear and whispers,
         “I’m not worried about the storm. I’m worried about losing you.”
         My heart drops and I have to tell myself to breathe. Then I kiss her warm lips softly. “Why? I am right here. We don’t have to move all day if you don’t want.” And then another kiss just to convince her.
         She lets out a deep breathe, just hearing these words coming from me seems to relax her.
         After a while of just listening to the pelting rain and mean thunder, Paul looks at me.
         “Maybe we should go down to the front desk and ask what’s going on exactly. Surely they have some spare flashlights for us. Or blankets, Susy and I are freezing.”
         I slide Megan off of my lap, she hesitantly removes her arms from my neck. I stand up and pull her to me. We don’t like being apart from each other, even if it is two feet. “Lets go.” Then glancing swiftly at Megan, I wink and add, “I’m still right here.”
         Paul and I give each other glances as we start for the lobby. Unfortunately, it is just as hectic as the halls are. Teachers and daycare people are putting kids in groups. Little screaming kids clings to legs of adults. I am just glad Megan is with me.
         Of course, the line to the front desk for flashlights is shamefully long. Susy and Megan go sit down on the couch while Paul and I stand in line. We don’t move for awhile, so I know something must be holding the line up.
         Using my size as an advantage, I shove through the line. Kids complain and slap at me. At the very front of the line, I climb onto a ledge on the wall and crane my neck.
         The couple I saw this morning are arguing with the desk girl. I sigh and climb down. But then a voice catches my attention.
         “We need him now. I did not come through this storm today, to just go back and try again some other time. Do I need to call my lawyer?” A very whiney, high pitched voice demands. I think very hard, but I just can’t remember who’s voice it is. . . 
         “No, no Ma’am. The Head Master is coming down now to speak with you. Please stand to the side patiently.”
         The lady shreals. I climb back up on the ledge to see what is going on. But before I know it, I am being knocked on my back. The lady stands over me with a cross expression.
         “Stupid kids. Always get in my way.”
         I rub my eyes and try to catch my breath.
         “Are you alright or do I need to call the hospital?” She spits down on me. I numbly stand up. My nose reaches her chin. Some how I don’t find concern behind her words.
         “Aunt Vana?”
         “How did you know my name?” Her eyes slant. “And why did you call me Aunt?”
         “Uh,” I stutter. Just looking into those hateful, dreading eyes makes me remember all of my haunting memories. “S-sorry, lucky guess.” As I am turning to run, she grabs my shoulder.
         Her face twist and she glares the meanest glare I have ever seen at me. “So you are in this building.”
         The room spins and I feel as if I am about to faint. Why is this lady, no she can’t be. It has been so many years. All the nightmares. . .I turn and run away from her. You can hear her squealing.
         “Paul,” I huff. “We need to get out of here. Hide, or something!” I frantically look for Megan. She is watching me with frantic eyes. I wave my hand for her to join me. That is all it takes. When she reaches me, I brace her in my arms and hug her the biggest and hardest hug ever.
         “Chase,” she tries to get away from my tight grasp. But I kiss her, this might be the last time ever. Then I move to Paul and hug him. This really catches him off guard.
         She is almost to me now. I am going to have to say goodbye right now. This may be my only chance. I wish the lights would go out again.
         I am soon out numbered. Security, Head Master, Madame Lesler, and my Aunt all order me to go pack. I have no choice other than to do exactly what they say.
         “No,” I object. “I don’t want to go with her. Look, she doesn’t even want me.” They don’t seem convinced. “I will not go.”
         This is all I get to say before security shows me to my room. Why can’t the lights go out now? They aren’t even flickering.
         I throw all my clothes in my dusty small suitcase with tears streaming down my cheeks. Soon Megan and Paul shuffle in. I ignore them and keep throwing everything I have into my bag. It becomes full so I zip it up and throw the rest of my stuff into my little backpack.
         “Why aren’t you fighting back?” Paul chokes out. I glance at him just to see tears streaming down his face as well. The sight makes me want to throw up.
         “Fighting back wont do me any good,” Moaning, my body collapses  and sinks to the floor. I shove my face into my hands and stare at the floor. “What am I going to do?”
         The room is so hot. I am sweating like I have just played three football games, and Megan is crying so hard you would think somebody had just died... I quickly stand up, forgetting all about her. Wrapping my arms around her, we rock back and forth. What can I say to explain. Nothing. Nothing can be done or said. I am leaving. Today. Soon. Maybe in a few minutes.
         I pull away. Megan clings to my shirt and cries so hard.
         “You c-cant leave m-me. You p-p-promised!”
         I freeze. Jackson had said the same thing before they took him.
         I angrily pull her to me again. “How was I suppose to know this was going to happen?” she hears the anger in my words and buries her wet face into my chest. “I would never have guessed she would have come back,honey. Never.”
         With her face in my hands, I kiss her lips and then just stare into her eyes, memorizing her face. When will I see it again? She tries to kiss me again but I turn my head.
         “Don’t make this any harder,” I mumble. It is a horrible thing to say, but kissing and hugging is only making it harder and harder to say goodbye. I force her to let go of me and I step away.
         She numbly sinks to the floor crying, her face folded into her legs. How bad I want to take her in my arms and tell her it is okay.
         “Why,” she cries. “Why wont you say bye to me?”          Tears fall faster then they have ever. Not being able to fight back any longer, I rush to Megan and take her soft cheeks in my hand. She stares at me.
         “I should never have to say bye to somebody that I love.” never before in all fourteen yeas of my life have I ever meant more meaning in words, as I do now. “Please be good, and be careful. I’m coming back Megan. I love you.”
         Before she can respond back, Paul burst through the door shouting,
         “They are coming!”
         I stand up shaking, and turn to Paul. I hug him a brotherly hug. “Take care of yourself.”
         “You too,” he mumbles. “Please come back.”
         I tightly squeeze my eyes shut before pulling away from him. “You don’t realize how much I don’t, no, how much I can’t go back with her! I will be miserable. She hates me!” All these words fall out, and while Paul takes them all in, I am being forced out the door.          
         The hallways from every since I was six flash by. I watch through my blurry eyes as they pass by me for the last time. Kids watch with terror. I try to hide my face. The worst nightmare ever. Now I need a hero. Somebody to save me. Nobody comes. I try to get one last look before I am outside in the pouring down rain, with my Aunt Vana right beside me.

PART FOUR: There is no umbrella to catch the raindrops from pelting me. My Aunt, however, holds a huge blue one with sparkles. It is so big, I could probably scoot closer and not get wet. But I stay as far as I can.
         She mutters under her breath something about how much of a pain I am, and then slides into the drivers seat. I climb into the passenger’s side.
         At first nothing is said. I watch the raindrops race down the window. My mind spins still in a daze. Finally I lean my head against the seat and close my eyes.
         How is this even happening? Why on earth is my old Aunt Vana, who put me here, coming back for me. Megan’s disoriented face after I left, takes up all my thinking space, leaving me no other choice than to think about her.
         I don’t know if I do really love her. It isn’t the kind of romantic, commitment, gushy love. But all the same, love. The way we never want to be apart and when we see each other my heart flips and does 360's. She is, was, my best friend.
         A rainy day in the soccer field with Megan replays in my mind. We were sitting on two towels I had snatched from the clean clothes basket. There wasn’t any rain at first. Megan had just asked me,
         “What was your mother like?”
         I traced her cheeks and around her eyes as I had spoke.
         “Well, she always wanted to make me happy. And she hated punishing me, that was Dad’s job. It always brought a smile on my face to see her after school, or anywhere.
         “I can especially remember the smell of her clothes. Lavender and sometimes watermelon. She had bright blue eyes like me, and was very, very short. Her hair was short and a light brown, which I always use to play with.”
         Megan sighed then, and laid her head against my chest. I pulled my arm around her and went on.
         “But the thing nobody ever forgot, was the huge scar along the tip of her forehead, and slanted down to the bottom of her left cheek. Mom had been in a bob wire fence accident when she was twelve. The fence scratched her just directly down the side of her face, through her eye and everything. She was blind in that spot.
         “My Dad always told her she was the prettiest thing alive. One day I asked him if he really thought there was nobody else prettier. He told me that my mom was pretty in a different way. And he also said that if she had two horns sticking out on her face, he would feel just the same, because when you love somebody nobody can come in comparison.”
         “That’s amazing,” she murmured. As she sat up, I kissed the top of her head.
         “Yes. He said that when I finally love somebody, they would seem very pretty to me.” Now I found her lips.
         Shivers ran up and down her arms. I could see them, and they made me smile. Then she settled back in my arms and on my chest.
         “But, he was wrong.”
         “Because you are much more than pretty. Actually, you are Beautiful.”
         I could feel her body grow warm under my arms.
         “Does that mean you love me, Chase?”
         I sighed and tilted her chin upwards so I could meet her eyes. “It defiantly means something.” Then I had kissed her.
         The big stormy clouds and clashes of thunder brought us away from our kissing. Megan was worried that we needed to go in right away. As we stood up, raindrops fell softly. One hit my cheek, and then they fell rapidly.
           Using my hands, I wiped them away from Megan’s cold face. Then, once again, I bent down to kiss her.
         “There now,” I grinned triumphantly. “I kissed a girl in the rain! Better yet, I kissed you in the rain.” She just rolled her eyes, but I could see the happiness in her eyes too.
         The visions of the past are so vivid I can almost feel Megan’s lips again. My face still seems wet. But feeling the warm seat under me, and hearing the radio, reminds me I’m here, not there. All though that memory seems like it was happening all over.
         “Aren’t you angry or anything?” Aunt Vana suddenly asks.
         I stare out the window again. “Yes.”
         “Er,” she settles uncomfortably in her seat. “Any, uh, questions or anything?”
         “Just one,” I close my eyes again and sigh. Then they peel open to study her face. “Why?”
         She presses her fiery red lips together and stares intently on the road. Probably more then necessary. “Your mother.”
         My head whips around to her quickly and my lips pull back into a snarl. “Don’t bring my mother into this again. My mother is dead and you and I both know it now. I am not going to play your mean games anymore. I am fourteen and have grown up a lot.” This was more then true. Most boys at fourteen are immature and selfish, but living in an adoption center with only your friends to go to, it really made me tougher. It is almost like I am six-teen or something.
         She snarls back at me, but with her eyes instead. Even more scarier. “It is her own personal will for me. You and Jackson aren’t to be separated.”
         I clench the seat to restrain my self from throwing a few fist at her smug face. “He is gone, too.”
         Aunt Vana rolls her eyes and gives an annoyed sound. “Yes I know. How else would I have known to bring you here.”
         I shake my head numbly, not understanding anything. We don’t say anything else for awhile.
         The long drive through the big city is silent. Cars drive by noisily outside though, splashing water onto the shiny black mustang. As we pass by some houses, I beg pitifully.
         “You don’t want me here. Please Aunt Vana, take me back. Please.”
         “I can’t,” she says almost sympathetically.
         “Sure you can, just turn the car around. . .”
         Now she is shaking her head with that annoyed look again. “No you silly boy. As I said, it is your mother’s own personal will. Wills aren’t something you can mess around with.” She pulls the Mustang into a stone driveway. 
         I unbuckle my seat belt and stare at her confused.
         “So where does this, personal  will, part come in? If it is her personal will, it isn’t legal. You could just not listen to it.
         Aunt Vana leans her head on the back of the seat. “She was my sister, I could never do that.”
         “My mom would want me to be happy. And what does this have anything to do with Jackson? He isn’t even with me!”
         “See for yourself,” she mutters and opens the door. I open mine too and step out into the wet cold rain.
All copyriights belong to me and me only.

Just four more parts, please keep reading as I post more. These aren't in order or anything, just random parts. Thanks and God Bless!

© Copyright 2008 Birdie (birdie_3 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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