Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1478491-Dropout-V1
Rated: · Other · Sci-fi · #1478491
Vore F/M No digestion.

Dropout V1

An infinite horizon, the true final frontier, a vast beautifal backdrop of the stars. Nebulas cavorting as stars go supernova and wars rage across the galaxy.
"Oh god....Boring."
A casual remark from a casual person. Mark laid back in the captains chair, staring out into the bleak void of space. He stared out from the small space which he called a cabin, the front section of a small ship slowly drifting out of port.
Mark eased himself out of the chair once the coordinates were set, and went to check up on the small, but valuable cargo. The pneumatic hiss of the door a small but welcome comfort, he flicked on an old-fashioned lightswitch and looked around. A few crates, and from cursory examination, all in perfect order. He flipped the lights off again, and turned around to stare down the hallway of the ship. A small vessel by all definitions, the whole living space 4 rooms in total, all layed out in a single hallway. He leaned forward slowly, and shuffled over back to the captains chair. As he began to open the door, he heard a small shuffle, coming from behind him.
He checked behind him. Nothing, but this seemed odd as he edged down the hallway. He opened the door to the bathroom, finding it completely empty. He inched over to his rooms door, silent as could be, and eased the door open manually. As he peeked through, he saw an amazing sight.
Laying on his bed was a beautiful woman, eased back in a position of perfect comfort, and for all his stealth staring at him cool and alert. He stared, absorbing in her delicious features. Her breasts were large, her figure slim, her hips wide and inviting. He realized something was off as he took in rather slowly, some odd features. The skin that seemed slightly blotchy was in fact spotted fur, tufted, feline ears poked through her hair. Her face was almost blindingly obvious, a mixture of human and feline features. This utopia of the vision ended as the door opened completely, almost angry with it's mistreatment.
She looked at him lustfully he might say, but as he thought more, he realized it was hunger. She stood up, her short dark hair flopping slightly against her head as she stalked over to the door. As she stared at him looking up at her naked form from the ground, she remarked casually?
She licked her lips invitingly at this statement.Mark hurriedly jumped up to attention to hear more of her voice. As he came into his own room, staring at her the entire time, she casually toyed with the shoulder of his suit, and then when he finally sat down, spoke again.
"Mark, I presume?" she asked pertly.
"H-how did you know?" He stammered quickly.
She shook her head in amusement.
"Your journal, brilliant one."
The journal he kept by his bedside! Of course, how could he be so stupid.
"I...well, I need your help. With a very personal matter..."
"How can I help!" he snapped to attention as she asked the question, hoping for a reward.
"I need you to take me somewhere. It's far away though..."
She trailed off, looking away, then at him, waiting for a quick response.
"Where is it?" He answered quickly, like a puppy begging for attention.
"It's a few light-minutes away from here, so it may take a while. You ever heard of Lek VI?
"Isn't that where those cat-people came from? I mean..." He stammered on is last words, realizing his mistake.
"Yes." She responded.
"The cat people, as you call us. A usable name for now...can you take me there?"
"Sure! I mean, uh, I can take you there now. Yeah."
He rushed over to the door to switch the destination, and looked back at the beautiful woman laying in his bed.
"Um..well, I didn't catch your name...." He remarked carefuly.
"Lalia. You can call me Lalia, Mark."

He hurried over to the console, quickly changing the coordinates. As he tore himself away from the screen, he quickly looked to his room as he rushed to it, wondering what the hell he thought he was doing. All those questions quickly evaporated as he saw her beauty again,
"Mark....thank you for what you are doing."
She seemed slightly embarassed herself, looking away quickly,then taking his hand and urging him closer to the bed.
"Our species don't trust many with this gift, and don't give it lightly...but I think you have deserved it."
Marks eyes brightened as he began thinking of dirty thoughts, his minds eye wandering lower along her supple body. As she edged closer to his body, both quivering with anticipation, she gently licked his face. His surprise melted away as she rubbed her body against his, both ready for what they thought was about to happen.
But instead of a night of love making, as Mark had hoped, Lalia opened her jaws cavernously, and eased his head in. Though he wanted to resist once he slowly figured what was happening, the paralysis freezing his body stopped any hopes of escape.
Though he seemed much to large for anything like this, slowly but steadily Lalia eased him in, gently swallowing as his shoulders passes through her jaws, Marks mop of hair slicked back against her esophagus. As his torso began it's descent, her tongue rolled in lazy circles across his hips, pulling slightly, sweetening the taste of his form as he travelled inside her. Once his hips past her lips, she lifted her head back, raising what was left of Mark on he outside, letting gravity push her preys legs in. As his foot was swallowed, she sat down on the bed, the paralysis easing, she began enjoying the quivering of his futile attempts to escape.
Though there would be no digestion, Lalia toyed with the idea of not telling him the truth of what would happen, allowing his fevered imagination to cause the continuation of the delightful struggling sensation.
Her concience won out, and she looked at her looming belly, no longer flat and athletic in even the slightest way, began speaking.
"No need to struggle Mark."
She said softly, trying to console him.
"But you're gonna eat m- You DID eat me! I'm gonna die in here!"
With these last words the strugglings quickened, the wriggling providing too much pleasure for the hunter to take, she arched back and let her tongue loll out, smiling in the bounty of enjoyment. She forced herself to look at her distended belly again, and held the pleasure out of her voice by sheer will alone.
"I'm not going to digest you Mark....did you really think I would do that?"
"You ATE me! What, you think I'm stupid?"
She giggled softly, and quickly, shutting off the laughter to speak.
"And do you really think my species would call death a gift?"
"Well....maybe..I guess?"
She sighed in frustration at his answer and question.
"You are just going to take a...trip, yes. Try to enjoy it Mark."
At this, the quiverings lessened slowly, then stopped all together. It didn't matter if Mark believed the truth, or simply thought it was useless to fight the inevitable doom his imagination cooked up.
Lalia slowly drifted off to sleep, waiting for the morning where the final part of her gift would be given.


Lalia was wakened by a twinging in her abdomen, and a great pressure in the bottom reaches of her belly. She groggily shifted, and attempted to stand, legs shaking at the burden of the extra weight. Her tail danced in a circle as she steeled herself as to what was to come. A pulsing, that quickly grew to frantic jerking around caused a feeling of ache in her belly, as she grabbed her gut, and braced herself against the wall.
The pulsing grew more rapid, until it became a constant pressure pushing and jerking, until with sudden ease her cheecks spread, the tight hole they protected bulging out in a mound, a dark shape pressing at the seemingly too small hole. the mound stopped moving, until a mop of hair burst quickly throw, followed by a gasping, surprised face. Mark looked with astonishment as his host tried to expel his body, shoulders resisting the tiny hole. Her cheeks gripped the sides of his head tightly, until he began sliding outwards. The hole gradually allowed Marks shoulders to battle through, the following passage easy and quick.But as Mark pulled his arms out, the pushing stopped, his escape halted, and the exhausted Lalia fell down to the floor panting with the strain of giving Mark to the outside world once more. Mark looked with a odd look, combining puzzlement and astonishment into the same gaped look, staring at the distended belly he thought was going to be his tomb.
"You didn't...I mean, I wasn't...How did I not get-"
She looked at him with a look mixing care and frustration, hoping her passenger was alright while at the same time being frustrated with the difficulty of pushing him out of her. Without answering, she once more made a herculean effort, trying again to push him out of her body.
Mark once again begain sliding forth, escaping between her legs. As his left foot was pulled out between her shaking legs, he marvelled at the fact that he had been inside her, and escaped unharmed.
They both, in an embarrassing shuffle to get out of the room, both walked to the front of the ship, looking out to see that they were lazily orbiting the planet.
As Lalia looked at her home planet with delight, a sudden sly look passed along her face, and she looked at Mark once more with that same hunger of their first meeting.
© Copyright 2008 Malarmortis (malarmortis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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