Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1458750-Queen-of-Dimonds
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1458750
confusion about growing and being deystroyed
I am a heart lacking oxgygen, filled with mindless pain,
I am a shelter and very much so the storm,
I am the wind with its young heat and its wild chill,
I am pained by the endless veiw of mixed darkness and light,
I am the filter that cleans the soul but poisons the body with distant memories of solitude and confinement,
I am here now then gone again,
lonely, lost and misplaced,
I am found,
I am confused and when found, my many minds tell me why I deserve everything and nothing at all,
When many minds of me obey, and my castle stands firm, she casts the stones that brake the windows and deystroys the walls of my kingdom,
her largest loss,
I'm the eyes that see her heart, her lies,
That in me they all dispise and I find the heart of my King twist and turn with my every move,
my life stops and I'm still the mark unbleachable.
The rotten apple,
Less than a dirty stone, no more than useless clay in her flowered garden,
and I, 
The greatest mistake may only go so long in my protections befor my will is, the child inside of me is crushed,
I'm tired of the queen of dimonds, the Queen of swords, and the voice of maddness.
  I am a heart lacking oxgygen, filled with mindless pain,I am a shelter and very much so the storm,
I am the wind with its wild heat and its young chill,
I am pained by the endless veiw of mixed darkness and light,
All of these I am,
and I am so very much more!
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