Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1455629-The-Consumer-and-Other-Poems
Rated: E · Poetry · Young Adult · #1455629
A collection of my poetry that I've deemed fairly decent.
The Consumer
Oct. 31, 2005

The tall green giant stood with the trees,
The leafed green monster feasting upon whatever it pleased.
Across the great green forest it roams,
From the briny sea to the hilly domes.
When hunger strikes, it will munch on a tree
Or salt a seagull's egg in the sea.
Year by year its hunger grew,
From one tree a day to two.
The hungry giant's dinner
Began to make the trees grow thinner and thinner.
Hundreds of years passed to a day until
The greenish monster stood atop its hill.
Looking upon its now empty glade,
It stood alone in the wind as it swayed.
It reflected upon its long earthly theft,
Always eating, never saving; not a tree was left.

Crushed Leaf
Sept. 27, 2005

In the middle of Autumn,
When all the leaves fall,
One little leaf had a dream:
A dream to have the most magnificent fall
That had ever been seen.
But when the time came to fall,
The leaf merely dropped.
It called for the wind to pick it up,
And give it a second chance.
But all that hope was destroyed
When a shoe drove it into the dirt.

Toy Airplane
Sept. 27, 2005

Flying so high,
Up in the sky,
The green plastic plane
Soaring on through the rain.
But soon the wind hits the tip.
The little plane takes a downward dip.
The boy comes to save it once more,
So that a sunnier day the plane can soar.

Murder By A Madman
Oct. 2, 2005

As I walk down the path,
Something comes into sight:
The mangled corpse of a red-tailed deer,
Killed and left rotting here.
A smell enters the nostrils as I bear this hideous sight:
The abominable odor of decay.
The remains of a doe was here at this site,
At this very same spot last May.
With a look of disgust, I fled,
Horrid throughts floating in my head.
"What kind of monster kills these deer,
Only to leave the body rotting here?"
Some sadistic beast prone to violence.
But at least it targets these gentle animals
Instead of children soft asleep.

Time (Mortality's Foe)
Sept. 24, 2004

Early in the month of May,
A patch of flowers bloomed.
On this bright and sunny day,
They had no clue that they were doomed.

Green stalks standing tall,
Red roses as their crown.
Only the clock could make their majesty fall,
Their scarlet tiaras come tumbling down.

The clock ticked on; the seasons turned;
Golden leaves fell to the ground.
The royal rose's passion burned,
Chilly wind was the only sound.

Time was spent; this flower could no longer be seen.
A boy came by to where it had once been found,
But all that was left of the crimson queen
Was a wilted petal lying on the ground.
© Copyright 2008 Tom Thornton (nullaxiom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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