Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1450573-Shooting-star
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #1450573
we only dream of stuffs..we don't do anything to achieve our dreams...
Shooting star

The town was sleeping
The sweeper was sweeping

I went out for a walk
And got a shock
As I saw a moving light
Shooting down the skies

At first it was dim
As it came closer
It became very bright
This gave me a fright
I looked more closely
But couldn't see it clearly

As I was wondering
Someone was shouting
"Look there is a shooting star"
Wow! What a sight!
Moving with all its might!
Glittering like gold!
But it can’t be sold
Nor can it be bought.
A thought
Ran across my mind
Yes, the blowing of wind
The perfect time
Let’s shoot up
Tie a rope
To its tail
Bring it back
Take it to my shack
I yelled my great plan out
I heard people saying I was freaked out

As I sat there embarrassed
People stated uttering out their wishes to-be-granted
Usurers needed money
While the chefs needed honey
Carpenters needed wood
Poor needed food
Fools needed brain while
Farmers needed grain

Police needed thieves
In order to get promotion
Suddenly there was a formation
Of gloomy lips on everybody’s face
As the shooting star vanished

People went back
To their homes and houses

The town went back
To the state of sleeping

Sweeper resumed sweeping

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