Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1416710-Dawning-Of--Motherhood
Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #1416710
The shock of motherhood
You know getting married at 16
I was so shy and naive,
What I didn't know about life
You never would believe.

About 8 months after I was wed
I got terribly sick
and wished that I was dead.

My husbands Aunt came to visit
And said girl, what's wrong with you.
I told her I'd been sick
And probably had the flu.

The next day I saw the doctor
When I asked him what I had.
He told me to get undressed
And lay down on the bed.

I wondered what was going on
as I laid down on the bed,
When he started to examine me
I pulled the sheet up over my head.

I know my face was ten shades of red
When I finally got up off that bed.
What he told me next was that I was pregnant
And I could tell he wasn't foolin'
My mind screamed, Oh My God
Now the world would know what I'd been doin'.

When I got home and told
My husband the news I had got,
He got this stunned look on his face
like he'd just been shot.

Then came the day I had to wear
Those ugly maternity clothes,
The next few months I was cranky and felt like a blimp
But those are the feelings, only a pregnant woman knows.

Then one day I saw the doctor
I wasn't feeling very well,
He told me I had toxemia
and my hands and feet began to swell.

He gave me some medicine
And I was told to stay off my feet,
I had to have my wedding rings cut off
Great, now I looked like an unwed mother
Which made my face as red as a beet.

Then one night I got horrible stomach pains
I thought it was gas,
I got up and took an Alka-Seltzer
Thinking it would pass.

As the hours went on I was in agony
And it only kept getting worse,
So I woke my husband from a sound sleep
Only to hear him mumble and curse.

It was January and it was snowing hard
And not another soul was on the road,
I had no clue what I was in for that night
I was never told.

They put me in a labor room and told me
To get undressed and get into bed,
After 10 long hours of pain
I almost wished I was dead.

They let my husband come in to see me once
While I was in that place,
I told him, don't ever touch me again
Or I'll tear off your face!!

I didn't mean those terrible
Things that I had said,
But then, I was certain
In a short time I'd be dead.

Then the time came
And they said it was time,
I was happy to be getting it over with
Before I lost my mind.

This was a country hospital
They didn't give anything for pain,
What happened next made me
Swear this would never happen again!

Soon it was over and
I was filled with joy
As the nurse handed me
My beautiful baby boy.
© Copyright 2008 RebelGirl (sherc129 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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