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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1393718
The tales of coming together to reveal the truth of human and creature nature alike.
Chapter 13

Violet swatted a mosquito on her arms flailing freely as she whined and grumbled

as they walked through forest of Ghestin. She tripped over a root and fell.

Boar looked back and sighed, “Violet, c'mon we aren't waiting for you all day.”

“Hey, you're the one who took the edgy route, Mr. Nutcase. Don't make me hit

you,” spat Violet.

Boar rolled his eyes and threw his arms up in the air and continued walking. He

knew it wasn't a good idea to let Violet in his group.

The Temple of Ghestin loomed over the team like a giant ready for devour them.

The exterior condition wasn't in good shape so Boar figured his team will need to be

careful inside. The windows were cracked and just the breeze of the wind made the

temple groan like a stuck pig.

Boar looked all the way up, shielding his face with his hands as the sun threw

scorching rays down at them. He cupped his mouth and commanded, “OK people, we

finally made it. Let's not mess it up. Team Five and Two, you will search outside for any

relics or any intruders. If there are any, don't hesitate to attack. Team Three and Four,

you will check the temple itself inside out and learn the history and significance of it.

The reports will be due tomorrow...do not fail me.”

The teams nodded and moved out. “Team One, you will follow me and investigate

the altar. Violet you coming?” asked Boar as he equipped his double ax.

Violet shook her head and replied, “Go inside that place? It's like a living dust

house! Besides, there are probably rats in there.”

Boar grunted and shrugged and went inside the entrance of the temple, followed by

Team One. Boar turned on his lantern and probed the darkness and watched the other

teams running and shouting at each other to keep moving. A human came up to him and

saluted him. “Sir, we found the altar.” Boar nodded and motioned him to lead them to it.

They entered a dorm with a battered rug hanging from it. Inside it was of any chapel

room. The benches all faced the altar which was in the very front of the chapel, where

the priest would lead church members into worship. The altar was not decorated with

gold or with other valuable stones. It was made of marble. In a shape of a casket. Boar

walked between the nicely set up benches cautiously whether a floor might be too weak

and break beneath his feet. The floor creaked at every step and looked back each time.

It felt like the whole temple was going to cave in. But finally he was in front of the

casket, wiping his head from the sweat. Safe.

He motioned Team One that it was OK and they started to walk towards him, checking

the environment and the status of the chapel.

It was quiet, dusty, and rats ran around like it was their own home. Violet was

right. The team surrounded the casket and Boar as he suspiciously examined it with his

lantern. Even though sunbeam flooded into the chapel it still felt dark and cold. He

studied the signs that were carved on the casket and squinted his eyes, looking at

letters like it had just moved.

“Shit, I can't understand anything,” cursed Boar at the casket. Even the language

translator team also could not figure out what it meant. “OK fuck it, let's open the

casket...altar, whatever.”

The team hesitated and looked at each other but obediently grabbed the handle of

the casket's cover.

“Push, you sissies,” urged Boar watching the casket as he clapped his hands

impatiently. He pointed his lantern at the little opening of the casket and tried to see

what was inside. Nothing. It was still pitch black.

What the hell...?

Boar pointed closer to the casket, trying to get any shadows from a corner. It was

too late before anyone could notice. Boar tripped on a root that grew on the stairs that

led to the casket and he fell down...down...and kept falling.

“Boar, sir!” cried out an echo. When he landed on his back, pain shot through his

body.First his back, then his head, then his hips.

“Shit...” groaned Boar, as he rolled around in pain. He could still hear the faint

shouting noises from above. He saw stars. When he finally got his consciousness back,

he stood up on his feet, stumbling a little and squinting trying to get a clear view of

where he was. Boar became surprised when lamps on each corner of the room lit up. It

was like a dungeon. It was decorated with moss and there were cracks along the stone

tiles, with no windows. There were some kind of contraption firmly planted on the ground

and a wooden casket in the far left corner. He cautiously walked over to the casket, his

double ax drawn. He had to draw his ax back to his side and push open the casket. He

could still hear the faint shouts. He opened it slightly open, looked around if there were

any roots on the ground. Then he crushed the wooden cover of the casket. Solid.

Boar wiped his head and searched inside of the casket.

“What's this?” mumbled Boar to himself as he picked up a small box. It also had

the same identical signs as the casket box. He looked around if anyone was behind

him. Then he opened the box, slowly taking his time.


“What the hell was that?” asked one of the language transfer team members as he

peered into the casket. “Holy shit, it's getting bright.”

The whole crew was immediately summoned to the chapel room. “What's going

on? Where's the blue light coming from?” asked Violet. The teams stood in silence as

they watched the blue light probe the chapel room. It slowly died out and the team

peered again into the dark portal of the altar.

“Hello?! Sir Boar, can you hear us!” cried a team member. It was not long before

they finally got an answer.

“Get me a rope, someone! Who do you think I am? A spider?” replied the faint

voice. Violet sighed with relief and everyone smiled at Boar's typical answer. They

brought their longest rope and dropped it down the casket. One-third of the rope

disappeared into the black void and soon something green...first small, then bigger


“Boar!” squealed Violet as she hugged him tightly when he finally came out of the

hole. He weakly hugged her back and pulled away and asked for water.

“Did you find anything, Sir?” asked a research team member.

Boar shook his head. “No, I couldn't see a thing. It was really dark. I couldn't hear

the shouts because I was knocked unconscious.”

As the day slowly went by the explorers finally convinced themselves that there

was nothing to find in the ancient temple and everyone grumbled with displeasure. Boar

told Frodner, his assistant to lead the team to leave the temple and head to Toarisca

Island, a few miles away from their camp.

“Really? Alright! I won't let you down, Mr. Boar!” cried Frodner happily. Boar just

grunted. As the team hurried along the path of the forest, Boar took out a blue ruby and

fingered it with his fingers. Precious stones can break your bones.

Chapter 14

“Hey guys, I like you to meet our new friends, Twinkle and Winkle,” exclaimed

Biggie as he opened his hands to reveal a yellow glow. Two fairies ascended and floated

around him.

Largo and Zeath looked at each other, eyebrows raised. They haven't seen them

around Biggie yesterday.

“Hmm, where did you get such rare species?” asked Tim closely observing the two

fairies that began to wave fairy dusts at him.

People in the inn curiously gathered around Biggie to examine the fairies.

Everyone knew that fairies were supposed to be extinct and it was for the first time they

had seen a real one up close.

“My friend, Jen, she got them from her grandpa when she was little -” Biggie

began but stopped short as his smile faded away and tears welled up in his eyes then

hysterically sobbed. Zeath and Largo came to his side and tried to calm him down.

“Okay, show's over, people. Get moving,” shouted Zeath, moving his hand in a

waving gesture. The people stared at Biggie in confusion and some as if he was crazy.

Tim could hear Biggie curse in quiet sobs.

“Jen...oh God...what did you have to die,” stammered Biggie with spit drooling out

of his mouth.

The two fairies looked at Zeath, Largo, and Biggie and stared at Tim who was

making his way to cafẻ that was built into the inn. The fairies floated towards Tim and

on each of his shoulder.

“Would you mind if we join you, Mr. Legendary Paladin?” asked Winkle.

“Yes, join with Mr. Legendary Paladin,” squeaked Twinkle happily.

Tim looked over his shoulders and smiled, “Yeah, sure. How did you guys know I

was the one?"

Twinkle giggled and Winkle replied, "We can tell by instinct."

"Ahh...I see. By the way, why don't you guys meet our new friend? She should be

somewhere here. I just saw her this morning.”

The inn was warm and hazy with smoke. Some people were still eating their

breakfast or sipping hot coffee and tea. Quiet and tired voices and murmurs filled the

cafẻ . Tim finally spotted Julie in a corner table alone. She was playing with her

necklace, twirling it around her fingers. Tim went to the bar stand and asked for the

barkeeper. The barkeeper was a short Orc, but muscles rippled through his trousers and

his leopard-skinned shirt.

“Can I get...uh, two butterscotch for these two little ones and two coffee please,”

smiled Tim to the barkeeper.

The barkeeper didn't smile back but when he turned his back to the them to get

the butterscotch, he looked over his shoulder and laughed heartily. “You gots some cute

lil' ones there, kid, where did ya get such fine specimens?” asked the barkeeper in a

southern accent.

“These aren't mine. It’s my friend’s. He says his girlfriend got it or something,”

answered Tim and patted Winkle's head.

The barkeeper rolled two butterscotch and two coffees across the table. Tim

handed the butterscotch to the fairies which they happily accepted the tiny mugs and

started to gulp down the sweet drink.

“You be good now. Take care of them fairies for meh, you hear?” pointed a finger at

Tim and snickered. Tim smirked and nodded at the barkeeper and walked towards

Julie's table. Tim sat down and handed Julie the hot mug of coffee. At first she refused

that Tim should waste any money on her but he refused every remark.

Julie looked up and smiled as she held the cup with both hands.

“T-thank you...” whispered Julie.

“No problem, you okay?” asked Tim sipping his coffee.

Julie nodded and then Winkle gasped and squeaked, “Mr. Legendary Paladin!

She's a witch, she's a witch!”

Tim scolded the fairy and looked at Julie in apology but she told him she was used

to it. She looked at the fairies with curiosity and slightly cocked her head to the left.

“Sorry...these are the fairies that Biggie introduced today. Cute huh?” asked Tim,

laughing nervously.

Julie looked down at her coffee and weakly nodded. Hearing the word 'Biggie' had

revived the memories from last night. Tim cleared his throat and drained the hot coffee,

ignoring the burning sensation in his throat to distract himself from the awkward silence.

Suddenly, the quiet atmosphere in the café were interrupted by a slamming of the

inn door. Then men and women began to pour inside the inn like a human river. They

consisted of humans, Orcs, centaurs, and fauns wearing dusty clothes and holding

heavy equipments upon their shoulders. An odd mix, Tim told himself.

Some of the people at the cafẻ looked at the large group in annoyance. An Orc

and a female elf entered last in the inn and slammed the door shut. Tim guessed they

were Dirt Travelers.

The Orc that entered last with the female elf motioned the team to the café and

they all seated separately in small groups in each table.

Tim stared at them and drained the rest of the coffee. Julie seemed to be staring in

space again. The café had become much more rowdy and loud and many customers

left, detecting mischief and annoyance. The Dirt Travelers were singing and laughing

loudly to each other. The Orc was secretly staring at Julie and Tim suspiciously and

finally stood up and walk towards them with the female elf behind him. Every step made

the inn slightly vibrate and the others watched him thud across the cafẻ. Tim pretended

they weren't there and then snapped his fingers, waking Julie in her hypnotized state.

“Are you going to finish your coffee, Julie?” asked Tim.

“Umm...no...sorry," stammered Julie and apologized.

“It's OK. You won't mind if I have the rest, right?”

Julie shook her head.

Julie finally felt the ground vibrate beneath their feet and felt a large shadow upon

her. She slowly looked up and her eyes grew wide with shock at the tall, muscular Orc

that was staring down at them.

“How much for those fairies, friend?” drawled the large Orc. He even tried to sound

friendly. Tim slowly drank Julie's coffee not saying a word.

“Hey you, I'm asking you how much for the fairies,” repeated the Orc, slightly

annoyed at Tim's attitude.

“They aren't for sale,” answered Tim calmly.

The Orc sneered at them. Tim noticed that the fairies had hid themselves in his

jacket pocket. The whole café seemed to stare at them. Julie nervously shifted her body

and played with her hair continuously with her trembling fingers.

“You don't want me to take it by force, do you? Sell it to me or I will take them

myself,” boomed the Orc and narrowed his eyes on Tim and then at Julie who gulped in

fear. Tim sipped the coffee again and watched the little stain ring that was formed from

the bottom of the coffee mug. He cleared his throat but kept a straight face.

“The fairies aren't mine, so leave us alone.” replied Tim.

“You should listen to what he says...you won't like it when he gets pissed,”

smirked the female elf as she folded her arms across her chest. Tim set the cup

gently down the table and said calmly, "No."

The Orc kicked the table, splitting it into two and punched the remains into

splinters. The Dust Traveler team all stood up and crowded behind the Orc to support

him. It was if a large mob was threatening them.

“Umm...I'm going to the restroom,” whispered Julie as she quickly got up but the

Orc pushed her down and she fell hard on her back.

“You're not going anywhere, bitch until this fag gives me the fairies,” grunted the

Orc and Julie nodded quickly and obediently sat back down.

Tim slouched in his chair and put his left leg on top of his right on the table. He

dropped the cup and said, “If you're looking for a fight, you can just tell me without

causing so much noise.”

The whole café was listening.

“You can fight?” asked Boar sarcastically and snorted at the same time.

The Dirt Traveler team laughed. One of them scoffed, “You don't even have a sword

on you. What are you going to do, slap us to death?”

The Orc took out a large iron mace and lightly hit the head of it with his other hand.

Tim stood up and looked at the Orc.

“Your name is Boar Hyduras, right?” The Orc's smile faded and his mace lowered.

The female elf's jaw opened in shock.

“How...how the hell did you know my name?” Tim shrugged and smiled slyly. “And

you...elf girl, you're Violet Windsing, right?”

Boar and Violet looked at each other and then stared at Tim.

“Who are you?” asked Boar.

Julie sat down hugging her knees and looking at the big mob that gathered around


“Don't change the subject, Boar. You want to fight? Then let's go,” smiled Tim.

Boar grunted and raised his mace and smiled, “I'm going to kick your ass.”

Tim's hand spread apart and suddenly a ray of white light came down from the

heavens, shot through the roof and emitted in Tim's hand. The light slowly started to

form into a blade.

“What the hell?” someone shouted.

Boar rubbed his eyes, shocked. “Oh shit...you're a paladin.”

“A retired one. Still want to fight?” asked Tim as he pointed his blade to Boar's

chest. Boar slowly put his mace back into his side and

raised his hands.

“Peace...s-sorry about the misunderstanding,” stammered Boar.

Tim shrugged and then the blade slowly turned into a ball of light, and materialized

into thin air as Tim sat down sighing as if depressed.

“Err…sorry about the table. I'll pay for the damages,” called Boar to the barkeeper.

The barkeeper shrugged and nodded. Boar fingered the Rezruby nervously as he told the

team to get back to their seats.


Julie saw a glint of a sparkle in the Orc's hand. The Orc named Boar was standing

by Tim, apologizing and talking to the elf named Violet at the same time. She realized

that the Orc was fingering at a blue stone. A thought popped into her mind. The next

thing she knew she was crawling up to the Orc on her knees and trying to pry open his


“What the fuck?” cried Boar in surprise and flung Julie off his hand. The Rezruby

also slipped and fell on the ground, slightly scratching it. “What the hell do you think

you're doing?”

Tim looked at Julie in confusion and Julie looked at him and looked up at Boar as

he quickly picked up the ruby and examined it for any damage.

She took a deep breath and said weakly, “I...think he stole my Rezruby. It...it was

m-my dad's gift to me.”

Boar looked at Violet amused and laughed. “Yeah right, little girl. This is mine. I

found it. You can find your own,” chuckled Boar and threw it in the air, caught it, and

jammed it in his pocket.

“It's...mine, you...you shouldn't steal other's possession,” whispered Julie quietly.

Boar's chuckle turned into a low growl and Julie's body shivered with fear. Tim raised an

eyebrow, trying to figure out what was going on.

“I can sue you, little girl. Don't push it. You scratched the ruby so I think you did

enough damage,” screamed Boar and veins formed on his neck.

Julie's lips trembled, trying to get the words out of her mouth. “You...you got that

from a secret dungeon. It's my dad's present to me...so...so...I want it back, please!”

Tim could tell that Boar gets easily angered because his green face turned tomato

red. “You stupid bi...” Boar stopped when he met Tim's eyes. Then he glared at Julie.

“I'm going to sue your ass. Then you will pay.” Boar said gritting his teeth and

clenching his fists.

Suddenly, Twinkle and Winkle came out of their hiding place and squeaked

together, “She's a witch, she's a witch!” and hid again inside Tim's coat pocket. They

peeked at Boar and started to chirp loudly until Tim glared at them so hard they turned

silent. Julie looked at the fairies with a worried look and then gulped as she avoided eye

contact with the Orc.

Boar roared with laughter at Julie and the whole team joined in at the same time.

“Heh, this should be easier than I thought it would...so you're a witch? You look so

pathetic when you whine like a little baby,” scoffed Boar.

Julie still on her knees dropped her head in silence, extremely embarrassed of


Boar watched Tim from the corner of his eyes. After he's gone, this bitch is


He turned toward the exit of the café, nodded at Tim and motioned the team to

move out. They all filed out of the inn as Boar paid for the damage on the way and then

looked at the café one more time. He glared at Julie for a second and slammed the door

behind him. The sawdust that was resting on the window sills jumped and floated around

like snow.

Chapter 15

Biggie and the paladins saw what happened and Biggie suddenly had become

excited. They helped cleaned up the table and the damage that was done then Biggie

hurriedly went outside. Curious, Zeath and Largo went with him as Julie cleaned up the

rest of the mess.

An hour later, they came back with Boar and Violet.

“Boar was a great friend of mine when I was living in Lyforgia back in the day. We

used to race each other with our friends to the bakery,” said Biggie giving a Boar a high

five and did their secret handshake that they had created ten years ago.

Tim chatted with Violet while the paladins packed their bags.

“We have decided to join your party. A better company than digging rocks with old

men and geeks,” Violet joked to the paladins, who laughed so hard that the innkeeper

shouted at them to shut up.

Largo grunted and pulled a bag over his shoulder. “C'mon people, let's get moving.

We are heading to Celestial City. I heard it's a good place and I would like to visit there.

Just to browse around. After that, we will travel North to a shrine at Neoxarde's Crown.

There is some business that needs to be taken care of.

Everyone said their final good-byes and thank-you to the innkeeper and the

barkeeper. Julie was the last one out and she gently closed the door behind her. She felt

the chilly morning air hit her face. She stayed a few yards away from the party as she

picked up her bag with both hands and silently watched them.

“I heard Celestial City had only pure-hearted humans living there. No violence, no

anger, no sorrow. Just like heaven,” whispered Violet to Boar. Boar only nodded and

quickly glanced at Julie and picked up his bag.

“OK...we are going through the Ruberio Forest. It's safe because it's full of elves. I

don't think we will be in any big troubles,” called Largo and lead the way.

They followed Largo, talking and laughing as Julie walked slowly with them now a

few yards away from them. They headed west.


“Why is that witch following us?” Violet whispered into Biggie's ears as she locked

her eyes on Julie.

“Hmm...good question. Why is she following us?” asked Biggie looking at the

rest of the party.

Tim stretched his arms and yawned. “Why not? I think it's kind of amusing to have

a witch as one of our team.”

Boar snorted and looked back at Julie and whispered, “I don't like her a bit. She

could be evil or something.”

Tim raised an eyebrow and said, “Nah, she is harmless. Besides, she's extremely

shy. Ain't nothing she's going to do."

Largo and Zeath were walking together discussing the latest topic about the rebels

that were increasing in the Slave Factory.

“We think she's going to curse us. Witches are known for backstabbing and

destroying things,” squeaked Twinkle. “Yes, destroying things. That means us too,”

Winkle mimicked.

Violet nodded. “She's dangerous. We have to get rid of her.”

Tim sighed heavily and Biggie looked at him concerned. “Violet is right. If she

stays longer, she'll get us easily,” said Biggie clenching his teeth, so it looked like he

was only grinding his teeth.

Tim dropped his bag and came to a full stop. He looked angry and irritated. “OK,

here's the deal. If she attacks us in any way, physical or spiritual, I'll ban her from our

team myself. Personally,” muttered Tim. Everyone agreed. “Good, now let's get moving.”

Tim sighed and rolled his eyes as he picked up his bag again and walked on.

“I still don't trust her...we have to let the bitch know we are in control,” whispered

Biggie to Boar. Boar just glanced back at Julie and stared straight ahead and walked on.

He knew what he would do if he had a chance to be alone with her. The road became

narrow and widened to a big campground.

Tim searched the area and shouted, “We can camp here for tonight, anyone with


Everyone solemnly agreed and began to unpack their things. Julie unpacked in a

far corner away from everyone else. She had noticed most of them were looking her in

disgust and hatred. She put on a coat and hugged her elbows and shivered.

Biggie and Boar went into the woods to get some firewood for a campfire, while

Violet and the fairies packed the food together for dinner. While Zeath, Largo, and Tim

set up the tents.

Two hours later, Biggie and Boar came back with the firewood and instantly picked

up a stick and tried to start a fire. “You guys look like squirrels. Get up, I'll handle it,”

Largo joked and pointed his sword at the sticks.

Suddenly, the blade glowed and a glowing charge of energy struck the sticks and

they blazed into a huge fireball, engulfing the tiny dome that Largo created with holy


“Show off,” laughed Biggie and lightly punched Largo in the arm. Largo pretended

to be offended. Everyone crowded around the fire warming themselves. Except for Julie.

No one noticed Julie go inside her tent. Violet and the fairies cooked up Lilia soup and

baked chicken.

“Wow, this soup is great...but what's a Lilia?” asked Biggie.

“It's a flower. Long ago the elves used the Lilias as medicine, now you can crush it

and make soup. It's very good for you too,” explained Violet, tearing off a small piece of

chicken and chewing on it slowly.

“It's delicious. Thanks for the grub,” smiled Zeath. Everyone erupted talking and

laughing, enjoying the crackling campfire.

Tim was the only one that realized Julie wasn't with them so he walked towards

Julie's tent. Some of them looked at Tim where he was going and stopped laughing, then

started talking again.

“Hey, Julie, you there?” whispered Tim. No answer. “Julie?”

Tim slowly looked through the opening of the tent and saw Julie sitting with her

knees to her chest. She noticed him and she bowed quietly.

"Ah...h-hi..." stammered Julie.

"What are you doing? Don't you want some food?" asked Tim and sat down across

from her.

"I...umm..." Julie started again but was interrupted by her growling stomach. Her

face flushed red and tried to avoid contact.

"C'mon, there are plenty of food left," urged Tim and patted his stomach. "It was

really good. Violet's an excellent cook, I promise."

"About that..." Julie said quietly. "I...umm...don't think they like me very much...so

I'll just stay here. I-I'm really OK though."

Tim nodded because he couldn't find the right words to say anything. He knew that

the party was not very fond of her. “Well...I uh, I'm going to go to my tent now,” Tim

yawned and pointed to the flaps of the tent. Julie nodded.

Tim left her tent and then went inside his own and was the first person to sleep.

Everyone had gone to bed and only the crickets and the animals bellowing could

be heard from a distance. In the shadows, five figures slowly crept along the camp-

ground. The figures were walking away from the group tents and were walking towards

Julie's tent.


Julie shifted uncomfortably in her sleeping bag. Even if the lamp was dim, it made

her squint her eyes from the small flame. But she needed the light. The darkness

reminded her of when she was in boarding school. When Julie would go to the bathroom,

the girls would sneak up on her, turn off the lights, and lock the door. Julie pounded on

the door and yelled for help. No one came. A teacher found her sleeping on the tile floor

near the faucets the next day. She would be all wet and would always catch a cold.

Suddenly, she heard noises outside her tent. Julie gasped and pulled up her

covers to her chin and trembled with fear. She sighed with relief when she saw Boar

peeking in her tent.

“Umm...hi - ” Boar grabbed Julie's hair and yanked her out of the tent. She tried to

scream but Boar's other hand quickly covered her mouth.

It was in the middle of the night but Julie saw the outline of Violet, Biggie, and the

two fairies. Boar pushed her down to her knees. “Well, well, well, look what we have

here. A little bitch asking for a beating.”

Julie slowly looked up at them, her eyes demanding what they were doing.

Boar pulled on Julie's collar and whispered, “You’re going to pay for damaging my

property. I'm going to beat you now, OK?”

Julie immediately started to tear in her eyes and sobbed quietly.

“Shut up, you stupid bitch!” cried Boar looking around the campground and then

punching Julie in the eye. The force made Julie fly back two feet. Her face throbbed and

adrenaline sparked down her spine. It was hurting so much.

Boar kicked her in the ribs which resulted sharp gasps from Julie. She bit her

tongue so she wouldn't scream. Boar continued to beat her until he felt satisfied. Finally,

Boar grabbed her collar and pulled her up to his face. “When Tim goes, you're dead. Got

it, bitch?” spat Boar angrily as Violet, Biggie, and the two fairies crowded around Boar.

Julie looked up at Biggie for any sign of mercy but Biggie had the same hatred in

his dark eyes. Violet and the two fairies looked at her with disgust.

“Let me do the honors,” whispered Biggie coldly. Boar let go of Julie as she hit the

ground and she gasped in agony. Then he spat at her and joined Violet and the fairies.

Biggie stood over her and lifted his leg and kicked her in the ribs. Julie's breathing

stopped for awhile and she began to roll around in pain. Biggie grabbed her collar and

lifted her halfway up.

“That was for the destruction of Lyforgia. I got more, you stupid cunt,” grunted

Biggie as he punched Julie in the cheekbone twice.

“That's for my mom and dad.”

Julie hit the ground hard and Biggie picked her up again. Her tears streamed down

her cheeks, but she didn't make any noise. Blood trickled down on the side of her


“This is for my brothers!” Biggie swung his fist up Julie's stomach. Julie's eyes

bulged as Biggie let go of her and stood up watching Julie go on all fours as she

coughed up bile and blood. Her arms were trembling and tears mixed with the blood.

Biggie pushed her back on the ground as Julie hit the ground face up. Biggie got

on top of her and started to pound the bridge of her nose, her cheeks, and eyes with his

fists using all of his might. Every word shot at Julie like deadly arrows.

“This.....is......for......my......best......friend......Jen!” screamed Biggie. The last

word seemed to silence the world. The crickets and the creatures stopped their endless

cries. Boar smiled and crossed his arms. Violet and the fairies silently watched.

Biggie, finally satisfied stood up and looked at the damage.

Julie was half-unconscious. Blood streamed down her nose and mouth. Spit and

blood bubbled on her lips and she was choking on her tongue. Biggie could tell Julie's

face was swelling, even in the darkness.

“On your knees, bitch,” grumbled Boar as he forced Julie on her knees. Julie hung

her head, blood, spit, and vomit slowly trailed down her

chin and to the ground. Boar spat at her at big one right at her eyebrow and it oozed

down on her swollen eye. Biggie spat her three times and cursed at her.

“C'mon Violet, the bitch learned her lesson. Finish it,” said Boar, lightly patting

Violet's back. She hesitated as Julie looked up at her, eyes colorless in the cold night.

She closed her eyes and spat at her and hit Julie on the cheek. Julie hung her head with

embarrassment. The fairies spat at her multiple times, chirping devious things at her.

Boar walked up to her and looked down at the dirt. The soft earth was slightly wet

from the light drizzle from the rain that had just started. He used his feet like a shovel

and dug his boots in until there was a pile of dirt on top of it.

“Clean my shoe, you worthless slut,” commanded Boar sternly. Julie hesitated

but obediently cleaned his shoe with her mouth.

“Oh God...” moaned Violet as she ran back toward her tent, holding her hands on

her mouth. Biggie and the fairies watched silently. Boar smiled with amusement as

Julie finished the last clump of dirt off his shoes.

“Look how worthless you are,” laughed Boar as he kicked her chin. Julie fell back

and got on all fours to breathe more easily.

“Don't ever mess with us, bitch,” said Boar and turned toward his tent. The fairies

went back to Biggie's tent. Biggie stood a few inches away from Julie his fists still

clenched with her blood dripping down to the ground. Biggie watched Julie as she

struggled to get up to her feet and fail as she hit the ground with a plop. Finally, he

turned around and walked toward his tent.


Julie did not get up from the wet earth as the rain became heavier. The raindrops

were like knives, slicing the dirt every time it hit the ground. She tried to get up using all

her strength, but her arms gave out. The rain had scared away the crickets and the

creatures. She only heard the soft drizzle of the rain hit the mud, tent, and the trees.

Once again she tried to pull herself up and finally succeeded. She walked toward her

tent, walking limply then leaning onto the pole for support. She felt dizzy and pain shot

through her body like thousands of needles piercing her repeatedly. She slowly touched

her eye and winced as her face racked and throbbed. Eventually she managed to throw

herself down inside her tent, dig through her bag, and took out a dry towel. Tears started

to form around her eyes again as she wiped away the blood, saliva, vomit and dirt from

her face.

Then she felt something sharp. She winced and she started unfolded the towel,

curious what was inside. Julie had found a knife. The 7-inch blade gleamed in the dim

light. It had a small handle but it was polished nicely. Julie gulped and straightened the

towel and sat on it. As if in instinct, she put the blade onto her left wrist and flicked her

right hand, cutting herself.

Blood oozed out of the wound as Julie dropped the blade and held her wrist tightly

to lose blood circulation. Specks of blood had formed onto the towel as Julie pulled it

and tied it to her wrist. She put her left wrist outside and watched as the rain cleansed

her hand. The slitting was painful, but somehow Julie felt relieved.

Ten minutes later, she slowly untied the towel and sighed as the circulation flowed

down her arms to her hand. The blood didn't seep out of her wrist anymore. She slowly

began to lay down and closed her eyes, trying to stop the dizziness from the loss of

blood. She turned off the little light and wallowed in the darkness. The raindrops

comforted her and she soon fell asleep from the sound of the light drizzle on top of her

© Copyright 2008 JamaJuice (jamajuice at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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