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by kallie
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Teen · #1382887
Four friends try to keep their friendship, even with the power of love tearing them apart.
Chapter one:

“Pass the cookie dough,” Jason reached over my stomach and plucked a hand full of cookie dough out of the huge tub Sadie was holding. Sadie grunted and shoved him away, not moving her brown eyes from the TV screen. It was a Thursday night and me, and my three best friends where pigging out in my bed room. Snow was falling outside and there was a pretty good chance that there wasn’t going to be school tomorrow.
“Isn’t he just adorable?” Sadie practically drooled as she leaned closer to the TV. I glanced up to see Leonardo’s face lean and kiss Rose passionately on the lips. She sighed “I would do anything, absolutely anything to have a guy like Jack in my life.”
“You know, maybe if we could just maybe do a little something special, I just might be that guy,” Jason smiled and put his hand on Sadie’s thigh. Sadie swatted him off, still not taking her eyes off the screen for one second. Jason smiled and fell back on the floor.
“Let’s do something. I’m sick of this dumb movie,” he glanced over at Shawn who we all thought was asleep. “Shawn, you dead?”
“Mhmm,” he mumbled into his arm, his long curly brown hair covered his eyes.
“Kallie? What about you,” he turned his head to look at me. I was laying on my bed face down, texting some kid from my chemistry class.
“I’m here,” I said not even moving. My long straight brown hair spilled down my face and I got a mouth full when I tried to speak.
“God you guys! Let’s do something!!” Jason jumped up, and before I could save myself he body slammed onto my back. “BODY SLAM!!!”
“OW!!!!! JASON GET THE HELL OFF!” I started cracking up as he tickled me. “Seriously up! I’m going to throw up on you!”
“Whoa! Alright, alright, I’m up,” he jumped off of me with his hands in the air. “Wanna go do something through? Come on.” He picked up the keys off of my floor and practically dragged me up with one hand.
“God damn.” I mumbled as I followed him down my stairs.
“Kall? Where are you going?” My mom called from the kitchen. “I don’t want you guys out there, the weather is horrible!” she walked in the room rubbing her hands on a dish towel.
“We’ll be right back,” Jason said giving her his best smile as he put his hand on the door knob.
“Kall, I really don’t like this. Just stay home for the night.”
“Mom! Come on! Well be really, really careful!” She glared at me.
“Why don’t you come talk to me in the kitchen, Jason can wait right here.” She fake smiled at me and turned around.
“Fuck,” I said under my breath and Jason sighed and sat down. He knew my mom’s talks took a while. I followed my mom in to the kitchen and jumped up on the counter and took a seat.
“Kallie do you realize how dangerous the roads are out there! There is a blizzard, how can you expect me to let Jason drive you around. I’ve seen him drive when the roads are fine, there is no way its happening right now Kal, sorry.” She turned her back to me and started cutting up carrots. I knew she hated saying no to me. She was a pretty cool mom, one of the few who still remembered what it was like to be 17.
“Fine. I hate this freaken state though!” I jumped off the counter and walked back to Jason. Living here in Wisconsin definitely had its downfalls. There was never anything to do, or anywhere to go, and winter time was pretty much a death sentence. Unless you owned a snowmobile you’re not going anywhere.
“It’s a no?” Jason sighed but got up and followed me upstairs. “What should we do all night?”
“How should I know!? There is nothing to do Jay, never! I’m so done with this place.” I barged back into my room to find Sadie and Shawn making out. “GUYS WHAT THE FUCK!” I screamed at the top of my lungs then slammed the door back closed.
“KALLIE LAUREN YOU BETTER WACTH YOUR LANGAUGE!” my mother screamed from downstairs.
“What! What’s going on?” Jason tried to get past me but I didn’t move.
“Did you know Shawn liked Sadie?”
“WHAT? No way. He likes that girl from Main, remember the summer chick?”
“Well then apparently that movie has a greater effect of people then we thought.”
“Kal what are you talking about?? They aren’t having sex in there are they?”
“No.” I held out my hands and shook them at him. “Just kissing, but still. Why? I know Sadie doesn’t like him at all like that. What is she doing!?” I took my back off the door and started pacing back and forth. “Remember the rule we made back in like 8th grade? No dating each other. Jay say something! Why would she do this.” I plopped down at his feet and sighed. I hated drama, if Sadie and Shawn went out who knows what could happen between all of us.
“Relax killer! Really, take a deep breath!” Jason smiled at me. “You always freak out about the dumbest things.”
“Oh shut up! This is no dumb! They can’t go out it will just completely ruin everything! You can’t date your best friend!”
“Ok, why don’t we just go talk to them,” he put his hand on the door knob, “I’m sure it’s nothing special.” He swung open the door and I peered in. Yup, they were still going at it. I really didn’t know what to say. Sadie’s one eye popped open and she instantly pulled away when she saw us standing there. Even in the dark I could tell her face turned bright red.
“I thought I heard something.” She muttered under her breath pushing her hair behind her ears.
“What?” Shawn looked at her then turned around to look at us. “Oh shit. Hey guys.” Awkward.
A few minutes we were all sitting in silence as the TV blasted. I needed to say something I picked up my phone. Jason, I’m going 2 take Sadie with me, talk to Shawn about it when I’m gone. I quickly texted him. The familiar ring tone of his phone blasted through my room as everyone jumped. Jason quickly reached into his pocket and opened up the message. He glanced over at me and gave me a small nod.
“Sades wanna come with me downstairs for a second?” I asked.
“Why?” she asked uninterested.
“I need your help!” I pulled her by her arm. I marched her to the door and swung it open. “What was that all about!” I asked the second we stepped into the hallway. I started pacing back and forth, “Why Sadie? Why did you have to? What’s going on?” the questions rambled out of my mouth faster than I could even think. What are you thinking?”
She peered out the big window behind my head. She seemed to be searching for the answer outside in the snow. “I don’t know.” She said it plain and simple, as though that was really all it was.
“I don’t believe you! Sadie I have known you for your whole life, and I have never seen you kiss anyone the way you just kissed Shawn. I know something’s going on.”
“Why do you even care?” she pretended to be cool with the whole situation, but from the way she was playing with the ring on her thumb I knew she was nervous. She always did that when she didn’t want to talk about something. “It’s not like it means anything to you.”
“Are you kidding me!” I tried hard to stay calm, but it was impossible. “First of all, if something is going on why wouldn’t you tell me! And what happened to the whole no dating each other rule? You know things like that never work out. We are all just gonna end up fighting.”
“That’s so not true, I-“ she stopped herself.
“You were going to say something. Don’t lie!”
“Kallie just shut up! Ok I like Shawn, turns out he likes me too, I’m not stopping anything just because you are going to get mad, so just shut your mouth.” She glared at me but her fingers still twitched nervously around the ring.
We stood in silence for a little; I really wasn’t sure what to say. How could I respond to something like that? We never had this problem before. I mean sure we all looked at each other a little different once 9th grade came and the “awkward stages” ended, but we never acted upon those feelings. I tried hard not to cry, that would just be really immature. The door to my room finally swung open, it felt like hours since either of us spoke. Jay peeked his head out,
“Everything ok girls?”
I glanced at Sadie then back at Jay. “Ask her.” I pushed past him and flopped onto my bed. Shawn watched me,
“I’m really sorry Kal, can we talk about this later though? I’m kind of sick of it right now.”
“What ever.”
He got up off the floor and sat down next to me. I was laying face down but I could feel his hands massaging my back. “Really, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would care so much.”
I pushed his hands off of me, “Just stop talking.”
“Ouch.” He grinned though and put his hands up like I was going to arrest him, “I’m going to go take a walk with Sades, I think we need to talk.” With that he kissed the back of my head and walked out. I could hear mumbling in the hallway, then footsteps sounding like elephants down my stairs. I sighed heavily and rolled on to my back. The TV was still on, but it was the only noise in the room. Did I overreact? No, I couldn’t have. These are my best friends, they should have told me if they felt something. No! Wait, we shouldn’t be feeling anything towards each other. Holy crap, I’m so confused.
© Copyright 2008 kallie (kallie19 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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