Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1376190-Babies
Rated: E · Column · Parenting · #1376190
All of us love babies. They're such a bundle of joy, so enjoy your baby!

Sleeping while eating, laughing out loud when scolded. I can't imagine what's in his

mind. He screamed like a monster, whenever he want something really bad. I

surrendered and gave in. He think the world evolved around him, and he is the King

in every situation. Babies are like God, because they keep testing our patience.

    While I'm resting infront of the T. V, he came to hug and kissed me. My heart melted

as I saw his big sparkling eyes. His smile is inviting and so sincere but suddenly,

he bite! Oh God, how do I understand? It's all in a flash! Sometimes he's cute and

attention grabbing, sometimes he's a monster in disguise!

    Junior is the only baby in the house. We call him 'little Boss', because he's in

command most of the time. He would kicked the ball around the house, not minding

what had been destroyed. He ran from the kitchen to the living room, and scattered

all his toys on the floor. Junior, my biggest headache! Once I kept searching for his

milk bottle, and it's nowhere to be found. He cried for milk, and I'm totally frustrated

about the whole thing, so I went to a nearby shop to get a new bottle. I fed him and

little Boss dozed off to sleep.

    The next day, I did my daily routine; vacuuming the entire house, mopped the

floor, do the bed, clearing clutters, and I'm ready to do the laundry next. I hissed as

I looked at the dirty laundry in the basket, as it is the thing I hate to do most. I on

the washing machine, two scoops of washing agent, and I grabbed a pile of clothes

and throw it in. While waiting, I made myself a cup of tea, and little Boss is busy

scribbling on the wall without me knowing. Suddenly, the machine stopped after a

loud noise, and it shake like there's an earthquake, and it stopped again. Little

Boss got scared and came to me with a pen marked scribbled on his face. That is

how I knew he's the artist that had drawn all those circles and odd shapes on the

wall that day.

    I off the machine open it up, and what do I saw? I looked at little Boss in anger;

he gave me the pen and smiled. I told him " Junior, here's your bottle that I look for

yesterday darling!" he took it and throw it to the floor.

I don't know whether to shout or cry or kill myself, and for my laundry; I have to do it

all over again.

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