Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1334331-Sestina-of-a-Petal
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1334331
If you do not know what a "sestina" is, pay attention to the last word of every sentence.
Sitting in the grass, I am entranced by a single petal
Of an innocent daisy that does incoherently seduce
Any onlooker, especially me. Yet, when a ruthless paw
Of a foolish canine crushes the flower, only a generic
Crumpled up plant is left. Not even a gentle sunkiss
Could bring back the daisy’s enticingly subtle

Ability to entrance me. The sensation was so subtle
And yet I long for it. I painfully ache for the petal
And the revival of the flower. If only that damn sunkiss
Would not be so gentle and make the little daisy seduce
Me just a little bit more because that worthless heap of generic
Nothing, intrigues me no more than the intruding paw

Of that incompetent canine. That stupid stupid paw
Absolutely ruined my day of relaxation in the park’s subtle,
Yet soothing essence. Now, it all seems so uncomfortably generic
And excruciating with itchy grass, a sticky breeze, a rubber petal
On rubber daisies that I don’t think will ever again be able to seduce
Anything but canine’s dung excreted from that special place a sunkiss

Will never go. In case you have the intelligence of a canine, the sunkiss
Will never go near its butthole, ew. Ew, what if its paw
Went there?  Ew! Then it infected the daisy that now, really will seduce
Not a goddamn thing. I cannot believe that such a small, subtle
Little thing could be ruined so easily. That poor little petal
Will never again intrigue me and furthermore, it has made generic

Every other petal of every other daisy of every other park and generic,
Mind you, sucks. Even the sun is not the same. Its sunkiss
Is no different than a tanning bed, no longer soothing me like the petal
Once did, but only enhancing the pigments in my skin. That paw,
That disgusting, life-ruining paw destroyed my park and subtle
Ways of life that were so sensational. Now, nothing will seduce

Me because I will always remember how that daisy did seduce
Me, but was rudely taken away, leaving me in a stupid generic
World. You think a really smooth and pretty rock, with a subtle
Shimmer of hope, and a desire for the touch of a gentle sunkiss,
Could stand up against the canine son of a bitch and its paw?
Maybe not. I don’t think I’ll ever again feel like I did with that petal.

How it did seduce me, warmly embracing me like a gentle sunkiss.
Nothing generic could ever make me feel how I did before that paw
Came along. It was so subtle, I never even saw, and then I lost the petal.
© Copyright 2007 Phi Sig (gellarose89 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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