Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1324896-The-Great-Quantum-Dragon
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1324896
A boy and his Grandfather face the infinity of the Great Quantum Dragon
“Be still. Don't turn around. It's coming.” Grandfather put a hand on Li's shoulder halting him in mid-stride.
“What's coming Grandfather,” asked Li. He could not imagine what would prompt his Grandfather to stop their daily walk in the woods so abruptly.
“The Great Quantum Dragon comes. See how the trees bend and sway with each sweep of his infinite wings?” The awe in Grandfather's voice made Li look up at the trees which began to sway deeply as if a great hand swept along their tops. He had not noticed them swaying before because he'd been staring at the ground since they left the house. Seeing such noble and great things as these trees bow before an invisible force made Li's chest tighten with fear.
“I see Grandfather. Should we not hide?”
“Where could we hide? The Great Quantum Dragon sees all with his infinite eyes.” Li shook feeling exposed and helpless before the focused gaze of an unseen mind. What scared him most was not being able to tell if the gaze was hateful or benign. More desperately than ever he now wanted to escape those baleful eyes he knew shone at his back.
“Should we not run?”
“Where could we run? Do you not feel how the earth trembles with the slightest touch of his infinite claws? His infinite body stretches over the whole world blotting out the sun.” Indeed, Li felt a great rumble beneath his feet, and even as he took hold of his Grandfather's cloak to keep from falling the sky above them darkened.
“Stand, stand and wait the coming of the Great Quantum Dragon whose infinite tail rings the world and writhes beyond the view of man.” Li could sense almost feel the rolling and twitching tail just below the horizon behind the trees, and feared closing his eyes lest that hoary tail should rise into view just as he was not looking.
“Grandfather, Grandfather we are lost!” Li cried out and twisted around in the grip his Grandfather still held on his shoulder.
“Do not look child!”
“Grandfather, the Great Quantum Dragon is here! Can you not feel his breath at your back, can you not hear the clanking of his uncountable scales?” With the strength given to those who know true terror, Li broke his Grandfather's hold and spun to face the infinite horror, the infinite grandeur of the Great Quantum Dragon.
For the smallest sliver of the smallest of picoseconds he saw a flashing colossal form filling not just the horizon, but the whole universe. Then it was gone. The sun shown. The birds sang, and the air was sweet and still.
“Grandfather,” Li said, stunned that such a thing could simply vanish. “What has happened to the Great Quantum Dragon?”
“Ah,” said the old man with a sigh, “you looked, and in the instant of your looking all the infinites of the Great Quantum Dragon collapsed into nothing.” The old man began to walk the path again with Li straggling behind carefully scanning the world around him dreading another glimpse of that fulgurous beast.
“Grandfather,” he asked, after a time, “will it come again?”
“Perhaps, but today look and enjoy the sunshine, the trees, and the birds because the Great Quantum Dragon only comes when you're not looking.” Li followed close to his Grandfather and never again failed to look at the trees, the birds or the sky.
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