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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1292830
what else but my thoughts
ok y does everybody hate wrestling so much??? personally i like it. Yes everybody knows its fake and if you don't know that then don't listen to me or anybody else just keep believing?? Any way y does everybody have to bag on it though? It is excactly like watching ANYTHING on tv except for maybe a documentary!!so if you don't like it dont' watch it. just go watch everything else that is fake on tv!

Next, the immagration. We are immagrants in this country to right?? don't hate people hate people because of their personallity. You don't have to like everyone but don't base it on color. Why does it even matter what color we are?? i dont get how you can hate somebody because they have darker or lighter skin than you. But every race has done it not just white people. So dont hate ALL white people either. Because we are all not the same either. I think the saying is treat people like you want to be treated and i agree with that. Whoever made that up is genious!!

why do people wait in line like three days just for a phone??The new iphone came out and i heard a guy sold a good spot in line for 800 bucks!! Thats rediculous and pretty sad!! Why do you want the first one when now matter where you are you can still get one. Just go to any ipod store today and you could buy one. why would you want to torcher your self in line and get one. then the next day see a whole bunch of other people have them. i dont get it but whatever.

Another thing i dont get are suicidal people and emo kids. Sorry but why are you always so depressed. You always say the world is out to get you and maybe you had a terrible tragedy in your'e life or something but why cut your self or think about killing your self or being depressed all the time??? I have friends that are not in good situations or have seen and been through the same things and worse but everyday i see a smile on their face and are happy and out in the sun and playing and loving life. Be happy you are alive and breathing. There are far worse off people than you and they live everyday to the fullest. Live it up!!!!You're young and you have ur whole lives ahead of you!!!

The 9/11 attacks were awful. I have lots of sympathy for the families and people who had to deal with that. But it kind of was a wake up call for america!! They said we need to become united again and show people what wer'e made of. Now i don't totally agree or disagree with the war but it reminded us that we have enemies and we need to stop fighting with eachother and stick together!

Email me with ur comments PLEASE!!!
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