Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1287158-Just-Wait
Rated: · Other · Other · #1287158
Attachment to Relationships, and the rush into them
Over time, through growth, relationships become like an over abundance of fascia within a muscular compartment. The longer the pressure is there, the more tension builds causing pain and annoyance. The focus has always been on prince charming, enchanted love stories, the rectangular form of emotion. The world's female population searched and continutes to search, epitomizing men into classifications. These wants and desires are only apparent until we are in posession of the particular item(s). We, as a whole, have grown accustomed to always strive for the next best thing. After being single, society implies the importance of a relationship. So in essence, we regularly stumble upon heartache once we realize love is not a bounty hunt for perfection in such an unatainable way. Patience is the key. I constantly see so many of my close friends, at their young ages, struggling with issues pertaining to the cliche "they are heading for divorce and they aren't even married". It bothers me that people will lose their true selves, literally giving them up for the so called "better" of a relationship. What kind of relationship causes you to give up who you really are? That reinforces weakness in so many aspects of a personality.
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