Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1280157-Sorrow-and-Celebration
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Emotional · #1280157
Poem/prose about sorrow and joy. The miracle of birth in the midst of despair.
Sorrow and Celebration

She trudged thru snow
Feet like ice
Eyes down, shoulders hunched
She moved on
Past red and green lights
Coloring the snow
Thru carols and songs
Whispering on the breeze
Tattered shirts layered
Upon thin shoulders
Wind tugging, whipping thru
Skirt covered ragged jeans
Silent tears sparkling
On lowered lashes
Cheeks red and bruised
From the biting winds
Passing thru the holiday
Untouched, unnoticed

Finding a dark way
Silent and far away
Slow silent steps
In virgin snow
Moonlight turning the countryside
Into a winter wonderland
Faltering, stumbling
Yet never stopping
Blue fingers clutched
Tight across swollen stomach
Snow dusted shoulders
Trembling, shivering
Silent snow falling
Kissing bruised cheeks
Sparkling flakes adding
Beauty to the unkempt figure
Easing thru the deepening snow
Feet numb, legs heavy
Forward ever forward
Lost and alone

Thru curtains of white
Into the light and warmth
Falling to her knees
As hands reach out
Gathered close
Carried on
A beacon in the night
Lighting the way
Pain wracked body
Shaking violently
Warmth chasing away
The chill, the loneliness
Cozy blankets, hot cider
Soothing away the last of the cold
Gentle hands peeling
Each layer off
Warm clothe bathing flesh
Blue white with cold

Ripples traversing
Swollen belly
Shuddering, moaning
Scared, confused
Sweet comforting voices
Singing gentle carols
Soft rainbows of light
Playing across clean flesh
A scream, a cry
As jingling bells fill the air
Eyes bright gazing with wonder
On the miracle of this night
So tiny and warm
Suckling at her swollen breast

Music of laughter and joy
Filling the air
Gaily wrapped packages
Passing from hand to hand
Gifts piling high about her
Surrounding her with color
Spices and wonderful smells
Of love and tenderness
They told her once
No one would care
She believed, she knew
But now the truth is out
Goodness and love
Will always find
Those lost and alone
Without and within
Miracle of life
Miracle of love
Celebrated each year

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