Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1274502-the-woman-in-silver
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1274502
i was told i need to develop the story a little better hows this?
in my previous post  i was told i need to develop the charters a little more  so this is only a start. but  go ahead and be honest..  again i know my spelling and grammor need a lot of work

November 12, 1995 8:21 pm
Los Angeles

         “What the hell did you hit me for? That hurt.” wined James
         “Slug bug” giggled Lindsey
“Damnit the cherry of my cig fell off because I was not ready for that. 
OUCH! OUCH! OUCH!  It’s burning my nuts!! “James had his head down looking between his legs trying to find that glowing ember of pain.
         “Baby I’m sorry I did not mean fo…..JAMES LOOK OUT!!!” shrieked Lindsey as a loud pop from the other side of the road caused a ford f150 to careen over the center devider in to their car.

         Floating in and out of consciousness. James Was vaguely aware of what had happened and what was currently happing to him. He could hear Lindsey crying in the back ground the sirens and what sounded like mumbling voices. He ignored these thinking they belonged to the guy in his vision when he came out of the blackness.
The last thing he remembered was the man in his line of sight, his lips moving and putting a light in to his eyes. After that it was blackness.

         Standing at the edge of the abyss James looked into the nothingness.  Watching the faces in the shadows come and go.  The blackness looking back at him, then there was a hand on his shoulder pulling him back.

         Coming too he now heard that mumbling that he had heard before, but now it sounded like chanting of many voices in a high ceiling room.  One voice in particular came across clearer than the rest.  It had a musical tone to it, with much emotion behind it.  And then the chanting stopped and that single voice screamed in happiness, triumph.  Then all was quite. James opened his eyes seeing a silver face of a woman looking down at him.  Not knowing what he was seeing. He wondered if he was having a flash back form his misspent youth of experimentation with LSD.  Then she grabbed his face and yanked his head toward her so she could study it better. And fear became part of his being, knowing that this was not just some hallucination.

         She studied his face looking for what he did not know. James felt he was a regular looking guy.  Square jawed, dirty blond hair, light blue eyes kind of close set. A crooked nose (bar fight was the cause of that). A scar running down his left underside of his jaw.  Nothing really major to set him apart form any one else but that scar. And that he received when he was a young boy. He didn’t really remember when or how he got it just that he had gotten it. When she pulled him closer she smelled patchouli like some dirty hippy that wanted to cover up there BO.  Her hair was dark brown strait to her shoulders. When she removed the mask she was beautiful.  Her eyes were dark one slightly set higher then the other. But not really noticeable unless you stared.  An oval shaped face. High cheek bones.  A strait short nose, skin the color of wheat.  James thought to him self easily one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen.  When she backed away.  He got a full view of her body. Full breasts, little bit wider than normal hips but not fat, Giving her a curvy look.  Long legs.  Beautiful.
At this point he started wondering where he was he remembered being in a car accident.  But shouldn’t he be in a hospital?    Trying to take his eyes off of her he started to look around. He was in a high ceiling circular room that was of a pale glossy green.  To inconstant to be paint. It looked like stone.  He was in the center on a table or an alter.  It was about 60 feet form the center to all sides.  When he looked to his right he saw about 40 others on there knees all wearing masks as well some were dark green, black, white and gold.  The woman near him was the only one with a silver mask.
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