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Rated: 18+ · Other · Relationship · #1274093
this is a story with me and my boyfriend but it's a fantasy... WE HAVEN'T DONE THIS!!!!!
I stepped out of the airport, bags in hand, and looked around. I was supposed to meet someone here. Chris was supposed to drive me to his house; I finally moved out of my parents’ house and decided to move in with Chris.

“Chris…Where are you?” I continued to frantically search for my boyfriend. Suddenly, someone came from behind me and covered my eyes.

“Guess who?” the voice asked. I smiled and rapidly turned to face the familiar voice. I looked up to see that I had guessed right and I yelled his name as I hugged him. “Chris!”

“Yes?” he implied. He grinned back at me and inquired “Are you ready?...I’ll take those bags for you.” Chris took the bags out of my hands and opened the trunk to a nearby black Mercedes convertible. He placed the bags in the trunk as I asked “When did you get this car? I’ve never seen you with it.”

“Oh, my mom wanted my old car so; I bought this one after I gave her the other. Do you like it?” he grinned. I smiled back at him and nodded. His eyes glistened in the sunlight. Topaz eyes stared back at me. I walked toward him, completely dazed by his unnaturally attractive appearance.

He held me close in his arms and I felt safe…safe and protected. I looked up at him and smiled. He leaned in closer to me and pressed his lips against mine. “I love you…” he whispered to me.

I smiled into the kiss and told him “I love you, too.” He released me and opened the passenger door. I stepped in and sat down in the seat. “Thank you,” I cried.

“You’re welcome,” he replied. He closed the door and I kept my eyes on him the whole time as he walked to the driver’s side and put the keys in the ignition. After driving for a while, he finally noticed that I was still staring at him. He turned to look at me and I quickly looked away, embarrassed. He chuckled and placed one hand on my lap. How could he drive with one hand like that? What a show-off…

I looked in the car’s mirror and saw that I was flushed to a deep crimson. I stole a glance at Chris and saw that he didn’t have his hands on the steering wheel. His whole body was turned towards me and he had both hands on my lap. This is when I noticed that the car wasn’t moving.

I turned my head and stared at him, my face returning to a light pink. He didn’t move; just stared at me with appraising eyes, looking at me up and down. I just watched as he did this; noticing the every blink of his eyes and every rise and fall of his chest. Then, he lifted one of his hands from my lap and caressed my face.

First my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, my chin, and my neck. He got closer and kissed my cheek. After he leaned back, I kissed his forehead. He smiled, showing his brilliantly white teeth. He kissed my nose and then my lips for a very brief moment. I placed my arms around his shoulders and joined them behind his head.

He grinned again and kissed my lips with a little more force than the last time. He suddenly slipped his tongue in my mouth, which sent my head spinning. We kissed passionately for a while and then he led down to my neck, kissing it and seldom passing his tongue on it.

I looked behind him and saw the most beautiful house I’d ever seen. I tapped his shoulder lightly and interrupted him to ask “Is that your house?” He had a sad look upon his face and he nodded.

“I moved; this house is SO much better…Now, is that the only reason you interrupted me for?” I frowned and nodded slowly. “I’m sorry,” I said apologetically. He smiled and told me “It’s okay.” He opened his door, leaving me there, motionless. Before I could think about how rude I was, he was at my side; door open, hand out.

I grabbed his hand and stepped out of the vehicle. I guess he could see that I was blaming myself for what I had done because he kissed my cheek gently and said “It’s really okay. Don’t give yourself a hard time.” I nodded and he pulled me in the direction of the stairs leading up to the front door of his enormous, white mansion.

Once he found his key and opened the door, the beauty of the house inside made me gasp. Beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, marble flooring with a marble spiral staircase; it was basically a mini-White House. He chuckled and I snapped out of my reverie.

“You like it?” I nodded once more and suddenly he hugged me. My eyes went wide. “I couldn’t take it; you’re just too cute,” he admitted. I smiled and kissed his lips and skipped down to the base of the stairs.

I turned around and asked “Aren’t you gonna give me a tour?” He smiled my favorite smile and I could see his white teeth sparkle despite my distance. He walked up to me and took my hand as he led me up the stairs. Chris showed me the bedrooms and bathrooms; the living rooms and family rooms; the kitchen and the indoor pool/jacuzzi.

“I’m so excited that you’re moving in with me,” he cried ecstatically.

“Yeah, we hardly see each other and now we’ll be together almost everyday.” He smiled at the thought of us being together all the time. “Don’t you think you’ll get sick of me?” I added, wondering what he would say.

“I’d never get sick of you; you’re beautiful, wonderful, unique, and different every day…,” he replied. I smiled widely and hugged him. “I love you…” I cried. I looked up at him, tears streaming down my face. He wiped my tears from my eyes and said, grinning “I love you more.”

Then, he kissed me. He pressed me up against a wall and placed his hands on both sides of my head. He continued kissing me, constantly slipping his tongue in my mouth. He pressed his body closer to mine and I could feel him breathing heavily during our current make-out session.

He motioned for me to let him take off my shirt so, I leaned forward a bit, against him and he slipped off my shirt, one sleeve at a time. I kissed his neck several times as he took off his shirt. I continued going down his neck to his chest and circling his belly to go back up.

I leaned against the wall, his hands still on both sides of my head and I smiled. He smiled back and continued to kiss me. Now it was his turn. He kissed my neck and led down my collarbone and he kissed the top of each of my breasts, to which he looked up at me and grinned.

I chuckled and he struggled to take off my bra. I helped him unhook it and he dropped it to the floor. He got back up and slowly pressed his body against mine once more. Our faces were inches apart, but before he could place his lips on mine, I slipped off his pants and left them around his ankles. I stood up and kissed his nose, playfully. He laughed and smiled; I kissed his lips lightly and I could swear I felt his erection.

I knew my eyes widened and I looked down and back up to see his reaction. He smiled and shrugged. I chuckled and kissed his lips again. He took off my skirt and threw them to the other side of the room.

It was then that I noticed that there was a bed in the middle of the room and that the only light that shone was coming from the lamp on the bedside table. I looked outside the window to see that it was dark already. When I turned to look at Chris, he had already lifted me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. He lay me down and he climbed over me.

The light shone on his face and his eyes had a certain twinkle in them. I smiled at him and told him once more “I love you, Chris.” He wore the biggest grin I’d ever seen and said the same. “I love you, too, Kristin.” But to me, him saying it had more meaning.

I was so happy: I had the perfect guy and he loved me, of all people. I wasn’t even sure that I deserved him. He kissed my cheeks and then he leaned back into a sitting position. I looked at him, questionably, as he slipped off my panties very slowly, as if enduring the moment. I closed my eyes, awaiting for the next time his lips will touch mine.

I felt a shadow over me; clearly it was him. I opened my eyes and saw that he had an inquisitive look on his face. “Are you tired?” he asked, concerned.

I laughed, and said “No, I was just waiting until you came back. And now that you are…” I kissed his lips firmly and I rolled over so that he was on the bottom now. He smiled again, eyeing me all over. I took off his boxers and dropped them to the floor, next to the bed.

I sat at his feet, checking out my handsome boyfriend. He looked perfect. His beautiful blonde hair with his gorgeous topaz eyes; his chest and abs; everything couldn’t have been any better. If this was what it was going to be like living with him, I wished I would’ve moved in earlier.

He was staring at me, the same way I was glaring at him. Except his mouth was open. I giggled, “Close your mouth.” He quickly closed it and blushed; he looked so cute. I crawled back over him slowly and he smiled, chuckling at the faces I was making. I kissed his lips and his neck as I lay on top of him.

He slipped himself inside me and I moaned. “Ch…Chr…CHRIS!” Every thrust, every plunge I felt closer to him, so much closer. I kissed his neck and his cheeks, eventually getting to his lips. We kissed each other’s lips for what seemed a long time. Then, I came.

I dug my nails into his back, but I tried not to let it hurt him. I moaned his name numerous times and almost in the end, I yelled “For the love of God, Chris, don’t stop!” My breathing was coming short and he was breathing heavily by the time we finished. The aftershocks finally dissipated and we returned to normal state.

I turned my head to see Chris staring at me, smiling widely and his eyes looked heavy. I giggled and inquired “Are you tired? You look so exhausted. You can fall asleep if you want…I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled my favorite smile and nodded, finally letting his eyelids win. He was really tired because once he closed his eyes, he was sound asleep.

I passed my finger over his face, lightly tracing his nose, cheeks, lips, chin… I thought about how much I loved him. I lifted the covers and draped them over him, so he wouldn’t be cold. I stared at him, watching him as he slept peacefully. “Chris…” I whispered.

My eyes flew open. His eyes widened with surprise. It took me a while for my eyes to adjust and when they did, I chuckled. “Did I scare you?” I joked. He stroked my cheeks. “Your cheeks are such a pretty shade of pink when you wake up.” I was confused. “I fell asleep?” He nodded. “Watched you the WHOLE time.” I thought I watched him!

“Yep, I woke up and you were zonked out. So, I watched you,” he explained.

“But I saw you sleeping right next to me…” I retorted.

He laughed hard. “You must’ve fallen asleep after that. That was when I woke up.” I gave up, defeated, and just sighed in frustration. He chuckled and kissed my lips ever so gently. “I love---” The phone rang. He sighed heavily as he picked it up.

“Hello…What’re you doing, calling me at this hour??...It’s an emergency? What happened?”—My eyes widened when he said this—“Oh my god. Okay, I’ll be there…Is an hour good??...Okay, yeah. See you later.”

He hung up the phone and for what seemed like forever, he just lay there, staring at the ceiling, thinking. I snuggled up closer to him, my cheek on his shoulder, and I asked him “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

It took him a while to answer me. “My sister…”—He broke down in tears and I just stared, inquisitively—“Some random guy was on a rampage…She was in the way and…and he just…” I gasped. “It’s okay. It’s okay,” I tried to reassure him.

He turned and hugged me, sobbing into my shoulder. “You’re gonna be alright.” I hated when he was sad; tears swelled up in my eyes, too. “She’s dead, Kristin. Her funeral is in an hour.”

“Should I go to?”

He paused and took in a deep breath. He pulled away from me and stared into my eyes. “I don’t want you to cry…This is MY sister; you don’t have to mourn with my family.”

“Listen, Chris, if I’m going to start living with you, I’m not going to let you go off to places by yourself…Plus, remember our promise? We’ll be together all the time.”

He smiled my favorite smile and hugged me tightly. “I love you. You’re always there when I need you and you always make me feel a lot better. Thank you.” I smiled back at him.

“Well, let’s get going, shall we?” He nodded and he opened the closet, to which I was surprised. There was dresses and blouses and skirts in the far back and he looked at me.

“I was so excited that you were coming to live with me that I bought some clothes for you while you live here.”

“You didn’t have to do that. I have plenty of clothes.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to. Plus, I bet these ALL look good on you.” He smiled and picked out a dress for me. It was white with spaghetti-straps and it was cut at knee-length. I slipped it on after my undergarments and walked towards the mirror.

I studied myself; it DID look good on me. He walked behind me and placed his chin on my shoulder as I was looking at myself in the mirror. He smiled and commented “See? It does look good.” I turned around and kissed his lips, then added “Thank you.”

He was wearing a black tuxedo and a white bow-tie. He took my hand and said “Don’t get lost now.”

I hope you liked it!! Stick around for PART 2!!!
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