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Rated: 13+ · Other · Psychology · #1232843
Story written for fun and the pyschological story contest. 500 words exactly.
When I looked over at her, I had no idea who she was, or why she was dead...

I had an awful feeling however that somehow it was my fault. The last thing I remembered was going to sleep in my own bed. But I began to suspect that I was the cause of this woman’s death. Perhaps it was the blood on my hands, the fact that I seemed to have bits of her clothing stuck between my teeth and the disturbingly human bite marks on her body. Yes, this was rather bad.

I had trouble focusing my thoughts, I knew something was terribly wrong here, but it all seemed so far away, like all this was happening to someone else. I just wanted to get away, to not have to deal with this.

That was when I saw it, saw it sparkle in the sun. A set of keys were lying just underneath the dead women. I reached down and picked them up, they were not mine, so they must belong to the dead women. The keychain on it had a phone number written on it. Pulling out my mobile phone I dialed it. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting but I didn’t really have any other options.

“Hello” the voice on the other end said.

“Hello” I said.

“Did you kill her?” the voice asked.

I paused considering, and then said. “She’s dead, what do I do now?”

“Nothing, just leave the body where it is, someone will be along to pick you up shortly… your money will be waiting for you.” And with that they hung up.

This is just fantastic; still I’ll try and play along until I can figure it all out.

Sitting down on the long grass near the dead women I pondered my situation. I still couldn’t really think clearly but at least someone was coming to take care of the situation. I was surprised by how calmly I was taking this. I mean I had just killed someone, I’m apparently getting paid for it and yet somehow I’m content to just sit here. Still I must say that today has been on a scale of one to ten, bloody horrible.

Shortly I heard the sounds of a helicopter, I looked up to see a black featureless helicopter slowly descending on my position. Waving at it I stood up. It closed in and I looked up, just in time to get shot right between the eyes. Like I said… bloody horrible.

At a nearby army base not too far away.

“Another successful operation, huh sir?”

“Yes corporal, the new drug seems to work just fine. Send word to HQ, I think we’re ready for the next phase of testing.”

“What should the report say sir?”

“Same as usual, subject 1 not only killed subject 2 but was remarkably compliant afterwards; say I see no reason not to proceed with the final stages of drug testing.”

“Very good sir, and congratulations sir.”

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