Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1212747-a-perfect-night-part-1
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1212747
The first part of a scene a member I was seeing wanted me to describe for her.
A little explanation-I wrote this for a Writing member I was seeing, whom I'd met through another mutual interest. She encouraged my writing after the many emails we exchanged. She is involved with someone else but we had a connection that couldn't be ignored.  Well, at least for a couple intense months, anyway. She is the only person who can fully appreciate the content, because much of it comes straight out of our time together. We'd touched on what our "first" time might be, and I took it from there. This was intended to be part of a series, but her guilt and fear caused her to end "us" before she could see any more of it.

A perfect night, part 1

The air is pungent with the scents of firewood, vanilla candles, Thai food

and the tension between us. Sipping the dry white wine from our long-

stemmed glasses we both look at the carnage of what was your first dinner of

spicy pad-thai noodles and salty mee-krob lettuce wraps. I can't stop

glancing at your slender, bare feet tucked beneath the coffee table as we

sit on the carpeted floor of my sunken living room, close to each other. The 

pressure of your firm hip against my leg is a constant reminder of the connection

between us, and how precious our time together has become. I watch your hands

as we eat, fascinated by how perfect they are. I want to hold them, caress them,

kiss them.

I see the glistening on your forehead, and the color in your cheeks. Overhead

the ceiling fan turns languidly, mirroring my mood. It's warm in

here as the fire glows brightly, adding to the dim light from the dozen

candles strewn about the room. The noodles were spicy, and the wine has

relaxed us.

But I know the real reason you’re flushed.

When I opened the door to let you in earlier, I felt the same rush of

happiness and desire I always feel when you're near. Looking at the black,

low-cut silk blouse, the thin camisole beneath it barely visible, the hip hugging skirt

covering your sweet curves, and the strappy heels below your long, slender legs, I

know you've dressed to please me. You succeeded; you were breathtaking, if only

to me. I was unable to speak, and could only act.

I never know exactly where we are when we haven't seen each other for too

long a time, but this time I could not wait for you to lead me. Your mouth

beckoned, your crystalline eyes begged for me to come near. Without a word

I reached for you with one hand, pulling you close to me and twisting your

mouth up towards mine. Your eyes pleaded with me to not stop there, and I

obliged by leaning down towards you, my hot, dry lips brushing briefly against your

moist, soft, mouth. Your eyes closed in expectation of more as a quiet

whimper escaped from you, but I knew this scene would be repeated many times

tonight. I have all night to kiss you, and I will need every precious second of it. As I

breathed in

your warm scent, I pulled away from you with soft eyes. I pointed towards the

dinner I'd laid out on the coffee table for us.

Your flush began there, and has only deepened as we talk quietly,

enjoying the food and wine, and the simple pleasure of finally being near

each other with no possible distractions. Kissing has become part of

everything we do, and the flavors of the evening have mingled between us. I could

spend forever kissing you, Lisa, I love your mouth.

Getting up to clear the food away, I cannot help but to reach for you again.

Looking down, I smile as I gaze upon the creamy pale skin of your breasts,

tantalizingly visible from my position standing over you. You smile back; maybe

you know the focus of my gaze. Or maybe you know I'm about to cup your

chin in my hand, tilting your face up to me. More forcefully than before I press my

mouth to yours, your lips opening to mine. Our tongues move on their own,

into each other’s wetness. Again you gasp as I close my mouth on yours, sucking

your bottom lip between my lips, gently. Releasing you I see the fiery passion I’ve

stoked in your eyes, and knowing I’ve brought this from you pleases me greatly.

It pleases me because I love you, Lisa. I’ve felt it since not long after we met, and it

gets stronger every day. Any pleasure I can give you is justified by your simply

allowing me to have you in my life. I would do anything to make you happy,

including letting you go. I’ve always known you’ll break my heart, it’s just a

matter of when. Knowing that I still fell, and am falling, for you. I will have no

regrets, but I need this night to be perfect. For us.

Because I know there will be no other night.

Of course I will never tell you I love you, but I feel that love, that pull of my heart,

every time we look at each other, every time I kiss you, every time I answer the

phone, hoping to hear your voice. It fuels the passion and the intensity you enjoy so

much. I imagine you must feel it as it pours off of me when we’re close, but I can’t

let myself say the words to you. To cross that line would have frightened you away.

After this night it won't matter anymore.

Coming back to refill our glasses with the last of the wine, I suggest a little

early dessert. You smile that wicked smile and I laugh, telling you not to be

so naughty. While wanting you to be exactly that naughty, if not more. I

describe Thai tea to you, telling you how sweet and rich it is, because of the

sweet cream in it, but that the sweetness is tempered by the strong tea

leaves. A perfect balance, a simple pleasure.  We agree we’ll wait for that until

later, while we finish our wine.

The movies you brought sit on the edge of the

table. We both knew that we’re never going

to watch them, even before you rented them.

For tonight we will finally become lovers in the most intimate sense. I will know all

of you by morning. There will be no inhibitions, no limits, nothing will exist but you

and I, and our passions for each other. I know tonight is the only opportunity we will

ever have to couple with each other.

Because tomorrow you will again return to him, and I can’t bear the pain of that

any longer. Given that, I must have you, Lisa, if only tonight.

With our stomachs sated and the remnants of dinner gone, our only focus is

each other. Chatting quietly we both feel the tension rising between us.

Our bodies instinctively move closer to provide more contact. Tracing the lines of

your face as my hand rests against you, I’m totally entranced by your beauty.

We talk about the soft music playing, you ask me why I have so little

decoration in my home, and we go over my ever-continuing renovation

plans. Quietly, softly, closely. Close enough for me to smell your soap, your

shampoo, your scent. I know this won’t last long for my need to

grasp your supple body in my strong hands is becoming overwhelming. Touching

you gently, stroking your sexy feet, your tanned bare arms, your perfect hands, as

we murmur quietly is…delicious…but soon I will need more. You will give

yourself to me, without hesitation. You will, Lisa.

My desire for you overrides any conscious thought, and I pull away from

you, stepping up out of my living room, walking across the tiled hallway to the

stairs. Your eyes follow me, and I see hope in them. You know my bedroom is only

a few steps away. I turn back towards you with one outstretched hand. Suddenly

the world is silent. In the deep, resonant voice that makes your heart flutter, I say

only two words, softly.

Lisa? Come.

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