Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1211700-My-Thought-of-the-Day
Rated: E · Article · Drama · #1211700
Today's Thought: When, why and how do convos turn into arguements? Who is to blame?
Its the feeling you get, the one that eats you when you feel you’ve let someone down. When someone looks at you like you’ve betrayed their trust, you’ve taken a piece of them, the one that hits so close to home, yet you don’t know what to say to make it better. This feeling leaves you lost, empty and alone. Where do you turn? What do you do next? These questions fill your mind and leave you even more confused than you were to begin with. Where do you find these answers? Do you search within yourself for a solution? Do you ask the opinion of someone wiser? A personal problem is just that though, its personal. Except for, the one experiencing the problem usually knows least of all what to do. Emotions override good judgment. Everything you are thinking is now irrational. Nobody wants to let a loved one down. Nobody wants to hurt somebody they care about. It is never in the plan to do these things, yet they happen to everyone more often than they would like to admit. It starts with a small argument. A simple conflict of opinions. It then escalates into something bigger, defenses rise and emotions begin to pour until someone hits just the right button. Something offensive is said and just like that, the argument is over. Someone is left hurt. So how do you know when to stop? When are you supposed to realize that things are getting out of hand? Is there a certain point in a conversation when you are supposed to grasp that it is turning into something more? And if so, who decides where this point is? Ask yourself this, “in my last argument, was it me or the opposing party that pushed it too far?” You can’t really pick up an exact moment when this happened. If you try to pinpoint something it is usually pointing the blame at the other party. Why is that? Nobody likes to be in the wrong. Like I said before, nobody likes to cause others pain. Things sometimes need to be said though, painful or uncalled for, they happen. The one who is left hurt is more than that, they are angry. The one who caused the anger is confused. They won’t agree to disagree, somebody needs to apologize. Easier said than done right?
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