Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1196385-Candle-in-the-wind
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1196385
God is the greatest.

I wake up in the morning, surrounded by an empty space, in an empty room. I need to get up, but still I stay in bed for a couple of minutes more. I like to sleep. Finally, I find strength and get out of bed. I do the regular activities in the morning, get ready for school and leave. I'm sliding down in an old elevator thinking about mathematics, and the scariest thing happens. The elevator stops somewhere between the floors. Panic! I calm myself and it works... I've never been such a big panic guy. I hit the door with my hand to call someone and in a couple of minutes someone starts to fix the problem. It's done in five minutes and the incident is over. I get out of the elevator and I'm free on the ground. Weird thoughts go through my head... I could be stuck in there forever? What if no one could hear? What if the problem couldn't be fixed? I could... I could've died. But I turn the swich and continue thinking about mathematics as I did before. I have a test today and I mean to do it perfectly. I've studied hard and I'm kind of full of self esteem about it. A familiar face passes by and I say hello. I'm standing on the sidewalk and wait for the cars to pass so I can get on the other side. I'm not yet fully awake, so my eyes are half open. I look and see there's nothing on the street and I start crossing it. Somewhere in the middle, suddenly, I hear car brakes, I hear a car sirene. I turn my head and see a car coming right towards me and I speed up my step and get to the sidewalk. A wave of fear goes through my whole body and I shake. Five inches were dividing me from the hit. I'm standing, not moving, frozen. Motivated by the elevator thing, I start thinking the same again. What if I couldn't hear the brakes and the sirene? What if the man who was driving the car couldn't brake or hit the sirene? What if I didn't speed up? Would I... Would I die? Somewhere in between those thoughts a class mate tappes my shoulder and interrupts me. I unfroze, put a fake smile on my face and said hello. We walk on towards the school and talk... about school mostly. The two incidents before disappeared from the menu of my mind. We go to the classes and do the school stuff. After about five hours spent in the school I'm going home. A group of us walks together and mostly talks about the mathematics test. I've done it great and I think I'm going to get an A. I come home and sit in my old chair and do the usual thing I do... I rest and think, although I think I'm getting tired of thinking. But no one can stop thinking, that's a fact. After a while, it hits me. Those things happened this morning dragged themselves into the light. I keep re-living them all over again and only one answer appears to be correct. God. In the elevator, I could've panic'd, it could've been there was no one to hear when I called, I could've stayed there forever... I could've died. Maybe I'm being dramatic, but it could've happened. On the street, it could've been that the guy who drove the car couldn't brake, it could've been that I couldn't speed up, I could've died. It's all possible. But God saved me. Only He knows his reasons and I do not question them. All I can do is thank Him and pray that nothing similar happens to anyone. But in the end, it's His decision. After all, our lives are candles surviving in the wind of God's regulations. All I am is a candle in the wind...
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