Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1195834-His-bath
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1195834
A slave of love tends to her Master's needs.
Upon first glance, the girl looked to be just standing there, silently
she looks about the chamber. If one watched her closely they would notice her eyes studying ever detail about the room, the low lighting, blazing fire in the hearth, furs warming closely spread free of wrinkles, next to the hearth sits a platter of meats and cheese with a accompanying loaf of yellow bread, two crystal goblets, one taller in stem and one shorter, completed the charming scene before her.  She moves with ease and grace about checking each object for perfection, humming softly thinking she is alone.

Feeling His presence before hearing a sound she spins around quickly… His eyes blaze into hers and instantly she drops to her knees. Her hair flies about her naked form as she kneels before Him in haste, full breasts heaving with excitement, lovely legs beneath her bottom as she kneels tall. The sight of her at just that moment excites Him. Silently He stands watching for her next move. He watches her chest rise and fall as her eyes dart back and forth across the tiles just in front of her. He watches not moving enjoying her momentary discomfort at being caught unaware. she tries a smile, though her heart is beating so fast she can hardly think to speak, softly after a moment she quietly says, “Greetings, Master, may this unworthy slave approach?”  He but nods, and though her eyes are cast to the floor, she hears His response. Crawling to Him, she hangs her head, masses of soft golden hair falling about her, sweeping the floor as she moves, the bottoms of her cheeks peeking through the long strands. As she nears Him, she lowers her upper body to the floor, kissing each dust-covered boot lovingly. Scooting her legs beneath her she kneels, sweeping her hair over slender shoulders she smiles asking “Master, Your slave has drawn You a bath, may she attend You within it?”  Only one word does she hear…“Hair”, quickly to stand she moves to His side, feet flat on the floor, she bends at the waist, flipping her hair forward she stands waiting.  He slides His large strong hand over her scalp grasping the golden tresses tightly into His fist, leading her into another chamber. Once through the door to His private rooms, He pushes her to the floor at His feet. Silently she thanks Him for His treatment of her, making her feel more alive each second she is at His feet, the roughness of His movements causing her pussy to ache with desire.  He snaps His fingers and she rises to her knees, scoots in front of Him and begins to disrobe His body.  she eases His pants down about His boots, lifting each one and pulling His foot free of the fine leather. Pressing her naked body to His she rises, the hair on His body taunting her nipples deepening the aching within her core. Using small hands she lifts His shirt and lays it aside. Awed by His nakedness, she blushes at her thoughts, turning slightly she looks to the bath… the heat from the fireplace keeping the water warm. she steps aside lowing her eyes to gaze at His feet as He enters the tub. Sitting upon the wooden stool the depth of the warmed water floating about His waist, He watches her. Nodding she comes to her place, kneeling beside the wooden tub. He begins to speak and as if some unspoken signal she lifts the soft rag and pours a measure of thick liquid from a dish onto it. He talks of His day, though not to her, but at her. She bends over the rim and picks up one foot; lovingly she applies the rag, soaping it carefully not missing an inch of His bare skin. Sitting it back into the water she lifts the second foot, just as lovingly washing it. she works her way up His muscular calves, strong thick thighs she caresses with the rag, cleansing all she touches. She hesitates as she nears His manhood. There it sits nestled against dark damp hair, her eyes devour the sight as her hands wash Him as if guided by some unseen force.  she dares to lift her face to His as she does this, not aware of how intensely He watches her every movement. Quickly she lowers her eyes to the task at hand, working up His body she shivers at the thought of His pleasure, varied in many ways, all causing the most delicious reactions to her slave’s body. she thinks of last night, how He used her for His own pleasure, leaving her wanting… and she was yet pleased to have been the vessel He used.

Quietly He stands and turns away from her, giving her access to cleanse His back. Applying more soap she glides the rag over His shoulders, down His back and over the muscles of His buttocks. Scooting a wooden box closer to her, she stands upon it, bending at the waist she picks up a picture of heated water and as she stands very near His body she pours it over Him, rinsing always the silken soap. He turns quickly and scoops her up into His arms.  Completely caught off guard she wills her body to go limp within His strong arms.  Carrying her weight as though it was nothing, He moves across the room. He leans over and places her upon His bed. He motions for her to lay back. Using her heels, her long graceful legs guide her back. Boldly she watches His face as He moves over her. Laying His full weight upon her slight form, He holds her face between His hands. He lifts her face and kisses her full lips sensuously He teases them with His own. Nibbling close to her ear, He growls into it “slave, you will please Me… now”.  Rolling to His side, she follows closely moving to lie upon His chest. Lowing her head she stares at His chest, and just lifting her eyes she watches Him through her long lashes. Placing her small hands on the sides of His chest she moves her body down, breasts flattened to His muscular form, hard nipples pulling against Him as she glides downward. Moving her face lower she licks and sucks gently feeding on His skin… the sudden rise of hair catches the wetness of her tongue… she stops.  Moving her knees to between His thighs she spreads them with her own, then leaning back on her heels, she comes face to cock… His arousal evident as His manhood assumes an entity of its own, bobbing up and down. As centuries have trained the female form to arch forward in need of what man has to give, this slave does instinctively. At the feeling of His throbbing against her red lips, her inner lips begin to ache with need. Slowly the girl begins to make love to His cock… sliding up and down the shaft, tongue easing under the head, darting her pointy tongue into the hole and back again down the under side of the shaft. Engulfing all of Him that she can.  she feels His length hitting the back of her throat and she pushes Him farther in. The girl relaxes her throat muscles and moves her head up and down. Hearing Him moan several times she looks up, though never stopping, and notice His dark hypnotic eyes boring into her. He flexes His hips upward as He grasps her hair plunging her down fully onto His cock. Hard thrusts make her eyes water, yet the need to please Him is so strong that she helps Him guide her head down harder filling her throat deeply. Suddenly He pulls her head back and up… she glides her body over His, slinking upward to nestle against His cock with her soaked wanting pussy. He moves His hands over hers, guiding her hands to her breasts… lowering His own to behind His head He watches.  Rising up on her knees her inner thighs and slickness guide His cock just to the entrance of her canal. she hovers there, teasingly she raises one finger to her mouth, circling it with her tongue she sucks it… trailing a wet finger down to her nipple she traces the outline of it, all the while watching His gaze dance over her movements.
In one quick stroke she impales her body onto His shaft, screaming as she does, juices flowing over Him with just the one thrust… so intense her desires are for just Him.  Dazed and lost within the passion, she moves her hips back and forth with nature’s rhythm of love, the slickness of her juices flowing over His balls. she feels how hard they are beneath her engorged nether lips. Slowly she glides her body over Him, His cock filling her as she rides Him. He moves His hands to grasp her hips guiding her movements for His pleasure. Moaning over and over, she lifts a full breast by the nipple holding it to His lips and as He suckles from her, she once again comes around His cock. This time she hears Him moan as He bites down on her hardened nub pulling and stretching it out then releasing it as He thrusts His hips up, pushing hers down. she screams from the intensity of His exploding cock within her softness. Muscles clamp down hard around Him, hips moving, she milks Him for ever drop He will give her.  He holds her there a bit before motioning for her to turn around, still holding her hips tightly against Him. He turns onto His side and as He cuddles her to Him, spooning her still filled with His waning hardness, His body relaxes and she purrs softly.

She smiles as she thinks, "tis a good thing she left the wine in the cold room." With the coolness of night, she reaches down to pull the furs up over His body covering Him. Softness touching her face filling her eyes with the love she has for this man- her Master.

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