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by Judico
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1167801
I did not believe.
There was noise coming from the other end, but I could not make out any words. It was black fuzz dripping through the earpiece. The phone slid from my hand, which was shaking too much to keep a steady grip. I fell down on my knees, unable to keep myself standing. Though I tried to steady myself by grabbing hold of the nightstand, I merely brought it down along with me as I fell. The lamp on it shattered as it hit the floor simultaneously.
I did not believe. I asked myself not to.
Yet I still managed to weep. I still found myself in tears, as a black void began to surround my body and all that was around me. It sucked the light out of the room which had already been shrouded in the darkness of a moonless night. I felt myself falling into this void. I felt it wrapping its gigantic arms of emptiness around me on the floor. I was alone but for the void.
I did not believe. I told myself not to.
Reaching out my hand, I wanted to pull myself out of the impenetrable black that lay all around me, but all that was within my reach was broken glass. I grabbed some and clenched my fist as hard as I could, unaware of the pain that must have been there. There were trickles of the crimson liquid running in between my fingers, dripping down my palm into a small puddle on the ground.
I did not believe. I begged myself not to.
With the void around me becoming darker and darker breathing became difficult. I began to inhale deeply and faster as I felt I was drowning, suffocated by the lack of light. I began crying in the form of slow murmuring sounds at first. Each sob followed the one before it to the point where they became inseparable from each other, slowly building up into a primeval wail that shook my entire body. The blackness was inside of me now, swimming around the corners of my soul. I could feel its cold touch as it slowly took hold of me. I became it, and as a result I was alone.
My wife came into the bedroom. When she saw me she ran to my side to as I lay on the floor like a dying man. She ran her fingers through my hair as she held my head on her lap. I held her in my arms, hoping she would never let go.
“My mom,” I cried. “My mom.”
I could not believe.
© Copyright 2006 Judico (judico at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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