Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1154296-Jewels
Rated: E · Poetry · Romance/Love · #1154296
This one was fun to write and it's my favorite poem about my love.
When emerald I saw the very first time
My eyes darted to and fro
It’s tints and hues of green diffused
Merry my heart was to see the color of spring shining from its glow.

When sapphire I touched by chance and luck
My fingers began to roam
The gentle blue fire enflammed my desire
And since that time, I’ve seen in my mind, its shape, its depth, its tone.

When diamonds I held in the palm of my hand
My heart began to pound
Stunning and clear were those crystal tears
Time rode on and ages have past while they laid beneath the ground.

When silver I wore for a moment, no more
My spirit flickered and stired
Such subtle brilliance I never imagined
And quietly I thought of works that were wrought in myths and legends I’ve heard.

When gold I was given for the years I’ve been living
My hands began to twitch.
Nothing I dared but to sit and stare
And ever I looked on that earth-delved bounty imagining I was rich.

Though neither grain nor cloth, nor stone nor rock
Can come close to my Lady fair
And if I were set before a mountain of jet
If I were to twirl into an ocean of pearl
If I could wander a forest of amber
If I were to wade in a river of jade
I would consider it small, worth nothing at all, compared to the scent of her hair.
© Copyright 2006 Samuel Thomson (tosaha at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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