Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1143268-Space
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Teen · #1143268
I don't want to hear about space...
I've had enough of your science fiction
you're constant friction
your ugly diction.

I don't want to hear about space
or the deep voids of
black hole suns
sucking you up.
They remind me too much
of your eyes
and touch.

I'm tired of dancing in the catacombs
of meteors as they fall burning
to earth to smash;
and crash.

Dash some salt here, you need flavor.

I don't like to countdown
or the feel of coming down.
In space, you can drown
with no water.

I'm tired of your technology
Good Morning Dave
Shut up oh mighty Hal of mine.
Shut up and land us on this rock already.

This rock.
This horrible, ugly, decaying rock.
It's earth you know.
We're dying. We're dying and all you want to do is
blast off into space.

Well fuck you!
I'm staying here, in my chair
with my feet on the earth
so that I can see us die.
It's paralyzing
stop patronizing the guests.

What are you looking for up there
in the empty swells of stars and ice?
Are you looking for God?
Well last week I met God,
he stopped by my hospital bed
while you were out in space
and he says he's sending Death after you
and it's not the death you put in your veins.

Your space ship is old and rusted
with holes
that will suck your air out
empty your needle out
send you into blackout.

I'm sorry, I can't do that Dave.
Fuck you Hal. I'm staying on earth.
You can choose space.
It's too cold there for me.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1143268-Space