Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1135452-for--love
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1135452
sorry but i have to finish it later! here's some more!
Donna played with the end of the match watching as it burst into flames before dropping it to the ground. Tears filled her eyes as she thought back on the passed few weeks. Never for one second did she ever think her life would end up this way. For one brief moment she actually found love only to have it snuffed out like the end of the match as it fell to the ground. If only she had more time?! Time to do all the things she wanted to do with her life. Time that she wanted so much to share with Rob. But now there would be no time, now there would be nothing. The doctor's grim words echoed inside her head like a gun ringing in her ear. "The test results are back." She sat on the edge of her seat her hands clasped in front of her, her long red hair fallling over her face shielding her from the terrorible news she was about to receive. "Unfortainly, we've done all there is to do." "But you told me, you were sure it would work!" The tears spring to her eyes unwantingly and she push them aside before the doctor could see. "I'm sorry I was wrong." Dr. Cole looked down at his desk, nerviously shuffling papers. "YOUR sorry!" "This is my life your playing with. " "I'm not some toy you can just toss aside when your done with it!" "I'm a human being, and you just want me to go and slink away and die, just because your done with me!" Her voice cracked beneath the tears she shed and she tried to hide the fear inside her eyes with anger she wanted to feel. "People make mistakes, sometimes were not always right." Her blue eyes flashed with hurt and she lashed out against the pain. "Than you shouldn't promise things you can't keep!" "Your not God, why give someone false hope when there is none!" She stood on stand feet and stumbled out of the room, when she was safely away from the doctors of and in her car. She let the tears fall down her cheek like rain. Now, there she was trying to find away to tell her love ones good-bye...
© Copyright 2006 alissa james (angelajobe01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1135452-for--love