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Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Drama · #1113601
This is a play I just started working on about recovering drug addicts.
Curtain opens
Natasha enters. Followed by her mother. Natasha is clearly upset and angry.

Natasha: I don’t even know why I’m here I don’t have a problem

Mother: Well that’s not what the court thinks. C’mon lets just go check in.

DeskWorker: Ah you must be Natasha. And you are her mother?

M: Yes, I’m her mother.

DW: I’m glad to see some one showed up. There are two other girls that were supposed to be admitted today but I have a feeling they won’t be joining us any time soon.

N: Why is that? Did you scare ‘em off with all your brain washing or hire somebody to kill them?(in a hostile sarcasm)

DW: Oh my someone seems a bit unhappy about all this. Honestly there’s nothing to worry about. Most girls who call and make appointments for admittance don’t show up. They get scared or get so high they forget all about wanting to get clean. It really takes a lot of courage for some one to come here. Anyways, here are some forms you need to fill out. After you have given all the information needed just sign here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Oh and here. You can fill these out right over there. (Pointing to a couch and a couple of lounge chairs on the other side of the set)

M: Ok thank you. (Starts to walk away)

DW: I almost forgot, your luggage. I will need to take it upstairs so we can check it for any thing you have that you shouldn’t have. So if you do now would be the time to take it out.

N: All my shit’s in the car. I guess I’ll go get it. (Walks off stage)

M: I hope you can handle her. This is only a taste of how bad she can be.

DW: Oh I am sure we can. Trust me I have seen much worse. Most girls coming in here have a bad attitude.

N:(walks back on stage carrying a lot of bags of luggage) Here it is.

DW: Ah thank you. Now you two go get started on those forms and I’ll take these upstairs.

(Natasha and her mother walk over to the couch DW pointed out and sit down. The mother has the forms in her hands.)

M: (sighs) I hate filling out all these forms. (Spends a moment looking over forms and writing.) When’s your birthday again?

N: What’s the matter mom cant remember when you were in labor with me for 11 hours? Hmpf that’s funny you always remember to remind me about it every time I ask for something.

M: Ugh I am so sick of your attitude I get it you don’t wanna be here. But sometimes the best things for us are the things we least want to do. So would you just grow up and get over it already

N: Whatever Your just happy that I’m gonna be gone and out of your hair for three months

M: You know what I actually am glad you your going to be gone for three months because that means I will know where you are and that your safe. I won’t be constantly worrying that some one is going to find you lifeless body in a dumpster somewhere

N: Fuck you I don’t have to listen to this shit (Stomps off stage)

Group scene (3 girls enter, talking to each other as they come in and sit in the chairs set up in a half circle The group councilor is already on stage behind the desk on the phone)
© Copyright 2006 Kristina (vireo_vixen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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