Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1085076-Judas-speaks-in-a-slow-tongue
by Janson
Rated: E · Poetry · Community · #1085076
race realtions, and the idea darker races live in the shadow of lighter races
Judas speaks in a slow tongue:
“Monsieur you must not worry,
we will gladly protect You,”

as Another, hidden in the shadows,
worries aloud to the god He believes
will save His soul;
this man is graceful&delicate
like the night which sleeps as
the moon acts hours across the sky,
He, with darkgodly skin,
is no more than humanity unknown
in this world
beyond contemptuous glances
(the unbroken soul of hope
oppressed by fearful hatred of brilliance,
awaiting freedom);

“You must know Your place,
and act appropriately,
tomorrow will no longer live
in Your eyes.” He hears
from white lips, the evil benevolence
daunting, as Judas speaks low:
“do not pray to a god whom has
abandoned You with the gift of
he has no pity for You
and his forsaken Your Brethren;
become anew in worship, and
forget the communion of race,
place Your faith in us
the true saviors of this world
and salvation will be Yours.”

He cannot understand such sacrifice,
to worship another man
would only destroy His soul;
yet daily He lives in the shadows
of this man’s world,
unloved for whom He is,
yet renowned for what He is.
© Copyright 2006 Janson (lonemess at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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