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Rated: E · Poetry · Drama · #1071515
Love for a friend not meant to be
For so long I've stared into your pain
Wishing I could do anything and everthing to make it go away
So now I'm going to fade out back into the scenery you have set me back in so many times
I'm fading back and pushing you away
I say I'm done with you now-now and forever
But I know its not true
I will always love you whether friend or unlover-I will love you
Whether you know or it is to be a forever secret to my mind, heart, and soul
Waiting is no longer available
My heart must find someway to live
But with the constant obsession with someone else there's no room for someone like me
So I now say my final goodbye
But somewhere hope you will stop me before I finish this so...

Everyone wishes and so we all learn that we can't wish and then wait forever
I am a friend forever though you will never know how deeply your life has touched mine
People claim love but know mine is true whether through friendship or as an unlover-now and forever
Whether it is to be-
So here is my final request

A title so perfect, a love so strong, a heart so broken, the tears ran so long, a letter full of feeling, a letter full of hope, a letter with a destined ending full of disappointment, heart felt honesty, depressed love-one can only hope the writter will cope with life, love and friendship with someone like you.
© Copyright 2006 eternity (eternity747 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1071515-Love-Letter-Meant-to-Stay-in-the-Bottle