Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1045217-97-The-Copying-Machine
Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #1045217
The adventure continues.
I went over to the library,
To use the copying machine.
That’s how my trouble started,
And Big Trouble I certainly mean!

I pushed the start button,
So I could print out ten copies.
But instead of printed papers,
Out crawled ten copies of me!

All eleven of us stared at each other,
As we tried to solve a mystery.
All of us were wondering,
Which one of us was the real me.

So I marched out the library door,
And all ten followed behind.
And they copied every sound or move I made,
It was kind of funny and I didn’t mind.

Then we all arrived at my house,
Yes, indeed my home sweet home.
And as I opened the front door,
Inside my home they roamed.

Then they scattered all throughout the place,
And everywhere I looked, I saw me.
Yes, everywhere I saw my face,
And this was as strange as could be.

Now comes the Big Trouble,
As I think of my Dad and my Mother.
Whatever will they say,
When they discover I have ten new brothers?

© Copyright 2005 giggles_the_kender (giggles2002 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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