Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1045065-Death
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Death · #1045065
My first poetry post to this community
Why does death keep beckoning so?

This is what I want to know

Is life always going to be filled with such pain?

Is this always going to seem like a sick fucking game?

My soul seems covered in a dark shroud

Every where I look, there is a black cloud

A cloud of pain and despair

And it seems like no one really cares

My heart hurts, my soul aches

I just don't know how much more of this I can take

I want to run away, I want to get high

Or to just grab a gun, and bid this world goodbye!

I hear people speak of happiness and peace

But for me, the pain just won't cease

There was a time that I knew joy and love

There was a woman I thought was sent by God above

For a time, she was by my side

When she was with me, I didn't have to hide

I could get up each morning, I could face each day

I knew true happiness, no matter what life threw my way

But alas, another now calls her wife

Another man now holds the key to my life

I'm told that there is always a reason to go on

But I tell you this, my reason is gone

She left one July day

When she did, she took my happiness away

I don't know how to bring her back to me

I don't know how to make her see

I know only this one thing for sure

If I must go on without her

My days are numbered, and the number is small

Because without her, I cannot go on at all….

© Copyright 2005 M A Peterson (thespasticone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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