Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1037607-The-Fulcrum
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1037607
a poem about a devestating change in my life that happened over lasagna
The Fulcrum

We had lasagna
and I could taste the mushrooms;
I hate mushrooms

I never even saw it coming
like a wham bam bam from the cartoons where stars and moons swirl around their heads -
that was me

The words spilling out of her mouth in slow motion like the climax of a bad movie
you never think will happen to you

The D-Word

it was the only time I lost my appetite
not even tall winding roller coasters with hundred foot drops right after hot dogs with relish and cheese fries and chocolate, chocolate cake and soda could do that to me
my brother ate it
he’s always hungry

we had lasagna that night
and I’ll never forget it
June 6, 1996
the day my world cracked
and I didn’t even ask why
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