Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1013971-I-Immortal
by Raven
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1013971
Raven is an immortal nature mage. This is her story.
I am immortal. I am not a vampire, werewolf, or
fey. And unlike the popular TV series, "The Hilander", I cannot be killed by
decapitation. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I don't think anything can kill
This is not a boast; today I am 6,000 years old. Any way
you can imagine to kill someone has been tried on me, and most likely, many you
haven't. I am human, as far as I can tell, and with the exception of an
unusually long life and amazing healing and regenerative abilities, I am just
like everyone else.
Forgive me, I almost forgot. I am a witch. Or more appropriately; a
nature mage. I can communicate with and control the animals, plants, and
elements. These powers grow over time, so I am quite powerful.
But not to worry, the only power I use now is communication with
animals. Roughly 1,000 years ago I learned to take the shape of whatever
animal I chose. My first was a raven, hence my name. I do not have a last
name, and do not use the name I was born with.
As I tell my story I may tell you what it is, then again, maybe not.
After all, it has been awhile since anyone has called me by my birth name.
I have not met many other mages; few that had actual power anyway.
There were plenty of magicians. They can fool those who do not have power, but
I spot them immediately. If I do run across a fellow mage, they are mortal. I
have only met one other like me.
I had already lived several centuries, so imagine my surprise at
meeting another immortal mage. A Viking, no less. To be more accurate, a
Valkyrie. Out of respect I will not give you her birth name, which is for her
to tell if she so chooses.
Today she is known as Angel. Do not confuse or compare her with
Buffy’s Angel, for she will hex not only you, but you family and future family
as well. She is very good at hexes, even better than myself.
This, of course, is a constant thorn in my side and every time I try
to remove it, she shoves it back in. I suppose you are wondering what kind of
mage she is? She is a Death mage.
She can kill you with a touch (yes she has tried this on me, no, it
didn't work), although now she no longer even has to do that. All she has to do
now is wish you dead.
Angel can summon and control the dead and even the undead as well.
Just 1,500 years ago she gained the power to summon and control spirits and
ghosts. Contrary to popular belief, she does not deal with demons or the
devil, and is not evil. This is the work of a Black mage and I do believe she
killed the last one 2,000 years ago.
She, like myself, does not know what, if anything, can kill her. We
both live because people die, that is, and when someone dies their life force
comes either to me, or her. Not the soul, just the life force.
Our only respite over the years is the deep, dreamless sleep. We will
sleep like the dead until we are disturbed, and the disturbee may very well
receive a hex for their efforts.
We have no concept of time during this sleep and our bodies cease to
need food, drink, bowel movements, or even oxygen. Our hearts cease beating as
Make no mistake, we can live without food, drink, or oxygen; just not
as comfortably as we would like.
By now you are probably wondering what I look like.
I am 5’ 4” with an hourglass figure, 36-25-36. My hair is black, wavy,
and goes down to my butt. My body is athletic and toned, but I am much stronger
than I look. My face is well proportioned, with my eyes equally spaced and my
nose, that by itself would be too wide, is balanced by my mouth.
My lips are full, but not overly so. They are red enough to not need
lipstick and always seem ready to be kissed. I have flawless white skin, tanned
in the summer, and lilac eyes. My teeth are white, straight, and healthy. My
nails are manicured and my fingernails are painted to match my eyes.
Right now I am wearing black leather pants that look as though they
were painted on, black leather boots with a 4in. heel, and a white cotton
pirate shirt. My hair is left loose, flying any which way the wind takes it.
I am sitting on top of a skyscraper in New York City; however, I do
not live here. I have always loved heights, as well as water. In fact, I am
happiest when these two coincide.
This is why I have spent a great many of my days on sea-side cliffs,
and ships. In the birds nest of course. I suppose the best way to begin ones'
life story is to tell it from the beginning, so that is what I shall do.

© Copyright 2005 Raven (rvns_wing at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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