Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/zzzblink
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7 Public Reviews Given
45 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Neocicero
Rated: E | (2.0)
I like that you voiced your opinion, but you are totally wrong in suggesting we shun all animal products as a species. By not eating meat we allow ourselfs to become protein deficient, which can lead to death. Strict vegetarians usually also have iron deficiency and sometimes develope iron deficiency anaemia. Some studies have also linked certain types of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder to lack of meats. Also, vegetarians who shun all animal products- including milk, are at a MUCH higher risk of developing calcium deficiency than are omnivores. Developing children who are kept away from meat products are missing out on very important nutrients and supplements such as : zinc, magnese, copper, riboflavin, and lactoid vitamins. Vegetarians also recieve from two times to five times as much phytoestrogen, which is related to infertility. Children and unborn babies who do not recieve meat and animal products have a three time higher mortality rate than do those who do recieve such products. It is time to rethink your so called 'moral crusade', and accept that vegetarian diets are not healthier than omnivorous diets or carnivorous diets. Ask any doctor or dietarian and they will confirm what I have said. The fact is, vegetarians are wrong. Accept it. Even if you want to continue on as a vegetarian, o not push your beliefs on others.
Review by Neocicero
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)
Shame on you for blaming Rumsfelf for the tradegy in the MidEast. He may be partly responsible, but he and the president could not have started the war without the support of Congress. That means the support of all your hippie friends like Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, John Edwards, Harry Reid, etc...
Review by Neocicero
Rated: E | (2.5)
Excuse me. Not to offend, but Ron Paul is one of the worst things ever to happen to our country. His candidacy disgraced our nation by allowing the slick willie win both time in the 90's, I love your writing style, but please rethink what your Ron Paul has done to this country.
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