Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/uley
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Review of Trick or Tweet  
Review by Uley Bone
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Tom--

I enjoyed the story, so pretty much anything "critical" I have to say should be skewed with that in mind. I enjoyed the main character, the plot and premise. I liked the underlying premise that without various tech, it would lend toward a disconnect. The first person narrative worked, though it sometimes seemed to suffer for details-- which, on the other hand, made it seem more realistic. (i.e. that you do not answer all of the questions makes the character, and situations more believable.)

The beginning of the story skipped around a bit too much to follow clearly, but once you got into the story (with a clear point of focus, origin to end), it flowed much more clearly through the read. Another thing that you may/maybe not reconsider is mood. While I can appreciate the loss/mourning of not only his whole family, and later his memory; it seemed to have disconnecting affect from "John Carter" as I read on. As for the other characters, even more so. You breezed over several others, which is fine to illustrate various events and people involved, but more primary characters you may consider developing out a little.

We come to the end. I suspect this may have more to do with the format you chose to tell the story, as opposed to your actual writing ability. While this short story works quite well, stringing it out and not being pre-occupied by word counts or concerns that it will not be read due to length. I believe this story would work very well as a "personal journal" narrative. Bringing the reader in closer to the main character, allowing for a little more detail in the relevant areas of the plot, etc.

Yet still, all in all I think it is a fine story. Just as sort of an FYI, you could consider what they call a a Nuclear Pulse, which is the detonation of a nuclear device above a geographical area that would knock out all coms and electronic devices over a wide area. That may have been what you had in mind already, considering the relevant effects of jets/planes crashing, etc. All of that being said, I much enjoyed the read.
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