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Review by Armenta Stacey
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don't think it's even necessary to prove God exists. All one needs to commit to would be to prove a young earth. If the earth has been around for only around 6000 years then the evolution cannot be true then the only plausible and currently presented theory would be Intelligent Design.
Something I'm not going to talk about here is the evidence for Christ. Except for the crazy people who don't believe Jesus even existed (against a whole lot of evidence) everyone else can narrow the reason for Jesus to be he was either a Liar a Lunatic or the Lord.

I'm going to assume that you believe in the gap theory. (God creates world....millions of years of evolution then the Bible picks up again with mankind). I am against this theory mostly because I take the Bible literally. God literally made the earth in a week and all the animals and humans. I have a problem with believing that God is only telling exactly what happened some of the time. But even then I'd have to admit it if the evidence pointed against me.

If God is real and He created us and the whole world then science should reveal this. After all Romans 1:20 says that "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
So science should fit very comfortably with God.
We see micro-evolution all the time. Parents pass traits down through their children, and people who live together look alike. But inter-special macro-evolution is not Biblical.

So to the facts! I'll take the main elements for an old earth and explain the evidence for a young earth with them. I really hope you like to read! :) If not I finally found Dr. Kindall's video which has all this a whole lot better at the bottom. His presentation is amazing of all the same basic information along with more in-depth websites as well.

Many evolutionists say that because the stars are so far away that the light could not possibly reach the earth within 6000 years. And rightly so! that is too long a distance. But there is a theory by Einstein that has recently been proven that the farther away from the Earth's core you go, the faster time travels. That sounds really wacky but it's true! On Earth the difference is only a few seconds from the highest point to the lowest point. But imagine all those billions of miles of time getting faster and faster! This gives light plenty of time to reach the Earth.

This is another one to do with time, only strictly ON the planet. Any text book will tell you that fossils take a really long time to form. They are millions of years old! But here are some fossils that can't possibly have been that old:
sorry to throw websites at you but These are my favorite fossil pictures for this discussion. This website isn't the source of them. I've seen them so many places now, they are much discussed. The same goes for stalactites/stalagmites. They are supposed to take much longer to form than 6000 years. But there are ones that form within a few years rather than millions: http://creationwiki.org/Stalactite_and_stalagmite
Once again, I have heard about these from much more reliable places than these websites. These are just all I can find within a few seconds.
Oh, and never has any transitional fossil been found. This is embarrassing to many scientists who believe in an old earth since there should be many transitional evidences between species. The whole "missing link" phenomenon of none existing. even dinosaurs don't have transitions, they are wholly themselves, unique creatures that just don't exist anymore. Just like all the animals that have recently gone extinct (the tasmanian wolf is the only one that comes to mind presently). There are people to claim to have transitional fossils because they are not irreducibly complex. So basically that since the most complex organism's parts can break down to have a purpose (it doesn't matter if they had the same purpose of the more complex version, just any) then it is a sign of evolution. I disagree because I think God using the same or similar designs for different things does not disprove Him. Like different types of birthing among different animals. And our eyes are designed around how we use them.
Which brings me to:

I have seen a few lectures on dinosaurs and have to say, it's a looong topic. Hours of presentation don't cover how much there is on them.
The evolutionist theory says that Dinosaurs are not in the Bible so God didn't make them since those in the Bible had never heard of them. All the dinosaurs were dead and gone by the time the Bible came about.
But there are dinosaurs in the Bible! It's true the word 'dinosaur' isn't in the Bible but that's because it wasn't a word until the 1800's when dinosaur bones were first discovered. A little after Biblical times.
But in Job 40:15-24 he describes the behemoth which sounds strikingly like a brachiosaurus.It is said that he was really talking about an elephant or a hippo, but it's widely known that neither have "tails like cedars". You can google other references to dinosaurs in the Bible. they're usually called dragons because, like I said before, the word dinosaur came after the Bible's translation to English (completely translated 1384).

But beyond the Bible, if dinosaurs and humans were around at the same time wouldn't you think that there would be more evidence than just what Job and few others in the Bible had to say? Actually, the Bible is not the biggest proof
This first website is pretty much the last lecture I heard by Dr J Kindell. It's a lot though so don't feel obligated to read it all. Oh wait! I found a video of his lecture. His is the second link and it's really good. You might want to watch it first before reading the genesispark page. He has a really scholarly voice and he's a bit overjoyed to rag on 'those evolutionists', but he's great.

And Here is his video on a young earth which is the point of all this yes?

If you pay attention nothing else, Kindell's videos are what you should watch.

I apologize for sending you off to a bunch of places rather than answer your question myself but I don't have all of it memorized and Kindell has been studying a lot longer than I have plus he cites his information.
He really is worth watching.

Review by Armenta Stacey
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I completely agree with you, sir.
No matter how we feel about our involvement in any war, it is disrespectful to the one's who live to serve us to be so tactless about discussing their lives. Not that I mean to restate what you said, i just appreciate so much you posting your ideas in a well-written, rhetoric based way that is interesting (or should be) to everyone who reads it. As the daughter of a man in the military and, more importantly, a citizen of what I truly believe to be the freest country in the world, I salute you and your relevant post here.
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