Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/parrothead
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Review of Poker Party  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This story is really hot! I do not know if it is really true or if that was only said to add to the story but it was great! The only reason I did not give a 5 star is because of some typos but nothing serious. I wish you had some more of these swinger stories. Thank you for sharing.
Review of Little Sister  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Let's help each other grow- Newbie Group" to encourage our newbie members. It has been a pleasure to read and review your work. Please keep in mind that any & all reviews I make are only my opinion & no offense is to be taken. You should always write what you want to write exactly the way you want to write it. The most important thing is, write on!

First Impression: What a sweet and touching poem about the love between siblings.

Overall Review: I loved your poem. I have two brothers & I can relate to this in so many ways. There are many different kinds of love in this world and very few are greater than the love between siblings. This is such a sweet portrait of pure and simple love and it just makes me want to call up my brothers and remind them that I love them and that I am here if they ever need me. Thank you for sharing such a loving and personal poem with all of us here at WDC. You are a very talented writer and as always Write on!

Grammar,spelling,punctuation errors: I did not notice any errors in your writing. Everything flowed wonderfully.
Review of SUN SAILS  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Let's help each other grow- Newbie Group" to encourage our newbie members. It has been a pleasure to read and review your work. Please keep in mind that any & all reviews I make are only my opinion & no offense is to be taken. You should always write what you want to write exactly the way you want to write it. The most important thing is, write on!

First Impression: I love most poems about the sea.

Overall Review: This is a beautiful poem about the sea. The ocean has always held a special place in my heart, for some reason anytime I have been depressed, scared, anxious or just down in general I always end up going to the sea & it always seems to bring me peace & eventually, understanding. Your poem is like that for me. I can smell the ocean, hear the gulls & feel that salty air as it almost sticks to my skin. I am an outdoors kind of guy & love the mountains of my home but there is just something magical for me about oceans. Your words flow perfectly. Thank you for sharing this poem, it has really made my day! Write on!

Grammar,spelling,punctuation errors: I did not notice any errors.
Review of One  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Let's help each other grow- Newbie Group" to encourage our newbie members. It has been a pleasure to read and review your work. Please keep in mind that any & all reviews I make are only my opinion & no offense is to be taken. You should always write what you want to write exactly the way you want to write it. The most important thing is, write on!

First Impression: Tolerance may be the single most important message.

Overall Review: I love your prose poem. I love the message of tolerance & love that you are spreading! No one has a right to judge anyone else. It should not matter about race, religion, sexual preference or any other differences we all have. Each person should be judged by the merit of their character, for that is what defines us & not all those other things. Thank you for sharing your gift & as always , write on!

Grammar,spelling,punctuation errors: I did not notice any errors in your writing.
Review of Tribal thing  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Let's help each other grow- Newbie Group" to encourage our newbie members. It has been a pleasure to read and review your work. Please keep in mind that any & all reviews I make are only my opinion & no offense is to be taken. You should always write what you want to write exactly the way you want to write it. The most important thing is, write on!

First Impression:I am from a very small southern town so this caught my attention.

Overall Review: Coming from small town USA I can really identify with this poem. You have done an excellent job of capturing the "tribal" aspect of it. You are right when you say "No one gets in; no one gets out." For some reason if you were not born in a small town then you are never really "part" of it, always an outsider & if you were born in the small town then no matter where you go, your still part of that place. Thank you so much for sharing your poem, it is really great! Write on!

Grammar,spelling,punctuation errors: I did not notice any errors in your poem.
Review of Baby  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Let's help each other grow- Newbie Group" to encourage our newbie members. It has been a pleasure to read and review your work. Please keep in mind that any & all reviews I make are only my opinion & no offense is to be taken. You should always write what you want to write exactly the way you want to write it. The most important thing is, write on!

First Impression:What a wonderful poem.

Overall Review:I have two daughters & I just love this poem. There is just nothing better than those precious little girls. Thank you for sharing your poem, it is very personal & heartfelt & it all flows very well.

Grammar,spelling,punctuation errors: I did not notice any errors.
Review of When Love Dies  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi . This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. Thank you for allowing me to read your poem/writing. I hope my comments are helpful. However, you are always encouraged to follow your own instincts and always KEEP WRITING!

First Impression:Very well written. So many truths written in such a beautiful way. For the most part I thought your words flowed very well. Overall, this was a very emotional poem about a marriage on the rocks which is a topic that I think many people can identify with.

Suggestions:I have one small suggestion. In my humble opinion, I think that the line that says "We no longer touch each other as before we seem like strangers" could possibly use a comma after the word before. Maybe not, but I just think it might flow better in that one line. Other than that, perfect. Write on!

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar:See above.

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Review of A Sister Found  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Nicki . This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. Thank you for allowing me to read your poem. I hope my comments are helpful. However, you are always encouraged to follow your own instincts and always KEEP WRITING!

First Impression:A heart warming poem about the love & forgiveness between sisters.

Suggestions: I loved your poem. I have 2 brothers. We were very close growing up & I am still very close to my older brother, but the youngest of the three has chosen to take a path which is not acceptable to the family in the form of addiction. We miss him & hope that he finds his way back to us. He knows that we are here waiting on him with open arms. There is not much in this life that is stronger than the tie between siblings & I love the sense of redemption & love in your writing. Thank you for sharing & write on!

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: I did not notice any mistakes.

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Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi SWPoet . This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. Thank you for allowing me to read your poem/writing. I hope my comments are helpful. However, you are always encouraged to follow your own instincts and always KEEP WRITING!

First Impression: I am also from the south & so I can relate easily to this poem.

Suggestions: I love your writings but I really enjoyed this poem. I am from the south myself & I can really relate to this poem. It does get terribly hot but I love every minute of it. The kids playing in the sprinklers is kind of the hallmark of our summer memories. Thank you for sharing & write on!

Punctuation/Spelling/Grammar: Did not notice any errors.

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Review of The Coffee Mug  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
I feel a kinship with you. You are clearly devoted to your family & your daughter. I also am a family man. I have 2 daughters & now a baby boy. There is just nothing in the world that is greater than the love between a man & his family! I love this poem & thank you for sharing. Write on buddy!
Review of WISH  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Really enjoyed your poem. I did not notice any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thanks for sharing & as always Write on!
Review of The Struggle  
Review by ParrotHead
In affiliation with Let's help each other grow...  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Very nice poem, but there are some spelling and grammatical mistakes. You wrote "Every limb claiming exhaustion from the my mental strain" & I think you meant from my mental strain, not "the from my mental strain". You said "My need, no craving" I think you meant my need, my craving. Overall good poem, just thought you might want to give it a once over.
Review of Goodbye Grandpa  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved this poem. My grandfather is 93 years old & is a farmer & always has been. He still gets out everyday on his tractor or rhino & checks the cows & sprays the weeds or whatever needs doing. It is a 600 acre farm so he stays pretty busy but he is my hero above all other men that have been in my life. I loved this poem because it made me think of him. I know that when the time comes to say good bye it will be very sad, but I know that we will all be sitting around telling our favorite stories about the times we shared with him. As long as they are in our hearts & memories their legacy will always live on. Thank you for sharing and write on! Oh, by the way, I am glad to be a member with you on this "newbie" group. Hope to get to know you and everyone better.
Review of Dear Me  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was so much fun to read! I love to hear you argue with yourself, how funny. I laughed often throughout your letter but I also thought about the things you said. I feel as though I am only beginging to really know myself, so I am not sure about alot of things, but I am sure that to try and be more open minded & more tolerant to others can only be a good thing. Overall, this was a fun read & tells the reader alot about the writer. Thanks for sharing & Write on!
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a wonderful poem to celebrate your birthday with! It is strange, I am only thirty years old & I ask myself these questions almost daily. I guess it does not matter your age, race or religion, we all wonder "how we got here". I loved your poem & thank you for sharing this with all the rest of us. I am glad you got to see Nashville, I live in a small town about an hour from there. It is a fun city & I hope you had a great time! Write On!
Review of The Chase  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is amazing what wonderful lessons we can learn from our pets. This is a wonderful story about what sounds like a wonderful dog and family. As a fellow dog lover I really enjoyed this & connected with it. I look forward to reading more of your writing. Thank you for sharing and as always, write on.
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (4.5)
What a pleaseur to read. I am a dog lover & so this rings strong and true in my heart. Many times I believe that our dogs are much smarter than we are. You are a very talented writer an I really enjoyed your poem. I will be back to read more of your writing. Thank you for sharing and as always, Write On!
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this. This makes me long for summer days in the sunshine sitting at a barbecue with friends and having a cold drink while the kids run through the sprinkler. What a fun day you have put in my mind and I really appreciate it. Thank you for sharing and as always, write on!
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your enjoyment of the sport really comes through in this poem. This was so much fun to read & funny as well. Your writing has spunk & style & individuality. You are a talented writer & I look forward to reading more. Thank you again and as always, Write On.
Review of Queen Autumn  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Beautifully written & very creative word choices. You clearly are a talented writer & I greatly enjoyed this piece. I look forward to reading more of your writing. I am not an expert on anything, but I known when I read something I like. Thank you for sharing & write on!
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (4.5)
As far as the writing goes I would have to see it is very well written. I guess the truth is that it was a little to intense for little ol' me though. I have kids & reading this just gave me chill bumps. This is what good writing is supposed to do though, make you feel. Sometimes the feeling is not good, sometimes it keeps you up at night, but this certainly made me feel. Write on.
Review of Tiger Eyes  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
So many people are brought down to "the real world" as children, killing dreams & making them believe that they are not able to be all that they can be. Most of the time, that instinctual knowing of ones self that we have as children, once it is lost is never recovered. I am glad this little girl did. I love this poem. Write On!
Review of Gifts for the Sea  
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you so much for sharing this. I would not change a thing. Just a really fun & light read that brings a smile to the reader. And what is really better that reading something that makes you smile. Thank you again & I will be back to read more of your writing.
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow! This is honestly one of the most haunting things I have ever read. You have taken the cry of seagulls which is usually associated with loving family vacations & relaxation & turned it into something dark & terrifying. I will probably never hear a seagull the same way again. I cant say I am entirely happy about that but you certainly are a great writer & you have created something quite unique. I was actually put in the mid of Poe's "The Raven" as I read this, which in my opinion is the highest praise I can give. Would not change a thing!
Review by ParrotHead
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your "little ditty". I also love that you will never change it. That lets me know you wrote this for yourself & not for any ego building to get other peoples approval. Having said that, you have mine anyway. Based on this poem, I think you are a wonderful writer. Thank you for sharing this personal writing with us.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/parrothead