Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/nylsaj
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40 Public Reviews Given
62 Total Reviews Given
Public Reviews
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
Sad but beautiful poem. The poet is reflecting deep held feelings and sadness of the lost experience of fatherhood that escaped from him. The incidence seems to reflect the tragedy of both mother and daughter, who died at childbirth while he was away from home. It is an experience many go through when children die young. But all is not lost. In the tragedy, (cloud) the author hopes for the grand re-union to come in the resurrection,(rainbow), when father and daughter will meet face to face and experience the bliss of eternal life, that will never again be interrupted by separation. Keep on writing.

Review of Who was Jesus?  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
Christians believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. He came to live a perfect life to present Himself as the perfect sacrifice to pay the penalty for the sin of the world.
John 3:16 & 17. The Gospel encompasses all mankind. The question that must be answered by all mankind is the question you have posed. Another question I will pose is "What will you do with Jesus?"
Note: Jesus is alway is the "I AM that I AM"
Review of "He Asks"  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a nice poem written by one who loves God. If we love Him we will keep His commandments, we will trust Him and we will worship Him in spirit and truth. From that simple childlike trust we will have the peace and security only He can give. I also like the mention of God as our Creator. We are asked to worship Him who made the heavens earth and seas and fountains of water.
I would recommend in the third stanza the following:

All the love you can hold in your heart
To keep evil and hate from becoming
a part

This is a heart felt tribute to God. Thanks.
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (4.5)
I remembered this very sad event. Your poem on this topic will be appeasing to the sorrow that will forever linger in the breast of mothers and fathers. My favorite verse is the following:

Lord, please wipe the tears from the
Eyes of mothers, now bereft
Of the dreams that they would scale,
Mountain heights and ocean depth.

More work needed on the flow of the poem , but the words are vivid and speaks volume of this tragedy. Thanks for the write.
Review of The Clouds  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ida this is a very beautiful poem, It flows beautiful and translate in a simple way your reflections of the good innocent days with the reality of the present circumstances of your life. How wonderful it would have been if we could stay in the protective mode, when life was not so complex. But we have to grow up and growing up is hard to do according to a song writer. Life is complex and for the complexity of life we need God. He knows the way and will lead us in green pastures to get there.
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have chosen a good analogy of hats to give the vivid message of the different journeying of life. I can relate to hats. I hate them. I only wear hats during the cold months so that I can preserve the warmth in my body. But my dad loves hats. He believes a man is not completely dressed unless he has a felt hat. He is almost ninety but it was the custom while he was a young man.
I noticed this was the first in a series of writings. Any how I was unable to make a spiritual connection but this is just the introduction. I am looking forward to reading the remaining in the series. Your writing was crisp and easy to read. thanks for the
Review of Dance with me  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is indeed a well written essay. I love the analogy of couples on a dance floor. It reminded me for each of us, life is a stage and we all have to go upon it. Sometimes people appear to be perfect but if we observe keenly each of us have our insecurities. Throughout those insecure moments, God is trying to grab our attention to guide us through the hardships and trials as well as the joys and delights of life. His invitation is extended to all who will listen to His still quiet voice -
"Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly of heart and you shall find rest for yor souls." (paraphrasing Matt:11:28-30). Thanks for the beautiful essay.

Review of Easy Evangelism  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
Easy Evangelism, This is beautiful. O how I love you for this. Sharing the Gospel should be the passion of our lives. It is the best news on planet earth to give to anyone. Please keep up the good work God's Holy Sirit has begun in you. If you check my site out please read "WISE SOUL WINNERS" As a matter of purpose almost all of my poems are written with evangelism in mind. God Bless you. Keep up the good work.

Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
true expressions of a poet and even a writer. Words do evade us at times. Sometimes we are stuck on a sentence for days but then hope never fades. Lightning flashes and we are back on track. Vivid expression of one's emotion, the struggles and the frank exposure of the inner soul of the poet/wtriter.
Thanks and keep on writing. God bless you.

Review of The Angel Army  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello everyone, I am happy to join THE ANGEL ARMY group. I will do my best to contribute to the good deeds already being done by all of you in the ANGEL ARMY GROUP. I know some of you have reviewed my poems on this site and have been very kind to me with your very helpful and encouraging reviews. I must thank Sherry who continues to insist that I become a member. According to my philosophy of life- it is not about receiving but about giving. The ANGEL ARMY also espouses that philosophy. I will find it very easy to become one of the angels. Thanks again for the invitation.

Nylsaj Nomis
Review of Bless This Land  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (4.5)
We must be thankful indeed to be living in a country God has so richly blessed. In times like these we need to be reminded that God is in control and that He blesses us to promote His cause of goodwill and love to the less fortunate. We thank God for many things. We also should thank Him to be citizens of this great country and pray for all our leaders to lead with godly wisdom. The last verse is my favorite. It expresses what we truly need.
Good writing.
Review of The Teacher  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am also a teacher and your poem reminded me of the great purpose I have to serve. So much was said in the words you penned. With your permission I will send this to my colleagues. I hope that they will also be inspired.

Review of "Christmas Love"  
Review by Nylsaj Nomis
Rated: E | (4.0)
Your work touched me because you are concerned that we have lost the true meaning in the celebration of the birth of Christ and rightly so. I like the following;

No greater gift could be shared
by one another
Than the gift of love given on
His birthday by each other.

I would have changed the last two lines in this verse to

Than the gift of His love given on
this blessed day to each other.

I love to write on religious themes also. I commend you for doing it and encourage you to continue writing.

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