Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/reviews/c.sands
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17 Public Reviews Given
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Public Reviews
Review by c.sands
Rated: E | (4.0)
It rained Last Night, a poem written by the author Shail24 describes the emotions of a sad soul and compares it with the wind, the rain and its muddy waters. After the rain is gone, and the author's emotions have stabalized, the last verse in the poem reads: "The winds have died now...the God sent waters witheld...An earthy fragrance among a million shades of refreshing green...My tears too have dried...the dark clouds of emotions within have dried too...I feel one with the rain..." This poem is a short read and contains only five short verses. Enjoy.
Review by c.sands
Rated: E | (4.0)
American Troubadour, writen by Fivesixer, is an encouraging poem that helps the writer (and reader) in trusting in their own abilities. There are only 12 short lines in the poem which is almost written in a riddle format as depicted: "If the timing is right and the earth is at hand, you can stop being unbelievable and get comfortable with being yourself again." I thought it to be interesting reading.
Review by c.sands
Rated: E | (5.0)
In Memory of Ricky Dowding written by the authorSqueaker tells the story of a beloved young teenager's departure from life. It tells of the heartbreak and sadness the author feels when told of the young man;s departure. I can clearly understand the pain the author must feel for such a great loss of life as noted in the words " He was only sixteen years old. He was so young and so very bold. It is so unfair that he was taken. You wish his eyes would open and he would be awaken." I can't help but to give my condolences to the author for the loss of a loved one. Thank God for the "Special memories." Be well Squeaker, I'd love to see more of your writing.
Review of The Reunion  
Review by c.sands
Rated: E | (4.5)
The Reunion, by Brian G. tells the true story about four close high school friends from a small town in Nebraska. The population was only a bit more than 2,000 people. After graduating from high school and before going off on their own seperate ways, the four young men made plans to meet up with each other for a reunion of sorts in twenty years...that would be on July 4, 1972. I remember making a promise to my best friend in high school that we would remain in close contact with each other no mater what happened in our lives. For some strange reason we both failed at keeping our promise. Do you think these four young men kept their promise and showed up twenty years later for their reunion? The reunion is an interesting read which I highly recommend.
Review of Picnic Games  
Review by c.sands
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Picnic Games by the author Fiction Flasher, is a funny fantasy short story of events that occured at an Annual Cosmic Picnic, April Spring, and June Summer were two of the individuals responsible for the entertainment that day. There would be a long list of interesting guest in addendence such as Father Christmas, The Man-in-the Moon, Rust, Thunder, and many others. In fact all of the planents came excep for Saturn, who had a prior engagement. April Spring and June Summer seemed to be competing against each other for coming up with the best game, and also seemed to cheerfully go about setting up for the picnic while giving each other subtle jabs here and there, The author, Fiction Flasher describs it this way: "The girls, as they were often referred to (which was a continual sliver in April's toe, but seemed inconsequential to Summer) engaged in a subtle shoving match. Always out of direct sight of the guests, just a bump of a shoulder here, a foot in the way there, things like that. Each of them carried a secret---a secret that would be played out this very afternoon. A secret that each hoped would make this year's picnic a first ballot choice for the Picnic All of Fame." Well they certainly carried out their secrect to everone's delight in attendence and who all thought that this picnic was the best one ever.
If you like fantasy, and comedy, I thhink you will enjoy reading Picnic Games by Fiction Flasher.
Review of Bare Foot Dreams  
Review by c.sands
Rated: E | (4.0)
'Barefoot Dreams, is a poem written by the author Sharonlee. This poem depicts someone who is aimlessly walking barefoot in the park thinking about a failed relationship of yesterday. The mood of the poem seems to be a bit sad and melancholy, Sharonlee writes: "harmonies merge intensifying
the song I choose to carry in my soul. memories that lift me beyond the doubts pain and death
of sunrises passed" Can you feel the sad mood? I truly do wish Saraonlee all the best in the world with her poetry and writing career, however I suppose I'm not the one to read sad poems. I prefer positive and optimistic poetry but this should not discourage you are anyone from reading Sharonlee's 'Barefoot Dreams.'
Review of Cheap  
Review by c.sands
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
'Cheap' written by Lyn, is a short poem that tells of someone wanting to speakout about something, but because of fear or other reasons, decides not to speak what the mind is feeling. I think many of us may have been in that situation at one time or another, wondering if we should open our mouths about a certain troubling situation or not, or wondering how to approach a difficult subject. So I believe we all will probably identify with this poem. The author writes the poem in four short verses with thre lines each; making this poem a very short and easy read. If you've ever been in the type of situation as described in this poem...or even if you have not been, I think it will be a good read for you.
Review of The Sound  
Review by c.sands
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
'The Sound', a short story written by Tom Buckley tells the story of a young man who is fresh out of college, and is setting up his very own apartment for the first time. It is a funny rendition of the young man's very first night alone in his apartment. After having beer and pizza with his friends who helped to move him into his new home, he tries to settel himself in his bed for the evening. However, he finds that he is unable to sleep because of a desturbing buzzung sound . The author, Tom Buckley, describes an hilarious account of the young man serching all throughout his apartment trying to find the location and the source of the sound. The poor man even injures himself a couple of times in the process while looking for the desturbing buzing sound. 'The Sound' is funny enough to make you laugh out loud at least a couple of times. So if you are looking for a funny read in a nice short story, i recommend that you read 'The Sound' by Tom Buckley.
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