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Please follow an 18+ rating.*
If this works, it should have a video about pirates..y'know for inspiration.

This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. Something new to entertain and educate me.
SandraLynn Team Florent! - you are very welcome!
Well it's nearly taken me 24 hours but I finished 1 detective story. A Drabble and 2 entries for the weird and wonky writing challenge.

Oh by the way the latest entry in "Wonderful World is called "Autistic . It's kind of odd but if you want my thought on this type of neurodivergence, that entry has them all there.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 What A Job  (13+)
I was the oldest member of the crew of the "ship" Ignus Fatuous. We were "cursed" actors.

My firsthand experiences. I truly couldn't make this crap up.
I did something both brave and stupid. I still have a dental infection. But they just opened me up to check the implants for my fangs...I get them back in about two weeks. Yay...I think.*Vamp*

Also sucking your own blood through gauze is disgusting.*Sad* *Vomit* I hope the ooze stops soon.
If you're still struggling with week 1 of "Weird & Wonky World Writing Challenge here is a link to a slightly disturbing video about mass poisoning. (6/8 was National Pick Your Poison Day.)

  •   1 comment
Sorry I did warn people it's disturbing. My bad.
So fathers. Some are good, some are awesome, some suck out loud.(sorry, but I calls it the way I see it. Not anyone here but let's just say there's a reason I chose to live with my in-laws when my husband died.) To all the wonderful dads who're trying their best, no matter what age your kids are or what hemisphere you're in HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!!
Just a head's up... in Australia, Father's Day is in September, and in Northern Europe it's in November.

It's not like Mother's Day - this one ain't a universal thing.
s - thanks for letting me know that. Did you know that in Japan they also have Grandparent's Day and Kids day? They also celebrate their dead ancestors in Japan. This takes place in August and used to be celebrated with something called Obon Matsuri. Roughly translated, it means "Festival of the Dead." They have stalls with games and food set up and people gather around and dance the Obon Odori. I attended one in university.

Anyways, back on the point. I'm trying to be inclusive. So you can ignore me or take this as a few months early well wishes. If you live in Europe or the southern hemisphere.
It's 83.8 Farenheit in our house right now. Bleah. Wishing I had curtains right now.
The temperature at work is 96. I’m feeling every degree.
Correction 93 at the moment (7:50 PM)
Scarypotato is okay - I have an AC but whenever I go outside, I can feel the heat but it's worse, where my cousin lives and he live in Fontana, Rialto CA. It can hit 100 degrees where my cousin lives, so I'm glad I don't live out there.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
Equine  (ASR)
Every day, the girl walked past their pasture.
A semi true story.
It's funny, I thought therapy was supposed to help me manage my emotions better. Tomorrow would've been the four year anniversary of her death. She had cancer, stage four. Two weeks after her diagnosis, her bowel perforated and it took her three miserable days to die. And of course it was during the early days of CoVid so she was only allowed two visitors. My brother jumped on that opportunity. Me? I was living with my in laws in New Jersey. One of the Pandemic Hot Zones! All I got to do to say goodbye was a video chat with my mother whose throat was so dry she had to do her final words to me in sign language! It muddle fudging sucked! It's forking worse that in all that time I haven't had the chance to get back to New Mexico to visit her grave! I'm a shirt faced sorry excuse of a daughter! And I'm not going to apologize for this ranting post or my excessive sham swears and exclamation marks! What a muddle fudging, shirt faced, dagnabbit sort of mood I'm in!
I understand your frustrations and loss.

I lost my mom in 2008, my dad in 2012, and my oldest sister in 2015, all due to cancer. I took my mom’s death the hardest and was hospitalized for two weeks, and then attended outpatient therapy for a month.

Please don’t beat yourself up; everyone mourns differently and in their own time/way. Take all the time you need. There are people here who understand and support you.
Also I would like to know why the fork my giphy became a YouTube vid of Team RWBY?! What the fork? Dagnabbit that ain't the giphy I ordered! Whatever I deleted it.
I lost my wife to cancer three years ago. I still have days where I pretty much never leave my bed except to eat and go to the bathroom.
Today I learned how to make "preserves." I helped make five one pint jars of mashed up strawberries, sugar and pectin into something my father in law insists is jelly. All I know is the cooking process literally stinks.(Like someone threw up after eating a whole bunch of vegetables.)

I don't know if I can stomach another round of canning. I don't think I would've survived the 19th century when they did that on the regular.
Pumpkin - count yourself fortunate. I inherited my mom's sense of smell. She could smell pickled beets through the can—after the product was stone cold. In my case, if anything is the least bit fragrant, it could become over stimulating.
I think it’s the vinegar or pickling spices. Not much difference between canning solution and the permanent wave solution. I was there for both as a teenager.
Jay O'Toole - no vinegar just hot mashed strawberries, pectin and sugar.
I added two entries to my blog. "The Real COJCOLDS .
The first is long and maybe a little boring "Covenants and Ordinances but if you want to know about my religions rituals, this is a good place to start. The entry on "Agency is much shorter and might cause some raised dander from a neurologist's point of view. If you want to write a story or script about the "mormons" please check these out first. Just to ensure you're not off base.
I was trying to write whilst watching Sister Boniface, they started singing "Knees Up Mother Brown". I gazed at the screen in horror. That was the song my mom used to sing to me when I was a constipated toddler trying to pass diamond hard stools.

I shouted "Not the poop song!"

My thought train derailed and I still have to finish my entry for the Weird and Wonky World challenge! Ugh, I think I'll take a break and brb
I hope you manage to re-rail your thought train. It's always a challenge to write when your thought train derails.
Sister Boniface is quite the ptogram. Thanks for sharing your memory?
SandraLynn Team Florent! - I like Sister Boniface, but it's just funny what memories a simple song can trigger.
For anyone who wants to be badly confused, review the following pieces.
Wonderful World  (E)
This is a book for the activity that Geminigem is hosting on her forum.
#2321114 by Scarypotato is okay

Bother  (13+)
A novel about a girl and a damaged robot together they changed their world.
#2311417 by Scarypotato is okay

If you have the patience and time to waste, go review them I dare ya! The only entry in the first book and the whole of the second are why I will never write a story from multiple POVs ever again!

Go on, hit me with your best shot!
Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 - it's ok, I just get upset when I get a review saying my writing was confusing and they didn't know who was narrating. I should really grow some thicker skin.
Scarypotato is okay - you read my story about the two guys in a band… that was my attempt at multiple povs. People quite literally either loved it or hated it… much like their reactions to *Think* *Dragonhead* *Dragonheadb**Rolling*
Amethyst Angel🌸📝🪽 - I really liked that one. It was fun to read!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Reverend Corn  (18+)
Given the nickname "Reverend" for his pious façade, Saul Corn was the law in his parts.

A Drabble of the Old Western United States. No gore lots of grit.

Unless you're reading my mind (in which case, please stop), it's only week 5. I haven't put week 6 up yet...

s - oh whoops! I'll fix that.
Sharing a game that is pretty good as far as sci-fi/fantasy RPG goes. https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html?lang=en-us...

This is the update page for Honkai:StarRail v2.3
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/scarypotato14