Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/anuradha143
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Every time, when I heard your name, I feel like my body started shivering. Even though, I stopped talking to you, it's not like it matters for you, still I couldn't stop thinking about you. Your single thought still make my heart beat faster and feel pain, at the same time. This much you have control over me, without even knowing.
Pain increasing, loneliness taking over me, starting losing control over emotions...

Even I'm afraid of dark but still I feel myself safe more in darkness than the light *Pen*...

May all life’s blessings be yours, on your birthday and always.
Kindest Regards, Lilli

Hello everyone
"Tee x Fuse
this is my new work. Please read it and give me your reviews.
Thank you. Stay Safe, Be careful *Hug*
"Without You

Hello, all Wdc members,
I hope you all safe and stay at home.
I upload my new work, I really hope you all like it and give me your reaction and suggestions about my new work.
All the Wdc members take care of yourself and stay at home
Be safe and alert
Be healthy 🙂❤️
"You and Me Forever

I added my new work
I hope all of u read it.
"Yes, I'm afraid

Hello, my all Wdc friends,
hope you all fine,
I write something new read and give me your review.

Hey everyone,
Long time no see.
I write something new again.
Please read my new story and give your reviews.
I'm waiting for your response.
Thank you.....
  •   1 comment
Hey! Welcome back!

Just so you know, the typical way to post a link is either with "My Confession or

 My Confession  (E)
I'll fall in love with my best friend.......
#2213796 by MaasumBachi

To do either of those, you need the item number. However, if it's one of the last like 6 or so items you've written or edited, it will just automatically pop up after you type the colon when you type {item: or {bitem: but not that those are braces, not parentheses. *Wink*

If you need the item number, you can find it on the page under the title and description. Also, your item number is in the link. That's where I got it. *Bigsmile*

Here's how you create your links. {item:2213796} *Right* "My Confession
or {bitem:2213796} *Down*

 My Confession  (E)
I'll fall in love with my best friend.......
#2213796 by MaasumBachi

Congratulations on getting something written! I should totally do that... *Think* *Laugh*
This is the link to my new story, can you all tell me how it is?
Thank you all.

  •   1 comment
Hey! Good job posting a link so people will click on it. Let me show you how to post a link the WdC way. *Bigsmile*

There are 2 ways. See that number at the end of the link? That's the item number. It's also under the title when you look at your story. Officially you need that item number, but in reality, the last like 6 or so items you've worked on will automatically pop up, so in your case, you don't need to know it. In the future, you can copy and paste it, though. *Wink*

Anyway, you can do {item: or {bitem: formats, depending on what you need. Note that those are braces, not brackets or parenthesis. *Wink* Here are what your 2 item links would look like.

{item:2210924} *Right* "The Thief Princess and The Musician

 The Thief Princess and The Musician  (E)
Love is happiness but also gave us Pain.
#2210924 by MaasumBachi

For lessons on more stuff you might want/need to know, you can check out "WhataLand or, of course, the Writing.com 101 area.

Great job posting on the newsfeed though! FYI, if you want, you can edit your item now and change the link. *Smile* See the little arrow in the upper right corner? Click that, then click Edit. Below your post is where you can edit it. Though if you edit it once and realize you need to edit it again, after you've saved your edits, refresh the screen to edit again. Sometimes you also need to do this to see the edits take over as well. Good luck! You got this!
Hello everyone,
I just uploaded a new story on my portfolio after a long time, can you all tell me how it is?
This is a link of my new story.
I know that I'm not a good writer. But I want to try.
Please help me to improve myself.
I am waiting for your response.
thank you, everyone.
  •   1 comment
Link the story to the post, then people can directly go read your story
My Broken Heart

I will not make the mistake of wanting you again. Once I am broken and shattered, I will not make the mistake of breaking again. Even if you try to return again, God promise I will not let you come again in my life.
  •   1 comment
I'm not sure if this is based on a true story or not, but thanks for sharing! And if it's true, stay strong. You will get through it! *Hug*
What has writing been for me?
Make my feelings reach people, which I cannot say

what is writing for you, friends?
You say you have nothing but your brother. I don't even have that. No mom, no dad, so siblings, no grandparents, and my children have almost all moved away. I still feel you have lots in your life. You have wdc friends, you have your writing. In my writing I make the worlds like I'd have them be. You can make worlds as you'd like them. Write about the family and events you remember
Hello, all writing.com's members.
I have uploaded my first story in my portfolio. Please read it.
I hope u all like my story.
give me your reviews about my story.
Thank you in advance.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/notebook/anuradha143