Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/savedtico
October 8 1969
Fayetteville, North Carolina
About Me
Married to the most beautiful woman in the world and have the luckiest 8 kids in the world to prove it. US Army Veteran, with combat tours in Panama (89-90); Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Iraq as well as others I don't remember. Originally from Los Angeles (Carson) but been in NC since 89.
Writing Style
Tolkien married Margaret Weis, I might be a love child..lol. I like to think that my styles are original, I hope you do too.
I love my God, my family, and then my fantasy stories. I work because I have to, but if I hit the lottery I would spend my life with the aforementioned and enjoy life one day at a time.
Website / Homepage
Allan Meza @FB
Favorite Genres
Fantasy as in Epic, High, and anything remotely like Dragonlance.
Favorite Books
Magic Kingdom for Sale! (Brooks); Any Dragonlance, Thieves Guild (Aspirin); Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weiss. Oh yeah, that Tolkien fellow and C.S. Lewis do a great job too. And I have to give a shot out to Guardians of the Flame series....
Favorite Music
Anything that does not include any of the following: I hate my husband/boyfriend themes,tractor broke down or there's an alcoholic in the family, or how good the next beer is going to taste. Oh yeah, that includes avoiding songs with cursing too.
Favorite Movies
LOTR, Robin Hood (Kevin Costner); Excalibur; Secret of Nimh; Labyrinth to name a few
    Rated: 13+ · Drama · #1647074
    Writing Prompt for a gift that can't be returned
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/savedtico