Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/rennur
April 23 1948
Gainesville, FL - Fairanks, AK - and NC.
About Me
Retired. Always wanted to write, but never had the courage. Degrees in Anthropology, Philosophy, Biology, Medicine and Therapeutic Massage. Extremely varied occupational history. That's about it, until I think of something else.
Type of Writer
I don't know. You tell me. I had to make up my own genre. Situational Existentialism.
Writing Style
Pretty sloppy actually, but I'm trying to do better.
Long distance running, Hiking, Camping, Reading, Relaxing, Dreaming, Etc.
Group Memberships
I'm not much of a joiner.
Favorite Genres
I dislike the idea of genres. I would have to say I prefer literary fiction; for it may include any genre.
Favorite Books
About 92% of the time when I finish a book, especially if it is an exceptionally long book, I say, "Wow! That is one of the best books I ever read". So now how do you expect me to list my favorites?
Favorite Authors
Various at various times. Currently David Mitchell and Huraki Murakami.
Favorite Poets
I don't like poetry. Seldom read it. Somebody said that a lot more people write poetry than read it. Yea - I write it - I finally figured out it didn't have to rhyme. Before that I just wrote limericks. Update - Starting to like it.
Favorite Quote
I haven't said it yet.
Favorite Shows
Dr. Who
Printed from https://writing.com/main/profile/biography/rennur