Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113681-DEADPOOL
ID #113681
DEADPOOL   (Rated: 18+)
Product Type: DVD
Reviewer: BasementKat
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 17.02
Product Rating:
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Summary of this DVD...
Warning: Fangirl outpouring of colossal proportions incoming. Squee! *happy dance*

Ahem, this here is the girl who usually roots for the bad guys / gals (and anti heroes) in movies because let's face it, they get to have so much more fun. And I'm so over the good guys not being allowed to kill anyone. Come on. Really? Not even one? What if nobody is looking? All you have to do is blast this schmuck into oblivion and - BOOM - you save the next two hundred or so people they're destined to kill. But no, there are morals, and values and *yawn* I'm sorry I just got bored all of a sudden.

Batman is a badass but even he can't be the ultimate protector. He's got a code. He watched his parents get murdered and that makes him draw the line. But what if Batman were able to kill the Joker when he crashed the fundraiser for Harvey Dents campaign to run for D.A. of Gotham. ‘I believe in Harvey Dent!’ It started out so beautifully didn’t it? Batman was (technically) there. He could have put an end to it that night. And guess who would still be alive if he did? Rachel. Rachel Dawes would still be alive Batman! Yeah you sit and think about that… I’m sorry, too soon? Superman, Spiderman, they follow the code too - but let's not get completely blindsided by superheroes and supervillians. We are talking about a mutant after all – albeit a man-made mutant.

The goodie mutants follow the same code too. Professor Xavier knows what you did, but he won't be mad - he'll just be disappointed. Poor young Rogue could kill you with a handshake, but she avoids all human contact. Storm could flatten an entire continent if she wanted to, and Jean Grey well, let’s just say Jean might have needed a little nap.

Hell even Wolverine stops short of eviscerating Sabretooth (most of the time) when the guy antagonises the hell out of him for fun. (Talk about sibling rivalry though... 'Nobody kills you but me...') And even though Wolverine's got some serious anger management issues, he's all about pulling that last fatal punch. He only killed Jean because she begged him to. And yes, I didn't forget, he did decapitate Deadpool - but that doesn't really count because Deadpool can't die. And Deadpool in Origins didn't really count either because that wasn't really Deadpool. Which brings us to…
I recommend this DVD because...
In the red corner - entering the ring with a flying clothesline - we have newcomers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, who you'll remember wrote the smashing flick Zombieland (with one of my all time favourite zombie killers, Tallahassee, played by Woody Harrelson – I told you I like the anti-heroes!). Some might say these guys had big shoes to fill in their first dalliance writing a movie for the Marvel Universe.

I'd say they filled a void.

Into that void swaggers Deadpool. He’s crass. He’s got no morals. He’s a mercenary and he’s technically a good guy - well, I suppose he's more chaotic neutral than 'good' - who WILL kill a baddie for money or selfish need. He won't string them up in a net, or break their nose, or leave them on the steps of city hall with their hands bound. He will straight up blow their brains out. And bust out a killer one liner while he's at it. Uhh, I know who I'd rather have protecting my city. Evil doers would really start to think twice now wouldn't they? And giving him a sullen sidekick that can literally explode, who named herself after a Monster Magnet song that has a portmanteau in it? (my favourite type of word, by the way) Argh I'm dying here! Thankyou Ryan Reynolds for making Deadpool a reality, and here's to a whole series of movies coming out around V-Day each year please!

/end squee

Created Jul 30, 2018 at 9:05pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113681-DEADPOOL