Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/823156-MIND-BODY-SPIRIT-AND-SOUL
Rated: E · Poetry · Women's · #823156
This is my very first poem...go easy. ;-)

Love me for me,
mind, body, spirit and soul,
because I do that for you.
Even more, because as my man,
you should want to.

Don’t look at me as if I am less than a woman
when I come in the room wearing fuzzy slippers,
stuffed animal in hand,
prepared to gaze off into TV land.
Appreciate the fact that in my heart,
there is still youth.

Don’t look at me as if I am less than a woman
when I step in wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and a shirt declaring,
Appreciate the fact that I still find it
important to express myself in any manner I so choose.
Appreciate my ability to be me,
and my ability to be proud of the me that
I am being.

Don’t look at me as if I am less than a woman
when you come in and find me relaxing on the couch when
there’s plenty to be done.
Appreciate the fact that I have the mind
to allow myself serenity when I feel the need to succumb.

Don’t look at me as if I am less than a woman
when I cry about the stresses in my life.
Appreciate the fact that I have found the strength to let it all
instead of killing myself by holding on to the strife.

Don’t look at me as if I am less than a woman
when I reach out and let you know that I am in need.
Appreciate the fact that I have the heart
to ask that you be the one that takes heed.

Don’t turn a blind eye to my desperate
cry for love and affection.
For the day that you allow
for that eye to open,
you’ll finally see,
the woman I have become,
has by far
surpassed the man you’ll
ever be.

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