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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2326589
Snippet #02 of the snippet series Another Shattered Hold: Edenic Nine.
Another Shattered Hold: Edenic Nine - Snippet #02

Iictor’s boots thudded heavily on the cobblestone path as he approached the ornate iron gate of his family’s estate. The screech of rusted hinges announced his arrival, but the foyer was empty. Too empty. His instincts screamed trap. Drawing his dagger, his senses were on high alert.

“Iiracle?” Iictor called out warily, stepping through the doorway. His sister knew he would be home and usually waited by the door for his arrival. So why was this time different? Then, he heard Iiracle’s musical laughter echo from the shadows -- just before a bucket of ice-cold water rained over his head. Sputtering, Iictor shook his head to try and shake the water out.

When he opened his eyes, Iiracle stood before him with the most innocent and adorable smile.

“Oh, brother! Is it raining outside?” she asked, trying her hardest not to laugh.

Iictor grunted as he spits water off to the side. “Pouring. Now hug me!”

Then, before the Shaulker girl could run away, he picked her up in a bear hug and rubbed his wet face against her cheek.

“Ah! That’s cold! The ice worked great!” She laughs, trying to wiggle out, but when she can’t free herself, she leans in and licks his eyes.

The feeling of her saliva-coated tongue against his poor eyeball made Iictor cringe both inwardly and outwardly, instantly letting her go so he could use the edge of his suit coat to wipe his eye off.

“That’s so gross…you’re going to infect my eye. How will I be able to work then?” he questioned, his tone serious, but she knew he was joking.

“You won’t! Then you will lose your job and must stay home all the time! You can be the perfect housewife while I work!” Iiracle responded as if she had it all planned out from the start.

“How wonderful…” Iictor said, his voice thick with sarcasm, before leaning in and kissing her forehead. Then, he walked down the hall toward the dining room. “Speaking of work, have you decided what field you want to work in yet? The Arcane Arts school is fantastic, or so I’ve heard.”

Iiracle hesitated momentarily, fidgeting with the sleeves of her blouse nervously. “Actually, I was thinking of going into fractal exploration…they are starting a program where teams will venture out into some uncharted territory around the city. Try to colonize it.”

Frowning, Iictor paused as he was about to grab the newspaper off the table. He had hoped his baby sister would avoid anything involving the military -- especially his line of work. However, fractal exploration was better than what he did.

“Are you sure about this, sis? I mean…you’ll be away from home -- a lot. We don’t know what is out there, either. It could be dangerous.” while he didn’t want to discourage her, Iictor wanted his sister to understand how challenging fractal exploration could be.

“That’s okay because you can join me! Schooling for it takes about two years. That gives you plenty of time to retire!” she countered quickly, skipping over to the kitchen while he stood by the dining table.

“Well…I suppose that does give us some time to save up. But…this job doesn’t usually like people leaving it.” Iictor pondered, more to himself than to her, but she responded anyway.

“Well, you’re gonna have to find a way.” She stirred the contents of a pot on the steam-powered stove, and Iictor could smell its deliciousness from where he stood. As he observed closer, he noticed that the meal had been made for more than two people. “Hey, I know you just got back, but I need you to shower and put on the nice outfit I have sitting on your bed.”

Iictor raised an eyebrow. “Why..?”

Then, there was a soft knock at the door.

“Because you stink from work! Now go hurry!” she ushered him, wiping off her hands. Iictor rolled his eyes but decided that he could use a shower and took the stairs up to the bedrooms and bathroom. Once she saw him disappear up the steps, Iiracle quickly ran to the door and opened it.

“Good evening, Kaylith! Wow, you look amazing!”

“Aw, thanks!” the young Lumarian lady with golden blond hair replied, stepping up to kiss Iiracle on the cheek in greeting before walking into the foyer. “So, is your brother back yet? I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve seen him last!”

“Yeah, he is just getting cleaned up and shouldn’t be too much longer! How was work today?” Iiracle asked as the two headed back towards the dining hall.

Kaylith sighed. “Crazy, as usual. Trying to live up to my Uncle’s expectations is…challenging. Mm…whatever you are cooking up smells delicious!”

“It’s just some simple noodles and red sauce! The delicious smell is the garlic-smothered bread, though! Doesn’t it smell amazing?! I haven’t tried this recipe before…” she trailed off as she walked into the adjoining kitchen, beginning to prepare the dishes as she questioned her further. “Is your uncle still trying to push you to the top of the church?”

Kaylith nodded yes, sitting at the table while Iiracle began placing the plates full of food in front of three chairs. “He wants me to take his place as the High Templar of the One Divine Church. But…I can’t help but feel the church might be wrong…you know? I mean, did you hear that another child was shot today for simply protesting outside the Royale House? She was only sixteen annums…”

Iiracle frowned as she placed the last dish. “That’s…horrible…have you tried speaking out against them?”

“I’m too afraid…so I’ve never tried. But someone has to do something…” Kaylith said, her tone somber.

“You two shouldn’t speak ill of the Royales or the One Divine. It’s a surefire way to end up labeled an insurgent and shot.” Iictor told them as he descended the steps, wearing a casual yet sharp monochrome outfit.

“Yeah, but she is important, not just some commoner,” Iiracle argued, her frown still in place. “Plus, you wouldn’t let anyone shoot me, so I’m not worried.”

Kaylith pursed her lips. “Besides, it’s just between us…I don’t think I could ever voice my concerns with my Uncle, let alone the Royales.”

But Iictor was no longer paying attention to the conversation. He was frozen at the bottom of the stairs as he watched flickers of movement from outside the window, his eyes trained on what appeared to be a shadowy figure.

Iiracle saw her brother’s expression and instinctively started walking backward toward the hidden gun in the kitchen. “Brother? Is something wrong?”

“Get down,” Iictor commanded quietly.

“What?” Kaylith blinked, utterly clueless as to what was happening.

“Both of you, get down!” he repeated urgently. Sliding across the dining table, the carefully prepared dinner plates fell to the ground and shattered just as Iictor jumped through the glass window pane. Instinctively rolling to his feet, he grabbed the intruder before they could run away, pulling them both to the ground.

“Who are you? What are you doing outside our home? " Iictor asked, pinning the suspect and pushing his face against the dirt.

“Let go of me, you freak! I’m not here for you!” the gruff man responded as he struggled to escape Iictor’s grasp.

By this time, the two young ladies managed to reach the front door, Iiracle stepping outside first with a gun in hand. “What is going on?!”

Kaylith followed closely behind her, cowering until she saw a glimpse of long antlers in the dim street light and recognized the perpetrator.

“Mathien? What are you doing here?!”

Iictor looked back at the two women with a confused expression but loosened his grip on the Critnae man so he could barely see them.

“Kay! I could ask you the same thing! What are you doing at this monster’s house??”

“Monster? What are you talking about?” Kaylith asked, bewildered.

At this point, Iictor could gather that the man wasn’t too much of a threat, so he stood them both up and let go of Mathien, his expression dark. “I’d be very careful with what you say next!”

“He works for the Royale military. The same military that is killing us!” Mathien says anyway, glaring at Kaylith.

“Yes, he works for the military, but that doesn’t mean he’s--” she tried to explain, but then he cut her off.

“Who do you think killed that girl today? I saw him leaving the building where the shot came from!”

Having heard enough, Iictor grabbed Mathien by the shirt, threw him off to the side easily, then told him coldly, “Get off my property. Or it’ll be you I kill next!”

Kaylith stared at Iictor in shock. “B-By the divine…it’s true, isn’t it?” she questioned, but the look in Iictor’s eyes was unmistakable. After taking a deep breath, Kaylith stepped away from Iiracle.

“I’m sorry, Iiracle, I-I have to go…” then she ran up to Mathien and helped him stand.

“You will burn for what you’ve done to us!” Mathien shouted before turning away from Kaylith and running off, the Lumarian girl following behind.

“B-Brother…is it true?” Iiracle tried to breathe but found it difficult, staring imploringly at Iictor, searching for any sign that Mathien had been lying. But he continued to stare at the ground, his hands shaking as he tried to stay calm.

“Come inside, sis. We have a lot to talk about.”
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