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Rated: E · Chapter · Adult · #2326484
Dark Society
Luis and Alex sat talking about Sabrina, Karen, and countless recent events. During which time, the remains of an empty scotch bottle served as a reminder. More often than not, Luis wouldn't have indulged, but his parents had eloped to Birmingham, so he'd have the house to himself for several more days.

“She's not calling anytime soon,” Alex declared, staring.

Slowly, Luis's eyes lifted.

“She will,”

Though they'd spoken at length, one topic stood avoided: Alex's affection for Karen. Initially, Luis felt unsure about the potential relationship, but nonetheless stayed supportive, despite knowing Karen's actual feelings.

“She's still in love with you,” Alex frequently revealed.

Not surprisingly, Luis winced, since he'd often detoured her flirtatious behavior. On a similar note, Karen merited tolerance, and after achieving an acceptable compromise, Alex bid Adieu.

Hours later, the evening became crisp and cloudy, so Luis suppressed the lights and settled into the recliner, wanting to clear his mind of conflict and indecision. Of necessity, he reread several messages, but sighed, since none of which were from Sabrina.

On a different note, he'd stand shocked by a message he didn't expect. In the same way, he wasn't sure if he should reply, considering the awkwardness. Just the same, the phone again began to ring for the third time in as many minutes.


By coincidence, the mellow voice stood recognizable. It was, in fact, Karen, and she expected conversation.

“I hope I'm not bothering you,”

Not alarmingly, words were sharp and raspy, yet Luis understood Karen's tone. In the same vein, he knew what was coming and aimed to downplay the awkwardness.

“You are,”

“I need to talk,”

Throughout, interest piqued, despite Karen's need for gossip. Allowing for this, Luis continued to listen.

“So, talk,”

“Not over the phone,”

Over time, Luis grew still as Karen's voice mellowed. Although, knowing her as he did, he wasn't in the mood for senseless drama.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Can I stop over?”

With discretion, he considered the idea, since refusing would make him sound neglectful and raging. So within these boundaries, he reluctantly agreed.

“I'll see you in a bit,”

All at once, the snowfall began, but Karen lived close and could be there in minutes. Even then, Luis sulked, realizing that aspects of their past, along with Karen's mounting health problems, needed closure. Strangely enough, the more he thought about it, the worse he felt. Because he was hurting more than Karen realized, and it wasn't a coincidence. From then on, the snowfall intensified, so Luis assumed Karen would reconsider. Though, while drifting off, he again stood roused by the phone ringing.

“A bit late, isn't it?”

“I was busy, now open up; it's cold out here,”

Gradually, Luis hung up the phone and headed to the door. Albeit, he didn't turn on the lights, wanting to maintain the soothing ambiance. True to form, opening the drapes, Karen stood impatiently waiting.

“Open the door, you jerk!”

“Is it cold out?”

By nature, Karen displayed a derogatory gesture as he occupied the doorway.

“Hey, where are you going!?” Luis shouted. “Are you coming in or what!?”

On the double, Karen hurried inside as he hastened to close the door. Next, Luis reentered the living room as she stared with the crudest expression.

“Not funny,”

“Beware friends baring gifts,” he pronounced, as Karen set a new bottle of scotch in ice.

“You're drunk,”

Again, Luis snickered.

“Of course, and it's still early.”

From there, Karen settled on the sofa as Luis trailed every move. A state of attraction she observed countless times, and one Karen relished.

“I'm sorry I'm late,”

Instantly, Luis adjusted, glancing.

“It's all right,” he answered. “However, since you're here, we should talk.”

For years, Karen battled residual feelings, but Luis knew her better than anyone and seemed ready to listen. Regardless of that, she felt the necessity to remain somewhat guarded.

“I already told you what I think and feel,”

Right away, Luis lowered the glass, mourning.

“I'm sorry I leapt to judgments,” he explained. “It wasn't fair to you, and it made everything worse.”

“If you're trying to apologize, I accept,”

From the beginning, scintillating eyes accentuated her smooth and impeccable silhouette. In consequence, Luis frequently turned away as thoughts wandered. In a related move, Karen often smiled, pleased that he'd continued to fantasize. Either way, Luis seemed complacent, though she'd again awakened his awareness.

“You tend to overreact,”

Of course, she'd remained conceited, but he'd nonetheless merited her bewitching temper.

“You can't make me feel worse than I already do,” he added. “So, how about giving me a break?”

Scrutinizing his not-so-steady posture, Karen followed Luis to the table. Perhaps, it was the cocktails or reminiscing, but his passions stood aroused. Thereby, she relished the contrasts while urging him back into the chair.

“It was a bad idea to come here,”

Instantly, Luis seized her hand.

“You don't have to go,”

From here, eyes locked with the ferocity they always shared. Just the same, Luis was again falling prey to her seductive nature, so while gazing into Karen's eyes, everything seemed effortless. Thereupon, hands roamed as inhibitions and thoughts of consequence dissipated. And though it was wrong, there wasn't an incentive to stop. In which case, they moved to the sofa, eager to commit. Although, despite the sordid appetites, his heart was elsewhere.

“We have to stop,”

“What are you doing?” she barked. “You can't stop,”

Briefly, Luis shifted to the window.

“It's wrong,”

Springing up, her eyes sank as she worked through her hair. In the end, Karen was furious, but even more perplexed.

“What's wrong with two people expressing their love?”

Not surprising, Luis didn't respond immediately, as countless notions followed. And though he desired Karen, he couldn't convey false hopes or toy with emotions. Not counting, if they committed, the pain of change would've meant nothing. In a broader sense, he'd learned relevant lessons, and if Luis opened his heart, the pain of loss would return.

“It's not that simple,”

“It could be, but you're never going to let the animosity go, are you?”

“I've tried, but it hasn't been easy,”

“Nothing worth having ever is.” Karen retorted. “I've loved you for so long, but since the day you met,”

On the spot, a rage surged as everything began to make sense. Even then, Luis sought to console her, but Karen again felt degraded and embarrassed. From this perspective, the realization stood clear -- the man she loved didn't love her back. In view of this, she retreated, slamming the door behind her. Thereupon, Luis inched towards the desk, opened a laptop, and began punching keys. Where, soon after, he'd make a decision that'd change his life forever.
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