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Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2325976
Week 7 Weird and Wonky World Challenge Penny gives Zach wise advice her mother gave her
Week 7 Invite an Alien to Live With You Day (7/21)

It Happened One Sunny Day

It was an ordinary day where the sky was bluer than blue with a hint of a cloud spotted here and there and the sun parked itself above adorned in yellow and gold. Penelope was out in the backyard, planting pansies in her garden. She stood, drew a deep breath, and thanked the good Lord above for granting her another day on this glorious planet. It was her favorite planet. Her favorite flower was the pansy. She found a variety of colors at the garden nursery and resumed planting.

The starship, Columbia, prepared for its maiden voyage from Zacharius, the newest planet in the Snicker galaxy. The local aliens called it Zeke for short. The population was comprised of beings with intelligence quotients no lower than genius. From hatchling to young’un to adulthood, each was groomed for their part in the wheel of command. Each was a proven leader. From their ranks, a group leader was selected. Zach was the choice of Team Alpha. Zach was a descendant of Zacharius I. His great-grandfather found this planet on a trip to the End Lands eons ago. He felt it was important for his group to outdo, outrun, and outthink the rest.

The day of competition came as always on the summer equinox. Their exhibition of strength and endurance commenced at dawn. Zach was entered in every contest stretched throughout the three-day competition. His arrow held gently but securely on his bow glided exactly to the bull’s eye. His skill was honed with the aid of his Uncle Zeus, the record holder in archery, disc lifting, and tumbling. He was not a braggart nor took his expertise for granted. Every moment he was not required to be at his post was spent practicing. ‘Practice makes perfect,’ his mom frequently told him.

Without warning, after the competition was completed and his medals were safely stowed in his strong box, he was summoned to the Arsenal and Admin shelter. Things looked bleak for Zacharius. The threat of annihilation from neighboring Ramulus brewed menacingly. Their coverlings were spotted by an early detection warning team north of the city. Zach took his orders from the coordinators at the A and A shelter.

“Direct hit is expected in thirteenminutes, team. Prepare your anti-coverling transport pods to lift off in five minutes. Speed is of the essence,” he commanded. His team outperformed any, and all they were pitted against in the recent competition. They were elevated to very important aliens. With this title, VIA, they were able to obtain any and all goods and services on Zeke.
“Make haste, my fellow aliens. It is for the honor of Zeke and all of her progeny. Victory is ours. Use your mental prowess to overtake and overcome the wrong doers. We have considered this possibility of events many times. Engage now and choose the absolute best plan of action. You have five minutes, team. Use it wisely.” Nods from most of the group and a couple of audible ‘go team, go!’ chants started low, then louder. The group yelled themselves into action and dispersed to do as was commanded.

Penny, as her daddy nicknamed her, was finished with the planting. She hammered a white wooden fencing, about a foot high, around the new flowering plants. The hoeing and mulching of her small section, left her tired and thirsty. A cloud snuck its way high above, then another, and more. The once sunny day disappeared, replaced with clouds, a chilling wind, and the strong anticipation of rain showers. How much the earth welcomed the rain. It would feed her plants and clean off the dust accumulated over the dry season. She was alone with her thoughts of what happened at this garden a mere iota before.

A coverling had landed just beyond the orange grove at the yonder edge of their land. She recognized its neon red sphere shadowing the sky whose sun was about to nestle under the horizon presently. The topside opened, an alien climbed out, and transported itself to her side.

Breathless, the alien said, “Penelope Jane Jasper, it is I, Zach, from the plant Zacharius come to ask for your help. I need to communicate with my team scattered about the Universe. The Ramulus ruler has vowed to eliminate every alien off the face of Zeke, my home and the home of my team. Can you help?” It was a plea she could not ignore. She sensed this was urgent. She motioned for alien Zach to follow her. She stopped abruptly, turning to look into his alien eyes.

I invite you to come live in my quarters for today and after, for as long as it takes to achieve your mission. Longer if the need arises.

Zach was pleased to be asked and honored to accept Penny’s invitation. He had heard about the good nature and alien welcome from Earthlings. He was reassured that his mission would be accomplished now that the pressure to find food and shelter was off. His grandfather’s description proved to be accurate. Being taken in by an earthling was an experience like nothing other he’d known. Penny was an ideal hostess and had the intellect to match any being on his planet.

“We need to stop this unprovoked attack on my alien nation,” he told her. “What will we do to mitigate these aggressive combatants?”

Penny looked into his alien eyes. She had seen that desperate countenance once. Her memory was a scant image of another time and a different alien. The advice that her mother had given to the alien then was successful.

“Kill them with kindness, Zach. “That is the ticket to peace and harmony. Convey that to your group. One by one the kind acts will turn the hearts of the invading aliens. Peace will come about swiftly. I guarantee it.”

And that, gentle reader, is how Zacharius and Ramulus settled their differences. Mindful of that, be kind always.
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