Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2325756-in-my-eyes
by mujona
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Inspirational · #2325756
everything for him
in my eyes, your soul shines with a brilliant light, yet it carries a shadow from the pain you hold within. i see that pain reflected in your eyes, the hurt you’ve endured from others, the fears you have of letting it go. but without that pain, who would you be? what would you become? is that what you think? to me, you are more than your suffering, more than your imperfections, more than you can imagine. you are a unique and remarkable presence, a beauty that you may not fully see in yourself.

in your eyes, you might feel like you're defined by your imperfections and flaws, believing that you deserve the pain that weighs on your heart and soul. yet, i see the longing in you for love and happiness, the love and happiness you've desired for so long. i want to offer you that love and happiness, the kind that nurtures and supports you, and not just romantically but in a way that reassures you that someone truly cares about you and wants you as much as you want them.

in your eyes, it seems you feel unworthy of such love, care, and happiness, thinking you must earn it somehow. but that stuff isn't something you have to earn; it’s a basic need that everyone deserves. and you, more than most, need and deserve that love, care, and happiness in your life.

in my eyes, you are worth more than a million stars. you deserve all the love and care in the world, and if i could give you everything you deserve, i would do it in a heartbeat. and maybe one day i will be able to, but for now, all i can do is tell you how truly worthy you are and love you from afar. in your eyes, you might feel worthless, as if you don’t belong here or aren’t meant to be alive. the pain you carry inside overshadows everything, and you may believe your heart isn’t capable of love or that you don’t deserve to be happy, so you avoid it all, running from what frightens you. you don’t have to run anymore. you have me. let me be your guiding light in the darkest nights, illuminating your path and helping you find your way. i am here for you, always.

you are deserving of joy and peace, even if it feels distant. every step you take towards healing is a victory, and every small moment of happiness is a testament to your strength. believe that you have the power to transform your pain into something beautiful. the love and care you seek are not just dreams; they are real, and they are waiting for you.

you are cherished more than words can express. even if it takes time to see your own worth, know that i see it clearly and unconditionally. your journey is unique, and every challenge you face only adds to the depth and beauty of who you are. embrace your own growth, however gradual it may seem. you have an inner resilience that shines through even when you doubt yourself. let that strength guide you toward the love and peace you deserve. your presence in this world is a gift, one that i value deeply. know that even in your lowest moments, you are not alone. i am here, believing in you and loving you always. your heart, though wounded, is capable of great love and joy. trust in that capacity, and let it be a source of strength and hope. you are a masterpiece in progress, with every experience adding to the richness of who you are. your story is still unfolding, and it holds so much promise and beauty. remember, even when you feel lost or unsure, there is a light within you that will guide you back to yourself. hold onto that light, and let it lead you through the darkness. even as you navigate the stormy seas of your emotions, know that calm waters are ahead. your spirit is strong enough to weather any storm, and each wave you overcome only makes you more resilient. in your quiet moments, when the world feels overwhelming, remember that your existence is a beacon of light for those around you. your very being has a way of touching lives in ways you may not fully see.
know that your journey is valued, and every step forward, no matter how small, is a triumph. you have an incredible capacity for growth and transformation, and your path is uniquely yours to follow. even when it seems like the shadows are closing in, remember that they cannot extinguish your light. you have a profound strength within you that will carry you through, you are never alone in your struggles. your essence is a gift to the world, and your presence brings warmth and love to those who need it most. trust in your own worth and allow yourself to embrace the beauty that lies within and around you.
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