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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Dark · #2325658
Samitha, on her 18th annum, must make a choice to follow fate or change it.
Standing beneath the willow tree, Samitha watched the branches sway gently in the breeze.

“Samitha?” one of the village Elders approached gently. The young woman turned to face him, her warm burgundy eyes distant, as her flowing midnight-blue hair shifted with the wind. The elder Gallus gave her an appreciative smile that wrinkled his face softly.

“The decorations are coming along splendidly; the children have woven the most beautiful garlands of moonflowers and nightlilies. It will be wondrous when the paths are lit with their soft glow.”

Samitha returned his smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m sure this year’s festival will be lovely,” she replied. “You and the rest of the village have outdone yourselves.”

Gallus shook his head. “It is you we have to thank, my dear. Your sacrifice will mean ultimate balance for the entire fractal. You give us hope.”

Her smile wavered slightly, and she turned away from him. “Of course…it is my destiny.”

Gallus nodded in agreement, not seeing the hesitance in her stance. “The children were hoping you would wear this beautiful necklace they weaved for you?”

Holding out the necklace made of flowers and string, Samitha couldn’t refuse. Silently, she took the gift and pulled it over her head, her fingertips delicately holding the nightlilies as she observed the pretty blooms. She then bowed her head in thanks.

“I will make sure to wear it during the festival. For now, I’d like to roam the forest one last time and make my final prayer.”

“Of course!” Gallus stepped aside so Samitha could slip away from the village, following a winding dirt path leading into the forest.

As she walked beneath the canopy of leaves, she felt the coolness of the shade embrace her. The ancient wood has been her sanctuary since childhood, among the trees and ferns during her darkest moments of doubt and despair.

The dappled sunlight shone brightly across her midnight blue hair as she made her way down to the glade, a secluded meadow filled with moonflowers that bloomed under the light of the twin moons.

Kneeling among the delicate blossoms, she closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. The gentle breeze caressed her cheek as if the forest's spirit reassured her.

Despite the serenity of her surroundings, Samitha’s heart remained heavy. She had tried to make peace with the prophecy that foretold her fate, but how could one accept being destined to unleash unimaginable destruction? It was unfair. And yet, she knew deep down that fighting her destiny was futile. The threads of prophecy were already woven.

Lost in thought, Samitha was drawn back to the world when she heard a faint whimpering nearby. Turning towards the source of the noise, she saw a creature limping towards the clearing, its fur matted with blood. Though afraid of the corruption emanating from it, Samitha felt compelled to help.

Approaching the furry animal, she spoke gently. “It’s alright, I won’t hurt you,”

She raised her hands, and the creature flinched but did not flee from her. As she neared, she recognized it as a foxivul, one of the forest’s timid inhabitants. When she was upon the creature, she saw the corruption was sourced from the claw-like wounds across its side.

Kneeling, Samitha extended her hand and allowed the foxivul to sniff her fingers. Sensing her kind intent, it nuzzled against her touch, its soft fur brushing her skin. Samitha carefully lifted the wounded creature and carried it towards the nearby stream. Whispering soothing words as she bathed its injuries, the blood and corruption washed away under the water. The foxivul relaxed in her grip, its pain fading.

Though Samitha knew she could not erase the taint of Revoirâme, she could take away some of the foxivul’s pain. Soon, its wounds slowly closed until they were mere scratches against the brilliant white fur. The kind animal emitted a musical purr and nuzzled Samitha affectionately.

Despite knowing that the poor life form would later be transformed into a Revoirâme creature, Samitha felt that the least she could do was make the animal comfortable before its inevitable death.

Staying by the stream, Samitha watched as the foxivul scampered happily back to the brush. She sighed and rose to her feet, turning towards the ancient stone archway that marked the boundary of her village.

Seeing the harm done by the Revoirâme made the young woman’s doubt even worse. How could she stand by while the corruption of Revoirâme twisted and destroyed so many innocent lives? The gentle creatures of the forest, the people that shared her home fractal - they did not deserve such suffering. Samitha knew in her heart that she could not simply wait for the end to come, not when there was still a chance she could change things.

As the weight of her decision settled in, Samitha felt a surge of determination wash over her. With conviction burning in her red eyes, she knew that she had to act. Without hesitation, she tore her gaze away from the village archway and sprinted further into the forest.

The wind whipped through her midnight hair as she ran faster than ever, each step resonating with purpose. Samitha’s heart pounded as thoughts of her devastated village fogged her mind, but she forced it to the back of her psyche, focusing instead on putting as much distance between her and her home as possible.

With nothing but the clothes on her back and a fierce resolve in her soul, Samitha disappeared into the forest, leaving behind the life she once knew. She was determined to confront the darkness of Revoirâme and bring light back to her fractured world. And as she vanished into the depths of the wilderness, a new chapter began - written in unwavering hope for a better tomorrow.
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